After the meal, the Pokémon went out to eat.

At the Pokémon Center, after meeting up with Xiaoyao who was full and didn't want to move, everyone boarded the last liaison ship to Fighting Island.

"What a cool sea breeze."

At the bow, Xiaoyao enjoyed the sea breeze, stretched lazily, and looked at the endless sea, and his heart was purified a lot.

Yun Xiao, who got one million alliance coins, was in a good mood. He released all the Pokémon and fed a calcium tablet and a bottle of Moo Moo Milk to all the Pokémon, including the Thornytail and Fire Chick in Xiaoyao's hands.

It's nothing. I have money and I can do whatever I want. I don't even need to blink at a bottle of drinks worth 600 yuan. I drink it in one gulp!

"Sister, Yun Xiao, can we go to the Stone Cave after we arrive at Wudou Island? There must be many rock-type Pokémon living there!"

Looking at the information displayed in the Pokémon Navigator, Xiao Sheng was excited.

"Sure, isn't the journey just a leisurely trip?"

Yun Xiao didn't have any objections. It was just right to see if she could find some evolution stones in the Stone Cave.

"Okay, it's decided! Xiaoyao's expedition team will go to the Stone Cave for an adventure. It's so exciting!"

Xiaoyao looked excited, and her hands were in the shape of a camera, constantly scanning around.

It takes two hours to get from Kanaz City to Wudou Town. Yun Xiao and others played at the bow for a while and then returned to the room to rest.


Just as the three were sleeping soundly, an explosion on the boat woke everyone up.

"What's wrong? Are we here?"

Xiao Sheng rubbed his sleepy eyes and asked in confusion.

"Oh no, go and inform the captain, we are surrounded by a group of Megalodons."

"Why are they here again? Ah, these Megalodons are so annoying."

The crew on the ship ran around on the deck in a panic. Many sailors sent out their Pokémon to resist the attack of Megalodons, but there were too many Megalodons.

For safety reasons, the captain drove the ship to a nearby half-moon-shaped island, and the Megalodons also came to the entrance of the half-moon-shaped island, blocking the liaison ship on the island.

"What a headache."

The captain looked at the Megalodons swimming around outside the Half Moon Island with a headache. This was the fourth Megalodon group he had encountered this week.

And the group he encountered this time was more numerous than before. Fortunately, the liaison ship was not seriously damaged and only needed a little repair to continue sailing.

But the headache is still these Megalodon sharks, they have no intention of leaving. As the most brutal and cunning bullies on the sea, they hate humans.

Because in the past, the dorsal fin of Megalodon sharks was regarded as a precious food, and there was a tragic history of overfishing. However, after the alliance stipulated that it was forbidden to eat any Pokémon meat, the Megalodon shark population recovered again.

However, Megalodon sharks began to hate humans, so they often attacked human ships, but they only attacked ships and never attacked humans who fell into the water.

First, human meat is not very delicious, and second, they are very smart. They know that if humans are forced into a corner, then their Pokémon will definitely perish.

"Please gather here, all the trainers with water Pokémon on the ship."

The captain took out the horn and shouted to the people on the ship. There are so many Megalodon sharks here that they can't break out of the siege by themselves and the sailors on the ship.

The trainers who have water-type Pokémon on the ship all responded to the captain's call. After all, these liaison ships are state-owned enterprises of the alliance, and the captain is also an internal staff of the alliance.

Responding to the captain's call is equivalent to accepting the task issued by the alliance. Generally, the commission from the alliance is very generous.

"Then I will go over. You wait for me in the room."

Among the three people, only Yun Xiao has water-type Pokémon. Although two of them are the weakest Pokémon and one is a tadpole that has not yet evolved to the second stage, you can't deny that they are also water-type Pokémon!

"Be careful."

Xiaoyao held the Pokémon egg that Yun Xiao entrusted to her care, and watched Yun Xiao walk farther and farther with a worried look on her face. She always felt a vague sense of uneasiness.

"It's okay, sister, Yun Xiao's strength is very strong, and there are other trainers here. The captain of this ship has the strength of a gym leader!"

Seeing Xiaoyao's worry, Xiaosheng comforted her. After all, with a powerful captain, how could he let a trainer who was only in the beginner stage rush to the front?


Xiaoyao nodded absentmindedly, her heart still beating uncomfortably, and the feeling became stronger and stronger.


Yun Xiao followed the crowd to the deck and found that many trainers had gathered at this moment, including the captain and sailors, there were as many as 30 people.

However, now is the peak period for new trainers to start their journey, so most of them are in the entry stage, novice stage and beginner stage.

There are only a few intermediate trainers and advanced trainers, and there is only one elite trainer.

"Ahem. First of all, thank you trainers for responding to our call. Next, I will send you a task card, which will automatically count the number of Megalodons you have captured and the Megalodon's level. When the time comes, just return the card, and the Alliance will distribute rewards to you according to your task card."

At the captain's signal, the sailors distributed a task card and a bag of 100 Alliance-specific Poké Balls to the trainers present. This is an electronic card, and the content of the electronic card is only one:

The level and number of Megalodons captured

Faced with these crazy Pokémon, the Alliance will generally capture them, some will be provided to internal staff for use, and some will be sent back to nature after being appeased.

Yun Xiao stuffed the card into his pocket, and then it was the team-building stage. The weak trainers were all applying to the teammates around them to form a team.

Yun Xiao was also asked several times, but when they learned that the Pokémon in Yun Xiao's hand were Ugli and Quetzalcoatl, they all shook their heads. They didn't want to carry a burden around.

Everyone has formed a team, except Yun Xiao who is isolated, but Yun Xiao doesn't mind, after all, he is just here to get the task reward.

Yun Xiao will not do anything like fighting to the death.


Outside the beach, all the Megalodons seemed to have been unable to suppress their violent desires, and launched an attack on Half Moon Island under the call of the Megalodon leader.

"Protect your own safety, let's go!"

The captain also gave an order, and all the trainers sent out their water-type Pokémon together. A lot of Swamp King, Swamp Jumper, Venomous Jellyfish, Sea Dragon, Squirtle, Megalodon...

Wait, Megalodon? Brother, you are not a traitor, right?

Seeing the Megalodon trainer commanding the Megalodon to rush towards the Megalodon group, Yun Xiao couldn't help sweating, is this afraid of being turned against?

"Go ahead, Magikarp, and Gnat. Let's play it safe, three against one, pick the weak ones."

Yun Xiao also released his three water Pokémon, and the three water Pokémon dived into the sea. The three Pokémon surrounded and beat a novice Megalodon together. With the help of Gnat's hypnosis, the Megalodon was quickly defeated, and then looked for the next target.

As for Yun Xiao on the shore, he was not idle either. He sent out Charmeleon and Wood Gecko to harvest the low-level Megalodon that washed ashore. As the saying goes, don't miss the free experience.

The main goal is to get something for free!

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