The next morning, Yun Xiao was walking on the way back, thinking about what went wrong with his Moon Bear.

They all evolved in the same bear training ground and used peat blocks, so why did his Moon Bear evolve into a different look?

Forget it, thinking too much is a waste of brainpower, and it's easy to get sick easily. Let's leave this waste of brainpower to Calum and Haichen! Well, few of these researchers are not sick.

The problem was solved, and Yun Xiao, who was in a good mood, looked for wild Pokémon on the road to improve the strength of his Pokémon. Soon, his camp appeared in front of him.

Since we are back near the camp, we don't need the help of Meow Meow and Big Alan. After resting them in the ball, we slowly walked towards the camp.

When we arrived at the door, we found that Limeya was cooking lunch outside. Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, Xiaosheng and Xiaoyao were training their Pokémon together.

As for the Daigo team and Jiu Tianjin, they were not seen.

Limeya, who was cooking, was the first to find Yun Xiao. Limeya immediately stopped cutting vegetables and ran over with a kitchen knife.

"Are you back? Are you going out again today?"

Although it was just a friendly greeting, Yun Xiao looked at the kitchen knife in Limeya's hand and swallowed his saliva.

"I'm not going out. I'll eat here all day today."

Yun Xiao smiled helplessly, and Limeya nodded and got busy again with the kitchen knife.

"Yunxiao, you're back."

Xiaoyao came up to greet him warmly. She hadn't seen Yunxiao for almost six days. Now that she saw Yunxiao was safe and sound, she felt relieved.

Xiaozhi, Xiaogang and Xiaosheng also came up to greet Yunxiao.

"Where are they?"

After greeting them, Yunxiao asked about the whereabouts of the members of Daigo's team.

"Oh, they went out for special training together today. Since they can't go out, they can use the time mechanism here to improve their strength a little more."

Xiaozhi said with a little regret. He originally wanted to go for special training together, but Kalum said that the camp needed people to guard it, otherwise it would be bad if wild Pokémon attacked the camp.

Although Kalum and Haichen were also in the camp, their main responsibility now was to study how to get out. If danger came, they would definitely not be ready so quickly.

And Limeya's task was to cook, so it was obviously unrealistic to ask her to protect the camp.

Yun Xiao nodded in understanding, and after learning that Kalom and Haichen were still in the cabin, he walked directly towards the cabin.

Xiaozhi and the others looked at each other curiously, and then followed.

"Oh? Yun Xiao, you're back."

Yun Xiao outside the door naturally attracted the attention of Kalom and Haichen, and they put down their work and greeted Yun Xiao.

"Kalom, Haichen. Do you know this Pokémon?"

In order to know the answer as soon as possible, Yun Xiao directly got to the point and released his Moon Bear.

"This, seems to be Moon Bear?"

Haichen took a puzzled look and gave his answer. Moon Bear may not be seen outside, but it is everywhere in this Xicui Secret Realm, and there are even many Moon Bears running around in the Red Lotus Wetland.

"No, this is Moon Bear. But it's not Moon Bear."

After all, Kalom knows Xicui better, so he expressed a different point of view.

This confused Xiaozhi and Haichen, who followed them. What does it mean to be and not be?

"Is this a wrong evolution?"

Yun Xiao patted the fierce-looking but silly Moon Bear in front of him.

"No, this should be a special evolution that is hard to come by in ten thousand, the Heyue form."

Karom is worthy of being Xicui's know-it-all, and he quickly told everyone an answer.

"Special evolution?"

After hearing that Yun Xiao's Pokémon was a special evolution, Xiaosheng came over curiously and carefully observed the Moon Bear, which was not very good-looking.

"Yes, Heyue Moon Bear is a very special Moon Bear. It is said that a Moon Bear crossed the sea and came to "Beishang Township" and survived in the harsh environment. Because the unique yellow moon pattern on its forehead was dyed red, it was called "Heyue"."

"It seems that only one such Moon Bear has been found so far. It is a unique existence, and it does not seem to be the evolution of the Moon Bear.

Transfiguration or form change. Its appearance and abilities have changed over the years. It uses iron-hard soil to protect its body and has a left eye that can see through the darkness. "

Kalum also told everyone the story of Moon Bear. Hearing that only one has been found since ancient times, does that mean that the Moon Bear in Yun Xiao's hand is rarer than the legendary Pokémon?

Moon Bear held his nose with a nonchalant look, and played with the Thunder Stone on his chest from time to time, with a leisurely look.

"Now that you mention it, my Circle Bear seemed to have gone berserk when it evolved that day, and the full moon that day also turned blood red for a while."

Listening to Kalum's explanation, Yun Xiao also remembered the situation when Moon Bear evolved that day. At that time, he was too excited because of the evolution of Circle Bear, so he forgot the scene that day.

"By the way, the moon turned blood red for a few minutes yesterday. I thought something disaster had happened. I didn't expect Circle Bear to evolve at that time. "

Yao was also admiring the full moon in the camp yesterday, and then he was also amazed.

"This can be explained. I thought that the reason why Luna Bear changed into the Heyue form was because of the harshness of the new environment. I didn't expect that it was related to the moon."

Kalum also realized that as a researcher, he seemed to have discovered a new world.

"Pokemon has too many secrets. Exploring these secrets and solving them is also a major motivation for me to become a researcher. "

Hai Chen also sighed. He thought it was just a normal Moon Bear, but he didn't expect that there was a new form that he didn't know about.

At the strong request of Hai Chen and Karom, Moon Bear He Yue was forced to stay, and he didn't even think about the way out.

After driving Yun Xiao and the others out, Hai Chen and Karom had a fierce discussion, which made Yun Xiao and the others helpless.

Originally, Yun Xiao wanted to say that he had found a way out, but seeing the two people's obsessed look, he decided to wait until everyone was together.

So, Yun Xiao, who had nothing to do, joined Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao in training Pokémon. There were many masters in the League Competition. If possible, he hoped to break through to the gym leader level before the League Competition began.

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