The two of them were in a mess.

"Look at you, aren't you just going to find the Moon Bear tribe? Why weren't you afraid when you came? Now that you're here, you want to retreat. I tell you, it's too late!"


In the Red Lotus Wetland, there was a quarrel between a person and a pet, and the owner of the voice was Yun Xiao and Da Xiula who came to find the Moon Bear tribe.

Meow Meow was a little helpless on the side. Yun Xiao and Da Xiula had been arguing all the way. It needed it to translate in the front, and Yun Xiao even answered directly in the back.

Although he didn't understand what Da Xiula was saying, he could probably guess it through Meow Meow's previous translation.

"I tell you, no matter how strong the Moon Bear tribe is, I must go for my Circle Bear."

Yun Xiao's words revealed determination. He finally learned that Circle Bear had the possibility of further progress, so how could he miss it.

Seeing that he couldn't persuade Yun Xiao, Dalanla had to bring Yun Xiao to the peat plateau with a dejected look.

The peat plateau is the territory of Circle Bear and Moon Bear tribe. It is mainly wasteland. Because there are a lot of peat blocks here, Circle Bear and Moon Bear occupy the whole place.

There are many Circle Bear and Moon Bear breeding here. Once other Pokémon or creatures step into their territory, they will be attacked mercilessly by them.

"It's really a wasteland. Is this place really suitable for survival?"

Looking at this barren land, Yun Xiao sighed. No matter how you look at it, this place doesn't look like a place suitable for survival.

"They are coming, meow."

After Meow Meow and Daxola entered the peat plateau, they immediately alerted the surroundings. The situation here is different from other places. The powerful strength of the Moon Moon Bear tribe can even scare the indigenous Daxola.

Yun Xiao opened the Eye of Observation, and the names of Baby Bears, Circle Bears, and Moon Moon Bears continued to emerge around him. Except for the novice and primary stages of Baby Bears, the unified level of Circle Bears has reached the advanced level, and the Moon Moon Bears are even more outrageous. The lowest is at the elite level, and there are even seven Moon Moon Bears at the king level!

What Yun Xiao noticed most was that there was a particularly obvious line of red words in the middle of the Moon Moon Bear package, and the red words read: Moon Moon Bear Overlord, Champion Level!

"My God, this is the first time I have seen an ordinary Pokémon in the wild reach the champion level."

Yun Xiao cursed directly, and his hand unconsciously grasped the top of the Rayquaza Poké Ball, but no matter how he pressed, he could not release Rayquaza.


The roar was getting closer and closer to Yun Xiao and the others, which meant that the Moon Bears would soon come to Yun Xiao.

Looking forward through the wild forest, Yun Xiao could already vaguely see the Moon Bears. Dust was flying around them, and the ground around Yun Xiao began to shake.

This was the vibration caused by the Moon Bears' power when they ran, which was enough to prove their terrible power.

After a while, Yun Xiao, Da Xianla and Miao Miao were surrounded by hundreds of Circle Bears and Moon Bears. At this time, Yun Xiao was like a lamb to be slaughtered.


A loud roar came from behind the Moon Bears, and the Moon Bears made way for them. A huge Moon Bear walked in front of Yun Xiao with a little contempt in his eyes.

"It said, humble reptile, what are you doing here?"

Meow Meow translated for Yun Xiao, and the claws on its hands had already emerged, ready to fight to the death.

The same was true for Dalanla. Although its body was constantly shaking, since it followed Yun Xiao here, it was also ready to fight to the death.

"I am here to take my circle bear to participate in the trial and obtain the qualification for evolution."

Yun Xiao did not seem panicked, and calmly released his circle bear. After the circle bear appeared, it looked around in confusion, wondering why its companions surrounded its master.


The Moon Bear Overlord roared loudly, obviously angered by Yun Xiao's actions.

"It said that the outside circle bears are not qualified to participate in the competition, and your lives must stay here."

Meow Meow was shocked. Obviously, the Moon Bear had regarded them as food for today, and after Meow Meow finished translating, the Moon Bear began to command the tribe to launch an attack.

Yun Xiao took out Rayquaza's Poké Ball. Although Rayquaza couldn't come out, the aura could be emitted from the Poké Ball.

The pressure of the mid-level champion instantly swept the whole place, making all the circles

The bear and the Moon Bear paused, then stood there hesitantly. Some baby bears burst into tears under the pressure of the mid-level champion.

The Moon Bear Overlord only had the strength of the primary champion. When facing this pressure, it even felt a little fear. It looked at Yun Xiao with some surprise, not understanding why this creature had something that could make it feel scared.

"Can we talk now?"

Yun Xiao looked calm, but he was panicking inside. After all, his Rayquaza could not come out, so he could only take it out to scare the Moon Bear Overlord.

The Moon Bear Overlord would naturally cherish his life more after reaching his current state. He knew that he could not fight against the owner of this power at all, so he nodded slowly.

"Isn't this good? I don't want to use my strength to bully you. How about this? You send an elite Moon Bear to compete with my Circle Bear. If my Circle Bear wins, let me participate in the trial. How about that?"

Yun Xiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but on the surface, he pretended to be a master and looked at the Moon Bear Overlord.

The Moon Bear Overlord was obviously fooled by Yun Xiao. Seeing that what Yun Xiao said was reasonable, he sent an elite Moon Bear to compete.

The Circle Bear slowly walked to the center of the field. After coming out, it knew that this was a battle for it.

After both sides were ready for the battle, the Moon Bear took the lead. It stomped its limbs on the ground and jumped in front of the Circle Bear.

This is its special trick of sudden attack. Yun Xiao learned about this skill from Karom, so he reacted immediately.

"Circle Bear, use the arm hammer."

Although Circle Bear is only at the advanced level, Yun Xiao is quite confident in Circle Bear's strength.

Circle Bear's right arm lighted up slightly, and it confronted Moon Bear in the sky. Circle Bear did not disappoint Yun Xiao's trust. In the duel of strength, Circle Bear actually slapped Moon Bear, who used the sudden pounce.

"Then use the rock blockade."

Taking advantage of this moment, Circle Bear also used the rock blockade to block Moon Bear's movement. In order to fight against the rock blockade, Moon Bear had no choice but to use 100,000 horsepower to deal with it.

Circle Bear's attack came again, and his hand lighted up slightly, and the arm hammer attacked Moon Bear's head again.

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