After the wild Pokémon attacked the camp, everyone sent them back to the forest and continued their work. After that, there were no more wild Pokémon attacks on the camp. Cen Chuanci and Tian Long were bored and drowsy sitting at the dining table in front of the camp. They were not motivated to guard. … … Right below the foot of Tianguan Mountain, everyone stopped searching and gathered together. "We were blocked by an unknown barrier halfway through our journey. We tried to break through it with the skills of Pokémon, but we couldn't break it at all."

Ye Xingchen was the first to tell everyone about his discovery at the foot of Tianguan Mountain, and everyone present nodded. They obviously encountered the same situation.

"Our group didn't encounter the so-called barrier, but we found a ruin where ancient people lived."

The Natsume group also shared what they had discovered with everyone, and everyone felt a little incredible.

"Our group encountered a young man named Li Le, whose strength is about the king level. He can enter and exit this barrier freely. By the way, he also has a champion-level Darkrai."

When it was Ye Xiu's turn, Ye Xiu also told everyone about the Li Le he and Yun Xiao encountered.

"Is it the nightmare god Darkrai?"

Jiu Tianjin thought he had heard it wrong and asked Ye Xiu again.

"Yes, Yun Xiao also used Rayquaza to fight him."

Ye Xiu nodded seriously. Everyone knew that Ye Xiu would not joke about such things, so they accepted the fact that Li Le had a legendary Pokémon.

Then, everyone looked at Yun Xiao tacitly. Being stared at by everyone, Yun Xiao scratched his head in confusion.

"Why are you looking at me?"

"Yun Xiao, you all have legendary Pokémon. If you meet Li Le again, the Darkrai will be handed over to you."

Xuan Yi walked over and patted Yun Xiao on the shoulder. Although they are all outstanding young people. But asking them to deal with legendary Pokémon is obviously going to die.

"I'll try my best. When I met Li Le today, he didn't seem to use his full strength. His Gengar carried a Mega Evolution Stone, but he didn't use it. I think he drove it away more."

Yun Xiao shrugged helplessly. After all, he was only an elite trainer, and the other party was a king trainer!

"By the way, if we want to enter Tianguan Mountain, we must find 20 ghost fires and get the approval of the ghost fires before we can enter."

"Ghost fire?"

"Yes, it's the purple gentle flame that grows on the ground, not the white flame that floats in the sky at night. We have found the coordinates of two of them now."

Ye Xiu gave everyone some information about ghost fires, and then led everyone to the location of the two ghost fires.

"In that case, let's go back to the camp first, tell Calum and the others about the situation here, and then go into the mountain to find ghost fires!"

After getting the approval of the two ghost fires, Xuan Yi issued tasks to everyone. Everyone nodded, and then stood beside Yun Xiao.

Yun Xiao sighed, knowing that everyone was used to riding the Dragon Sky Flyer and didn't want to ride their own flying Pokémon anymore.

Yun Xiao also sent out his own Rayquaza tactfully. After everyone got on Rayquaza, Rayquaza flew straight to Yun Xiao and headed towards the camp.


After half an hour of flight, Yun Xiao and others returned to the camp safely. They found some traces of fighting here and asked Tian Long what happened here.

"You are finally back. We were beaten by a group of wild Pokémon today. You don't know! Cen Chuan Ci was almost scared to pee his pants!"

Tian Long told everyone what happened in the camp vividly, and especially explained how he bravely repelled the group of wild Pokémon.

"Idiot, you are scared to pee."

Cen Chuan Ci on the side quickly refuted Tian Long. This guy was deceiving the audience without paying attention!

"But there is almost no wild Pokémon here. Why did we encounter a group of beasts?"

Ye Xingchen, who has lived here for more than a month, was puzzled. Not to mention wild Pokémon, even biting mosquitoes were not seen here.

"I think someone should have deliberately attracted them here. After the battle, I saw a boy in black clothes on the top of the mountain.

Leave. "

Karom and Haichen came out after hearing the noise outside, along with Yun Xiao's Moon Bear.

The Moon Bear was yawning at this time, and it was obvious that it had just woken up. After evolving into a Moon Bear, it would appear unusually sleepy during the day, but more energetic at night, and could absorb some of the power of the moon to enhance its strength.

"The boy in black clothes? Could it be Yun Xiao?"

Everyone looked at Yun Xiao on the side. Today, Yun Xiao was wearing black clothes and black pants, which was in line with Karom's description.

"Ahem, what are you thinking? I have been following Ye Xiu all day."

Yun Xiao immediately retorted, how come the boy in black clothes became me!

"Indeed, that person looks taller than Yun Xiao, and his body is also stronger. "

Kalum also defended Yun Xiao. Although he was defending himself, Yun Xiao was not happy at all.

"I think it should be Li Le whom we met today. He happened to be wearing black clothes."

Ye Xiu thought for a while. The only one who was hostile to them here should be Li Le who had fought today.

Then he told Kalum and the other five people who were staying in the camp about what happened to Li Le.

"I really didn't expect that there were people in this secret realm besides us. Could that person be an aboriginal?"

This secret realm is very secret. If you want to enter, you can't enter without knowing the method. Except for the aboriginals, Hai Chen didn't think Li Le could enter this Xicui secret realm alone.

"Speaking of this, do you know what this is?"

As if remembering something, Dai Xiaolin took out the beautiful white gem from his backpack and put it on the dining table.

"What a beautiful bead. "

Xiaoyao, Baimiao and Limeya came over. Beautiful things always have an inexplicable attraction to girls.

"This is..."

Yunxiao, Haichen and Kalon came over in surprise, showing shocked expressions.

"What is this?"

Everyone looked at the three people expectantly. They were also curious about what this bead was. From their perception, they could see that this bead contained powerful energy.

"Is this a white jade bead?"

Yunxiao was the first to ask his own question, and looked curiously at the two people beside him who were also shocked.

"It should be right. This is the white jade bead!"

Kalon and Haichen nodded. As researchers, they were not unfamiliar with this item!

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