The fish was caught in the water, but the fish was caught in the water.

"That's great, meow. When will you catch a fish, Yunxiao?"

Looking at Xiaosheng's joy, Meow Meow looked envious, and then looked at Yunxiao who was motionless.

"It's almost there, I even caught the fish of Master Lingcun in the past, I can catch this sea fish in a few minutes?"

Yunxiao said without any concern, and hearing Yunxiao's tone of guarantee, Meow Meow had to wait by the side.

"I got it, I got it, I got a fish too!"

Just then, Xiaoyao's fishing rod also began to move. Xiaoyao just shouted and used all his strength to compete with the sea fish. Lin Bo, who was originally helping Xiaosheng, immediately ran to Xiaoyao's side.

"Quick, use the electric wheel."

Lin Bo was overjoyed, and held Xiaoyao's fishing rod tightly with both hands to prevent the sea fish below from escaping from the rod.

Xiaoyao quickly turned on the electric wheel, and with the help of the electric wheel, Xiaoyao was much more relaxed when pulling. Seeing that Xiaoyao had stabilized, Lin Bo returned to Xiaosheng's side to help again.

"It's so heavy, it's completely different from fishing for Pokémon!"

Xiaosheng held the fishing rod with difficulty. Fishing for this sea fish actually made him feel that it was more difficult than fishing for Pokémon.

"Of course, when you fish for Pokémon, they usually pounce in the direction of the fishing rod, but these sea fish are very cunning and will fight you in the opposite direction. Don't worry, wait until it gets tired before pulling it up."

Lin Bo helped Xiaosheng while holding the hook in his other hand. After Xiaosheng pulled the big fish up to wash its gills, he pulled it up in one go.

"It's coming up, it's so big. What kind of fish is this, Uncle Lin?"

Looking at the gradually rising red figure, Xiaosheng was extremely excited.

This big fish has an oblong body that is slightly flattened laterally; a large mouth with an auxiliary maxilla, thin and pointed teeth, some of which are enlarged into canine teeth; the body is covered with small ctenoid scales, sometimes buried under the skin; the dorsal and anal fins are well developed, and the caudal fin is round or concave; the body color varies a lot, often brown or red, with stripes and spots.

"Oh my God, Xiaosheng, you are so lucky. The first one is a leopard gill perch. It's a grouper, and the taste of grouper rice or grilled grouper steak is amazing!"

As a local fisherman, Uncle Lin recognized the fish species that Xiaosheng caught at a glance, and according to Uncle Lin, this leopard gill perch weighed at least 30 kilograms.

"Really? That's great!"

Xiaosheng pulled the leopard gill perch over, and Uncle Lin quickly and accurately hooked it and immediately bled the fish.

"The blood of sea fish has a strong fishy smell. Bleeding the deep-sea fish immediately after it is caught can reduce the fishy smell of the meat, make the fish meat more delicious and increase the taste."

Uncle Lin also explained to everyone why Xiaosheng had to bleed the sea fish he caught, and everyone nodded in understanding.

Xiaosheng was particularly excited about the first big fish he caught, and Miaomiao, who was watching the excitement, also came over.

No cat doesn't like fish. When it saw the big grouper, Miaomiao's mouth was almost watering.

"Meow, don't worry. Let's grill the fish fillets and eat them at noon."

Xiaosheng obviously saw Miaomiao's desire to eat, and quickly comforted her. After all, breakfast had just been eaten not long ago. If she ate the big grouper now, it would be a waste if she couldn't finish it.

"I know, Xiaosheng, you are really great."

Meow nodded, then praised Xiaosheng, who was quite happy to hear it, and then Meow returned to Yunxiao's side again.

At this time, Xiaoyao's tug-of-war with the big fish gradually came to an end, and she could already feel that the big fish's struggle was gradually decreasing.

"Sister, come on. It's coming up soon."

Xiaosheng, who had just caught the fish, did not immediately start the second round of sea fishing. He had used a lot of strength when fishing for the big grouper just now, so Xiaosheng planned to rest for a while.

At this moment, Xiaoyao had no time to respond to Xiaosheng. She just nodded hurriedly and pulled the fishing rod hard, and then the head of the big fish emerged from the water.

"Oh my God, it's another big grouper. What a lucky brother and sister."

Lin Bo immediately exclaimed, did the brother and sister enter the grouper's nest?

The grouper that Xiaoyao caught this time was a tiger grouper, with a yellow to light brown body. It got its name because of its sharp teeth on both sides of its mouth, which are bent inward like a tiger's mouth. It has strong vitality and is easy to pack and transport.

When Lin Bo used a hook to catch the tiger grouper, he did not choose to bleed it, but threw it directly into the live tank. Because of its strong vitality, there was no need to worry about it dying.

After that, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang's fishing rods all moved, but Yunxiao's rod didn't move at all.

"Yunxiao, they all caught fish."

Meow Meow didn't want to discourage Yunxiao too much, but seeing Xiaozhi and the others also caught fish, Meow Meow was really envious.

"I know, but don't worry, Meow Meow, even the fish of Mr. Lingcun was caught by me. It's just a deep-sea fish, isn't it easy for me to catch it?"

Yunxiao still didn't care, and hurriedly comforted Meow Meow not to worry, the most important thing for fishermen is to be calm.

What Xiaozhi caught was a blue humphead wrasse. According to Lin Bo, this kind of fish has delicious meat and is very suitable for sashimi.

Its eyes are very small and located on the upper side of the head. The space between the two eyes is very bulging. The body is elongated and long oval; the head contour is straight from the back to the eyes, and then bulges; the forehead of the adult fish is prominent. The mouth is large and obliquely cleft, with a row of conical teeth in the upper and lower jaws, and a pair of large canine teeth at the front end; the edge of the preoperculum is serrated. The body is covered with large round scales.

The tail fin has a rounded end, the head and neck are dark green, the sides of the body are yellow-green, and the back half of the body has dark wavy horizontal stripes. The juvenile fish is dark blue, the head and abdomen are light in color with many vermilion fine lines, and the end of the scales of the body has purple horizontal stripes. There are two parallel black bands on the head through the eyes.

What Xiaogang caught was a red snapper, commonly known as red sweet fish, Dun's yellowtail, red sweet scad, and red mullet.

The body is oblong, slightly flattened, and the belly is round; the body color of the adult fish varies greatly, the back of the fish is blue-gray or olive, sometimes with a pink luster.

It has the effects of warming the stomach and harmonizing the middle, calming the liver yang, dispelling wind, treating arthralgia, stopping malaria, benefiting the intestines and brightening the eyes; it is mainly used to treat asthenia, wind-deficiency headache, hyperactivity of liver yang, hypertension, headache, and long-term malaria. The most important thing is that it is very delicious when used to make sashimi.

"Good job, Xiaogang."

"You are also very good, Xiaozhi."

Xiaogang and Xiaozhi bumped fists with each other. The two fish they caught were very big, which was enough to satisfy their cravings for the next two days. In addition to the grouper caught by Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng, even if there was no harvest later, they could add food to themselves during the journey later.

After all, Xiaogang always carries a small refrigerator with frozen seafood in his backpack, which is completely no problem to refrigerate these sea fish.

Meow Meow also came over to take a look with envy. After learning that Xiaozhi's blue eyebrow fish was going to be sent to the kitchen to make sashimi, Meow Meow jumped up excitedly, and then saw that Yunxiao was still working hard, so he ran back to Yunxiao's side.

After taking a rest, Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng took a look at the fish caught by Xiaogang and Xiaozhi, and returned to their own battlefields and began to work hard to catch the second fish.

"I spent ten years digging for a good rock but couldn't get a fish bigger than Satoshi and Brock."

Yun Xiao muttered to himself. Although he was trying to be brave because he didn't catch a single fish, he was already panicking inside.

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