The cat was about to bite the cat, but it was too late.

Rada pounced towards Meow Meow with lightning teeth in his mouth, and Meow Meow was alert. Although Rada was very fast, cats have strong induction. When Rada was about to bite Meow Meow's shoulder, Meow Meow easily dodged Rada's attack with a slight sideways movement.

"Don't underestimate Uncle Meow Meow, cats love to eat mice the most!"

Meow Meow showed his claws and kept hitting Rada's body. Several scars appeared on Rada's body instantly.

Yun Xiao kept observing the surroundings. In addition to Xiaoyao's area, there were already many Radas gathered near Yun Xiao, and there was also the figure of Little Rada.

Rattata itself is a species with an overwhelming number of people, so after sensing the call of the Overlord Rattata, the nearby Rattata and the Little Rattata responded and rushed towards Yun Xiao and Xiao Yao.

Yun Xiao wanted to send Rayquaza to clear the field, but when he turned on the button of Rayquaza's Poké Ball, he found that no matter how he pressed it, the Poké Ball had no reaction.

On Rayquaza's Poké Ball, there is a powerful energy that seals Rayquaza in the ball. Even a strong Rayquaza cannot break this seal.

"Is it Dialga? Or Palkia? Or maybe..."

This power obviously comes from the legendary Pokémon, that is, those high-ranking divine beasts with divine duties.

Yun Xiao glanced at the sky nervously. If Palkia or Dialga was staring at him in the dark, he would be in trouble! If he accidentally made them unhappy, he would really be gone.


Just then, the voice of 狃拉 attracted Yun Xiao's attention. Most of the Rada here were between the intermediate and advanced levels, so 狃拉's fight was relatively easy.

And just when 狃拉 defeated countless Rada, it had an extra item in its hand, and its characteristics were activated.

Holding the item in its hand, 狃拉 twisted its body happily. It was originally at the advanced level and broke through to the elite level at this time.

"Is that the sharp claw?"

Yun Xiao's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that 狃拉's characteristics actually allowed it to snatch a good item from Rada.


狃拉 raised the sharp claw high, and the sharp claw emitted a strong white light in the sun, and 狃拉 also began to emit light with it.

"Evolved? Doesn't the Xila evolve only with sharp claws at night?"

Yun Xiao looked at Xicui Xila with surprise. He knew that sharp claws were a necessary condition for Xila's evolution, but didn't that have to be at night?

"Maybe this is the regional difference."

Yun Xiao explained to himself secretly. After all, Xila did evolve, and after the light faded, Xila's short legs turned into long legs, and its originally powerful arms and claws looked much more powerful after evolution.


After evolving into a large Xila, its characteristics also changed from stealing to poisonous. It sprinted quickly and came to a mid-level Lada. When its claws were waving, the Lada instantly lost its combat ability.

The speed of the large Xila was very fast. Several Ladas fell in front of it in a few breaths. It licked its claws and seemed to be a little unsatisfied.

[Is this... not poisonous? 】

Yun Xiao looked at the operation of the big ox in surprise, its characteristic is poison!

However, seeing that it was still alive and kicking, Yun Xiao must have worried for nothing, because the big ox with poison is naturally immune to its own toxins.

"So powerful, meow, well, I won't give up either. Cats eat mice!"

Meow Meow looked at the amazing performance of the big ox next to him after evolution, and secretly cheered himself up.

His eyes were focused on the thin elite Lada that was attacking, and when Lada jumped high, Meow Meow immediately pounced on it.

The street knife was swung out, and Lada in the air could not dodge. This move directly hit the vital point of the elite Lada, and the elite Lada lost its combat ability.

"Well done."

Yun Xiao praised Meow Meow generously and touched its head. Meow Meow also enjoyed Yun Xiao's favor, and the fighting spirit in his eyes became more vigorous.

Since it was at an advanced level, the Caterpie was having a hard time dealing with this group of Rattatas. However, the Elite Caterpie was like a fish in water. It used the Flame Wheel to shuttle between the Rattatas, killing them every time.

Every time a target is hit, a Rattata loses its combat capability, even if it is a high-level one.

However, there are so many Rattatas that when one falls, two or three will immediately replace it. Because of the large number, it is inevitable that several Rattatas will run over to harass Xiaoyao's battlefield. In order not to distract Blaziken, Xiaoyao sent out the remaining five Pokémon to resist.

Now Xiaoyao's strength has also improved by leaps and bounds. In addition to Blaziken reaching the elite level, the other five Pokémon are at the high level. Even the weakest Bulbasaur has evolved into Bulbasaur after being promoted to the high level.

Under the protection of the Pokémon, Xiaoyao does not need to worry too much about his safety. At this time, the four Pokémon on the field are all tired, and even some scars appear on their bodies.

The worst is Yun Xiao's Caterpie. At the high level, it quickly got injured in the face of a large number of Rattatas, and some blood was stained on its orange fur.

When the exhausted Growlithe defeated the Rattata in front of it, it fell down due to exhaustion, and its level was successfully promoted to the elite level.

Yun Xiao immediately sent out Blaziken, Lizard King, Gyarados, Milotic and Ursagi to join the battle.

Although the opponents were generally not strong, the large number of them made Yun Xiao very annoyed.

At the moment when Growlithe fell, three or four Rattatas immediately pounced on it, showing their sharp fangs.

Just when they were about to succeed, a flame wheel suddenly hit them, and these sneak attacking Rattatas immediately lost their combat ability.


Cuttri Growlithe growled at Growlithe and protected Growlithe behind him. Growlithe gritted his teeth and stood up tremblingly. He didn't want to be the one who dragged his feet.

Yun Xiao sent out Gyarados and others and instantly cleared a piece of open space. With the addition of elite Pokémon, the speed of clearing the battlefield was also much faster.


Although Kuznetsus is only at the advanced level, its combat power is not inferior to that of elite Pokémon. With one swing of its arm, several Rattata flew out and crashed into the teammates behind them, losing their combat ability.

Gyarados and Milotic continued to use their water tail to knock away the Rattata that rushed towards them. From their appearance, they seemed to be at ease at this time.

Lizard King and Blaziken used their own speed to shuttle among the Rattata group, using their own skills to continuously harvest the group of Rattata that they were commanding on the field.

Although Meowth and Ogre were a little out of strength at this time, they were much more relaxed with the support of Gyarados.

The only thing that was more worrying was the position of the two Caterpillars in front, who were dispersed by the Rattata group. Surrounded alone in the middle of the Rattata group, the two Pokémon tiredly resisted the attack of the Rattata and could be defeated at any time.

Yun Xiao ran over quickly, holding two energy-filled Fire Stones in his hands.

"Catti, Chinchilla, take it."

Yun Xiao threw the Fire Stone in the direction of the two Pokémon. Chinchilla looked at Yun Xiao happily and jumped into the air without hesitation.

Although Chinchilla didn't want to listen to Yun Xiao's command, it felt a strong attraction to the stone, so it jumped high with Chinchilla.

The two Chinchillas held the Fire Stone in their mouths together, and the two Pokémon began to emit white light.

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