The old man was in trouble.

"We can't find the exit. If we have an instrument, we can accurately find the place with large magnetic field fluctuations. Then we can use the waveguide force to tear a hole and we can get out."

Hai Chen expressed his point of view, but this place is so big that it is like looking for a needle in a haystack without an instrument to find a place with large magnetic field fluctuations.

"So the final result of my discussion with Hai Chen is to find Dialga or Palkia."

Karom said his conclusion with a serious face, and everyone who heard this conclusion immediately looked over with a serious expression.

"Find Dialga and Palkia? Are you serious?"

Dai Xiaolin looked at Karom in disbelief. She was still scared by the fight between Groudon and Kyogre, and now she was asked to find Dialga and Palkia again.

"Isn't this too risky?"

Xuan Yi also looked at Karom with a serious expression. If they were attacked by Dialga or Palkia, they would not be able to resist.

"According to previous research data, Dialga and Palkia should be considered the kind of gods that are friendly to humans. Legend has it that there are many cases of Dialga and Palkia saving humans."

In order to prove the feasibility of this plan, Karom explained it to everyone.

"According to our research in the past few days, this is probably an independent secret realm created by Dialga, Palkia and the god of creation Arceus. If we want to get out, in addition to relying on their power, we can only find a place with large magnetic field fluctuations to see if we can get out."

Karom sighed. Unless it was absolutely necessary, he didn't want to seek the help of these powerful god Pokémon.

"You mean this is the world they created? But aren't Dialga and Palkia mortal enemies?"

Tian Long raised his own questions. As far as he knew, Dialga and Palkia would fight as soon as they met.

"Dialga and Palkia live in different latitudes. They both have a strong sense of territory. Once Palkia or Dialga mistakenly enters the other's territory, they will launch a ruthless attack."

As a scientist, Karom gave everyone a popular science lesson, and everyone listened with interest to the information they didn't know.

"It is said that they and Giratina of the reversed world are Pokémon created by Arceus, the god of creation, to help him manage the world. So, if they created this secret realm together in front of Arceus, then it is understandable."

Karom's words surprised everyone. They didn't expect that the legendary Dialga, Giratina, and Palkia were all children of Arceus. At the same time, they were very curious about why Karom knew so much.

"Ahem, to be honest, I am quite interested in this Jade Washing Secret Realm. I spent a lot of effort to make my Rock Mouse evolve into the Jade Washing Form."

Karom saw that everyone was staring at him, and he released his Infernape without hiding it. However, unlike the usual Infernape, Karom's Infernape looked a little elegant, and the shape of the flame was also different.

Pokémon: Charmeleon (Emerald Form)

Features: Fierce Fire

Level: Elite

Yun Xiao immediately opened the Eye of Observation to check Charmeleon, but he didn't expect that Charmeleon also had an Emerald Form.

"When I was looking up information, I happened to see Charmeleon's Emerald Form. I liked Charmeleon in this form at the time and did a lot of research. I didn't expect that by chance I would be able to come to this Emerald Secret Realm that I had always dreamed of, and successfully evolved my Infernape into an Emerald Form of Charmeleon."

Kalum patted the Charmeleon beside him with satisfaction. For researchers, a successful experiment is better than countless league championships.

"How strong is it?"

Yun Xiao asked Kalum with interest. For him, who wanted to collect all the Pokémon in the Emerald Secret Realm, he wanted to try out the strength of Emerald Charmeleon.

"Let's just have a fight. It's been a while since I last competed with you."

Kalum stood up and invited Yun Xiao to a fight, and Yun Xiao immediately agreed.

Seeing the two preparing to compete, everyone excitedly cleared the venue. For young people like them, nothing is more attractive than Pokémon battles.

In order to check the strength of Infernape, Yun Xiao directly

He sent out Flamegoon, which is also a fire type, to fight.

"Flamego? It's a good opponent. Infernape uses jet flames."

Karum had a rare fighting spirit. As one of the three fire type beasts, he also wanted to see who was stronger.

"Use lightning flash."

Long-range attack was not what Flamegoon was good at, so Yun Xiao thought about changing the battlefield to his own exclusive domain, close combat.

Flamegoon's speed was much faster than before the evolution without the blessing of the acceleration feature. It dodged the jet flames in just a moment and came to Infernape.

Flamegoon kicked hard, but the imagined physical impact did not appear. Flamegoon's foot directly penetrated Infernape's body.

"Dancing Demons!"

Karum smiled confidently and immediately launched a counterattack. Dancing Demons hit Flamegoon's body, causing Flamegoon to scream in pain.

"Xiaogang, why didn't you hit Infernape? Didn't it dodge?"

Xiaozhi, who was watching from the side, asked Xiaogang curiously. He didn't understand why Blaziken's attack didn't hit the opponent.

"Ghost attribute, Infernape in the Jade Wash form has an extra ghost attribute."

Cen Chuanci explained to Xiaozhi on the side. If ordinary-type moves can't hit the opponent, then this is the only explanation.

"Fire ghost? It's really hard to deal with! Blaziken uses Charged Flame Attack."

Yun Xiao, who was hit by Karom's information gap, was a little depressed, but he immediately launched an offensive.

After being hit by the Demonic Dance, Blaziken did not pull away, but directly broke through the Demonic Dance's attack and used Charged Flame Attack to attack directly in the direction of Infernape.

"We also use Charged Flame Attack."

Although he is not good at close combat, Infernape has no way to retreat now, so Karom has to use Charged Flame Attack to resist.


The two attacks collided with each other, but Infernape was weaker in power. Infernape retreated after being hit by Blaziken.

"Use Fire Kick."

Seizing this opportunity, Yun Xiao launched another attack. Infernape, who was not good at close combat, was closely attacked by Blaziken. Although he used ghost skills to disgust Blaziken from time to time, close combat was Blaziken's domain after all, and he was defeated in a short while.

And this time, the battle ended with Yun Xiao's victory. After the game, everyone returned to the room and waited for the arrival of the next day.

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