The battle was over, and the battle was over.

In a forest far away in Sinnoh, the Galaxy Group finally found Xuan Yi and others' hiding place. At this moment, they surrounded Xuan Yi and others on the edge of a cliff.

"What should I do?"

Dai Xiaolin looked at the abyss below and looked at the five people beside him for help.

"Now we can only give it a try!"

Tian Long was ready for the battle, and the fire-breathing dragon in front of him roared towards the front.

Obviously, the five people at this time had made this decision. They had already released their strongest partners and waited for the opponent's attack.

"Woo~ Umbreon, Lucario, Gardevoir, protect me."

Dai Xiaolin hid behind three Pokémon and looked at the people of the Galaxy Group pitifully as they pressed forward.

"Have you finally given up struggling?"

In the sky, Hunter J and her men blocked the sky and looked at Dai Xiaolin and the people of Daigo's team with indifference. Then, when he swept his eyes towards their Pokémon, there was some greed in his eyes.

When Xuanyi, Karum and others died, these Pokémon would belong to her. When she sold them at a high price, she would become rich.

"Let's go!"

Huoxing, Suixing and Zhenxing were gradually approaching, and Xuanyi shouted immediately.

Karum and Tianlong's Pokémon Bloodwing Dragon and Charizard took the lead in attacking Magna in the front.


Ma-la's eyes were full of disdain. He licked the claws on his hands, then jumped high, and his claws suddenly stretched out with a strong wind, hitting the head of the Bloodwing Dragon. The Bloodwing Dragon flew backwards and fell to the ground with the Charizard.


Two Lucario appeared on the left and right after the Bloodwing Dragon, and two wave missiles were aimed at Ma-la's forehead.


Ma-la smiled, held the claws of the two Lucario holding the wave missiles, and directly took the two Lucarios to a big windmill.

The wave missiles flew out of his hands and hit the cliff on the side, revealing two large holes, and the two Lucarios were thrown directly to the ground by Ma-la.


After returning to the ground, Ma-la licked his claws, with a hint of disdain in his expression.


Greninja and Chamaeleon appeared behind Magura on the left and right, attacking Magura with water shuriken and water stream.


Faced with the attack, Magura did not make any move. Behind it, Crowhead with Steel Wings directly blocked the two attacks, and then hit Greninja and Chamaeleon with powerful force, and the two Pokémon flew out backwards.

In just a moment, most of the five people's Pokémon fell, while Magura and Crowhead were still in full condition.

"The gap is too big. It seems that we have to die here."

Karum sighed, looking at the dense crowd on the opposite side, they would have no chance of survival.

"Can't fall into their hands."

Ye Xingchen took back the Pokémon and glanced at the dark and boundless cliff.

"Haha, you have nowhere to escape, dear... Hey, hey, hey!"

Huo Xing came over and sneered at the five members of Daigo's team and Dai Xiaolin. Just as he was about to speak, he saw them take back the Pokémon and jump off the cliff together.

The people of the Galaxy Group hurried forward to check and found that the six people had already disappeared into the darkness.

"A bunch of trash."

Hunter J looked at the scene in front of him coldly. He didn't expect that these idiots could let the cooked duck fly.

While they were anxious above, a huge whirlpool opened below the six people at the moment they jumped off the cliff, and the six people were directly sucked into the whirlpool.


Three days later.


At the alliance headquarters, many alliance members gathered in the lobby of Daigo's office. One of the girls looked at Daigo with an angry face.

"Damn Daigo, Calum has been missing for more than a week and hasn't contacted us yet. I have a feeling that something must have happened to him."

A girl wearing a chef's hat was slapping Daigo's table angrily, pointing a rolling pin in her hand at Daigo.

"Limeya, calm down. There are still three days before their mission. There is no news of their capture from within the Galaxy Group. Maybe they are just in a place where the signal is missing? If we send troops to rescue them now, what if we alert the enemy?"

Daigo was sweating coldly, with his hands in front of him, and he said helplessly to Limeya in front of him, "Why is this guy so stupid?"

Why are you so gentle to Calum and so fierce to others?

"I don't care, go find it now!"

Limeya slammed the desk heavily, as if she would crash into it and die if you didn't find it.

"Looking for... looking for Swamp Leap Fish? Puff~"

Behind her, a black-haired boy took over Limeya's words and turned his face into that of Swamp Leap Fish, and then laughed to himself.

"Ye Xiu, what are you laughing at?"

Limeya looked at Ye Xiu behind her in confusion. Why did this weird guy laugh to himself again?

"Uh... isn't my joke funny?"

Ye Xiu scratched his head. He didn't expect that there was such a strange person who couldn't laugh at his own jokes.

"Not funny! Bai Ye, didn't you come here with Carlos? Why don't you two follow me to find Calum?"

Limeya snorted coldly, and looked at Bai Ye, who was silent beside Ye Xiu with her arms crossed.

"No order."

Bai Ye said indifferently, and did not agree to Limeya's request.

"So, Daigo! Send us over!"

Limeya slapped the table again and pointed the rolling pin at Daigo.

"Ahem, let's do this. Jiu Tianjin, Bai Miao, and Xia Mu are still on a mission outside. When they come back in two days, I will send three more kings to accompany you, and send Yun Xiao as the captain to join this operation. What do you think?"

Daigo, who was forced by Limeya, sighed, and then told Limeya about his plan.

"Yun Xiao? Is he the guy who uses Rayquaza?"

The boy who was wearing a research suit and looked messy stood up and asked Daigo.

"Oh? You actually know him, Haichen."

Daigo looked at Haichen in surprise. He didn't expect that Haichen, who was called the fat ranger, actually knew Yun Xiao.

"Of course, I know about every trainer who has a legendary Pokémon, so please allow me to join this operation."

Hai Chen smiled, obviously curious about Yun Xiao.

"Okay, then what do you think, Limeya?"

Daiwu smiled and nodded, then looked at Limeya, there should be no problem with so many king-level trainers accompanying him, right?

"Hmph, two days later, two days later, if you dare to delay, I'll poison you to death!"

Limeya waved her little hand and looked at Daiwu with a threatening look in her eyes, which made Daiwu swallow his saliva in fear, and his usual gentleman appearance was gone.

"Then I'll trouble you to go together, Bai Ye, Ye Xiu."

Daiwu looked at Ye Xiu and Bai Ye.

"I know, Zhiliao~Pu~"

Ye Xiu nodded, then laughed to himself, and his cold jokes made the whole office cold.

"Got it."

Bai Ye nodded and walked out of Daigo's office alone.

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