The first time, the last time.

After a dizzy spell, the fifteen people who were originally in the Secret Realm of Washing Tsui returned to the cliff where they had jumped off in the blink of an eye.

"Finally back, our world!"

Dai Xiaolin stretched his body happily, greedily breathing the fresh air of the Sinnoh region.

"The mission is successfully completed, captain, call Daigo."

After returning to the original world, Haichen did not forget his mission and asked Yun Xiao, the captain of the rescue team, to call Daigo to report the mission.

Yun Xiao looked at the dozen Poké Balls in his hand with a pity, which were reduced to the original eight. It was a pity that the Pokémon that had been captured in the Secret Realm of Washing Tsui were not left in the Secret Realm of Washing Tsui, but followed Yun Xiao to the world where Yun Xiao was.

However, after returning to this world, Yun Xiao was teleported back home because he had more elves than the limit.

"I know."

Although it was a pity, Yun Xiao still called Daigo. The danger of this mission was enough for Yun Xiao to hit Daigo hard.


Soon, Daigo's voice came from the other end of the phone, but there was some noise on his end. With their sensitive ears, they still heard the sound of Daigo hitting rocks.

"Hello, Mr. Daigo. I'm Yun Xiao. I'm here to report the mission."

Needless to say, Daigo must have gone to dig rocks again. His subordinates were gone, and this guy actually had the leisure to dig rocks?

"Oh? Yun Xiao? It's only been three days, and things have progressed so quickly?"

There was a hint of excitement in Daigo's voice, and he asked anxiously.

"Only three days?"

Yun Xiao seemed a little surprised, but he forgot what Karom and the others said at the beginning that five days in the Xicui Secret Realm was equivalent to one day outside.

"Yeah, how's it going? Have you found the person?"

Daigo seemed a little anxious. After all, if something happened to the Daigo team he created, it would undoubtedly be a loss for him.

Yun Xiao handed the phone to Xuan Yi, who was stunned for a moment and then took the phone from Yun Xiao.

"Boss, this is Xuan Yi."

Xuan Yi's words were brief, but they were enough.

"Okay, okay, I'm glad you're safe. Send me the location, and I'll send a helicopter to pick you up. See you in Kaina City!"

Daigo hung up the phone and threw down the manuscript in his hand. He rode on the shining giant gold monster and sped towards Kaina City.

Yun Xiao returned the phone to Yun Xiao, who immediately sent the location here. Ten minutes later, a helicopter flew straight towards everyone.

"Li Le, come with us. Join the alliance and become one of us."

Yun Xiao invited Li Le. If the alliance had a powerful trainer like Li Le, it would have more power to fight against the Everlasting Taina in the future.

"No, I'm used to freedom."

Li Le waved his hand and rejected Yun Xiao's invitation.

"Really? Just now Palkia asked me to be friends with you, and said that it would come to me in the future."

Yun Xiao curled his lips and said with regret.

"You mean, Palkia will come back?"

Obviously, Li Le was very concerned about Palkia's affairs.

Yun Xiao nodded. He would definitely meet Palkia again in the future. It's just that it's not the Palkia in the future time period, but the Palkia in this time period.

As for whether it still recognizes you, it is unknown. This sentence was obviously very effective for Li Le. He originally planned to leave, but he actually stayed and voluntarily joined the alliance and became a member of the Daigo team.

After everyone got on the helicopter, a group of fifteen people took the helicopter safely towards the direction of Kaina City.

On the helicopter, the tired people quickly fell asleep in their seats and slept all the way to their destination, Kaina City.

Listening to the staff shouting that they had arrived at the destination, Yun Xiao took off his eye mask and took a look at the familiar street scene outside the window. Yun Xiao's mood was also particularly relaxed.

Everyone stood up from their seats and slowly got off the plane under the leadership of Xuan Yi. Yun Xiao saw Daigo waiting at the airport when he walked out of the cabin.

Daigo was dressed in black and smiled. When he saw everyone get off the plane, he immediately came up to greet them.

"You...are you really not from the Galaxy Group?"

Li Le whispered quietly in Yun Xiao's ear. Isn't this colorful hair color the match of the Galaxy Group?

"Don't worry.

, this is Mr. Daigo, the former champion of our alliance, and also our boss.

Yun Xiao smiled and shook his head, patiently explaining to Li Le, who nodded in understanding.

"Thank you all for your hard work on this trip. Xuanyi will come to me later to tell me what happened. Now everyone can go back and rest. There are no tasks in the next few days, so you can relax well.

Daigo came over and spoke softly to everyone. This trip almost destroyed his team, and he also wanted to know what happened on this trip.

Everyone nodded, and then chose to disband under Daigo's instructions. Dai Xiaolin did not belong to the alliance, nor did she belong to Daigo's team. After Daigo gave her an unknown document, she happily ran away with her Pokémon.

"Who is this? "

Yun Xiao and his group were left alone with Li Le by Daigo. Facing this new face, Daigo asked curiously.

Yun Xiao also told Daigo everything about the Xicui Secret Realm. Daigo learned that Li Le also had strong strength, and immediately let him join his Daigo team happily.

"I am willing to join this team, but I have been away from home for so long. I have to go back and report to my parents. "

Li Le agreed to Dawu's invitation, but he had been away for five years after all. He had not contacted his parents for one year in this world during the five years in Xi Cui Secret Realm, and he didn't know how anxious they would be.

Dawu readily agreed to Li Le's request to go home first, and even arranged a helicopter for Li Le to reach his destination directly.

After saying goodbye to Yun Xiao and his group, Li Le boarded the helicopter home, feeling a little excited.

Dawu brought Yun Xiao and the others to his office and poured tea for Yun Xiao and the other five.

"Thanks to you this time. If Xuan Yi and the others had any problems, I would have a hard time explaining to their parents."

Dawu thanked the five people, and Yun Xiao and the others waved their hands.

"I just did my best. Without Hai Chen's inference, we couldn't enter the legendary Xi Cui Secret Realm. "

Yun Xiao did not take credit for this achievement, but pushed Hai Chen out. This is indeed the case. If it were not for Hai Chen's inference, he might still be worried about how to enter the Xicui Secret Realm.

Xiao Zhi, Xiao Yao and the others regarded this mission as an experience. In this experience of the Xicui Secret Realm, they all gained a lot.

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