The old man was so depressed.

Tian Long was so depressed. It felt like seeing a strong man with eight-pack abs in the gym. You thought he was strong enough to push a truck with one hand, but when you tested him, he actually used magic!

Can you imagine an eight-foot-tall man using Balala energy? It's ridiculous, isn't it? But Yun Xiao's Moon Bear did it. Not only did he use the power of the earth, but he also threw the power of the moon at the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

"Blue Flame Blade Ghost, use the shadow sneak attack to avoid it, and then use the Regret Sword."

Tian Long was so angry. He still suffered from his lack of culture. If he knew that Yun Xiao's Moon Bear's special attack was so strong, he would never try to experience the power of the earth easily, right?

The Blue Blade Ghost deftly turned into a shadow and quickly dodged the attack of the moon power. The figure quickly came to the front of the Moon Bear, and the Regret Sword condensed instantly.

The Regret Sword, as the name suggests. Gathering the thoughts of the world on the tip of the sword and slashing the opponent with the power of thoughts is also the unique skill of the Blue Blade Ghost.


A powerful energy gathered on the flame sword of the Blue Blade Ghost and slashed at the Moon Bear fiercely.

"Sorry, anything related to the ghost system is under my control. Moon Bear uses Destructive Death Ray."

Yun Xiao smiled slightly. Although you are a fire-type Pokémon, my Heart Eye Moon Bear is destined to be a big counter to your ghost-type Pokémon.

One of the advantages of Moon Bear He Yue is that the left eye that can see through the darkness, only saw the route of the Blue Blade Ghost in an instant, and before it came to him, it was firmly locked by the Moon Bear.

The Destruction Death Light was almost instantaneous, and it hit the Blue Flame Blade Ghost who was wielding the Regret Sword. The Blue Flame Blade Ghost was hit by the Destruction Death Light at close range, and his body flew backwards.

"Use the last attack, Blood Moon!"

Seeing that the time was almost right, Yun Xiao directly commanded Moon Moon Bear to launch his ultimate move.

Moon Moon Bear's body stagnated, and then a blood-colored moon emerged from behind it, and power gradually condensed from it in the air.

When the condensation was completed, Moon Moon Bear suddenly erupted this energy and attacked directly in the direction of the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

"Don't even think about succeeding, Blue Flame Blade Ghost uses Flash Charge!"

At this time, Tian Long was so depressed that he was about to vomit blood. Isn't your Destruction Death Light a normal-type trick? How can it hit my ghost-type?

But he didn't think too much at this moment, because the blood moon of the moon bear was already attacking the blue flame blade ghost, and it was obviously too late to dodge. From the blood moon attack of the moon bear, he felt a strong threat, so he decided to fight!

The blue flame blade ghost was wrapped in flames, and blue lightning kept circling around the blue flame blade ghost.

Flash charge started! The blue flame blade ghost used the flash charge to suddenly collide with the blood moon. The crimson and blue-red flames intertwined with each other, and then the crimson energy column instantly submerged the blue-red flame.

The powerful force directly defeated the flash charge of the blue flame blade ghost. When the blood moon disappeared, the blue flame blade ghost also fell to the ground and lost its combat ability.

"How is this possible?"

Tian Long was depressed. They were both newly evolved Pokémon. Is the gap so big?

"The blue flame blade ghost lost its combat ability, and the moon bear Heyue won."

Xiao Gang also announced the result of the game at this time.

"How can the destruction ray of Moonbear hit the ghost-type Azure Blade?"

Curious Tian Long took Azure Blade back into the Poké Ball and ran over to ask Yun Xiao curiously.

"My Moonbear has the Mind's Eye attribute, and its left eye is specially used to deal with ghost-type Pokémon."

Yun Xiao did not hide it and told Tian Long the characteristics of Moonbear. He was afraid that if he didn't tell him, Tian Long would have insomnia tonight.

"But, how can Moonbear have the Mind's Eye attribute!"

He also killed a lot of Moonbears, but none of them had the Mind's Eye attribute. Moonbears with the Dream attribute were not its Mind's Eye!

"This is another form of Moonbear, and there are many puzzles. Don't say you don't understand, even I haven't studied it thoroughly. I asked you to fight later, and now you are suffering from your lack of education."

Kalum walked up and looked at Tian Long with contempt, and see if you still say I am Mediterranean.

"Uh...hahaha. I have to say, Yun Xiao, your Moon Bear is really amazing, especially the last move called Blood Moon, which can easily break my Blue Blade Ghost's Flash Charge."

Tian Long smiled awkwardly and began to praise

Moon Bear came, and he was still a little scared when he thought of the blood moon attack just now.

"Indeed, I am a little tempted to leave."

Bai Ye nodded in agreement. The battle just now made him excited, and he wished that his Pokémon could also fight with Moon Bear on the field.

"Then I can only wait until I reach the King level."

Yun Xiao smiled helplessly, you guys, you are kidding, you guys ... For dinner today, Limeya made fried noodles, bone soup, and a plate of cold cucumber salad. The dessert was a delicious cake made by Frosty Milk Fairy, and everyone praised its deliciousness.

Xiaogang originally wanted to help Limeya make dinner, but when he saw Yun Xiao finally came back, Limeya gave Xiaogang a day off.

Fortunately, the amount of food made today was not large, and Limeya could easily finish it alone. Limeya's cooking level, baking skills, and making elf food are unique. No wonder she can become the chief chef of the alliance at such a young age.

Her cooking skills are even better than Xiaogang's. You know, Xiaogang's cooking skills are even better than Yun Xiao's.

Xiaogang also naturally worshipped Limeya as his teacher. In order to become a top breeder, Xiaogang would humbly ask Limeya for advice every day.

After dinner, Xiaogang consciously put away the bowls and chopsticks, took them aside, and washed them with Lotte Kappa.

Everyone gathered around the fire to discuss how to get out of this secret realm. When they learned that Yun Xiao had a solution, everyone was delighted.

"You mean, the God of Creation Arceus said that if you want to get out, you have to go to the foothills of Tianguan Mountain?"

No one doubted Yun Xiao's words, because he could even conquer Rayquaza, so what was impossible about getting Arceus's affirmation?

"Yes, maybe we can go there to have a look. Maybe there will be the answer we want there."

Yun Xiao nodded, and he also decided to go to the foothills of Tianguan Mountain to have a look tomorrow. After all, he still has the league competition to participate in.

"Then let's go to the foothills of Tianguan Mountain together tomorrow. Haichen, Limeya and I will stay in the camp. Tian Long and Cen Chuanci will be responsible for the safety of the camp, and Yun Xiao's Yueyue Bear will stay to help with logistics. If we find that the foothills of Tianguan Mountain can really get out, then we will discuss the way out tomorrow night!"

Kalum immediately arranged the plan. At first glance, it sounded nothing, and then he looked at Kalum speechlessly. You don't want to take this opportunity to study Yun Xiao's Moon Bear again, do you?

Karon blushed and ignored them.

"Hey, but I also want to explore the foothills of Tianguan Mountain!"

Tian Long protested. He didn't want to stay here because adventures were so much fun. Cen Chuanci nodded, and he meant the same thing.

"There's no way. We need someone to protect us here. You don't want to find a way back to the foothills of Tianguan Mountain, and the camp will be destroyed, right?"

Karon shrugged helplessly. After all, it would be best if he could go out. If he couldn't go out, he wouldn't lose his camp, right?

Hearing this, Tian Long and Cen Chuanci wilted helplessly and followed the arrangement honestly.

No one had any objection to Karon's arrangement, and they all decided to go to the foothills of Tianguan Mountain to find out.

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