The first match of the second round, Yun Xiao and Shun stood in the competition field.

Shun's face was a little solemn, he could feel how powerful Yun Xiao was.

"Make a grand appearance, Poison Rose."

After Poison Rose appeared, she spun her body and sprinkled paralysis powder in her hands, like a beautiful ballet dancer.

"Leave it to you, Minas."

Yun Xiao threw Minas out, without any appearance action, Minas sat there quietly.

"Poison Rose uses paralysis powder."

When the game started, Shun immediately launched an attack, and the paralysis powder attacked Minas.

"Mysterious Guardian."

Mienshao's body was immediately covered by a layer of light curtain, and the paralysis powder fell on the light curtain and disappeared instantly, which added a different beauty to Mienshao.

On the screen, Shun's skill was ineffective, but it increased the opponent's gorgeousness and his long health bar dropped a little.

"Use Magic Leaf!"

Shun once again commanded Poison Rose to attack.


Intermediate Mienshao fought against beginner Poison Rose, and the result was of course one-sided. Mienshao rode the huge waves to submerge Poison Rose and Magic Leaf, and Poison Rose fell down and lost its ability to fight.

The three referees looked at Poison Rose and gave three crosses. Yun Xiao won the first battle.

"Although I felt angry when I saw you disdain Xiaoyao's efforts at the beginning, but later I saw Xiaoyao relieved a lot of tension because of you, and I changed my mind about you a lot."

Yun Xiao walked to the opposite side and stretched out his hand to Shun.

"Are you sympathizing with the loser?"

Shun looked a little angry at Yun Xiao's action.

"No, this is a recognition of your strength."

Yun Xiao shook his head, but did not put down his right hand.

"Humph, I won't lose next time."

Shun was stunned for a while, then smiled with relief and held Yun Xiao's right hand.

"No, I won't play next time, your opponent in the future is her."

Yun Xiao pointed at Xiao Yao who was looking at the competition venue with excitement at the door and said.

"Do you think so highly of her?"

Shun looked at Xiao Yao with confusion, obviously she was still a beginner.

"Of course, she is my partner."

Yun Xiao laughed, and then left the stage with Shun, and the next opponent was about to appear.

"Yun Xiao, you are so strong, you actually defeated that Shun."

As soon as Yun Xiao left the stage, Xiao Yao surrounded him with a happy face, as if he was the winner.

"It's just that Mienshao worked hard enough. But you, don't be nervous for the first time on the stage, and use all your strength."

After giving the credit to Mienshao, Yun Xiao tapped Xiaoyao's forehead to cheer her up.

"Humph, of course I will do my best."

After being tapped on the forehead by Yun Xiao, Xiaoyao said angrily. The game on the field ended quickly, and Robert won the game with an overwhelming advantage.

The next game was between Xiaoyao, a beginner, and a passerby in Kaina City. Although Xiaoyao had worked hard enough, the beginner hunting swallowtail butterfly still lost to the intermediate Mariluri by a slight difference.

Xiaoyao, who lost for the first time, shed tears unwillingly. She walked off the stage with a frustrated look, and tears could not stop flowing down.

"Yunxiao, I'm sorry I lost."

Seeing Yunxiao waiting for her at the door, Xiaoyao was a little unwilling and tears could not stop flowing down.

"How does it feel to lose?"

Yun Xiao did not comfort Xiao Yao, but asked her.

"Feeling? I am so unwilling. I tried so hard to hunt Papilio, but I..."

Xiao Yao clenched her hands when she thought of the powerlessness she felt when she lost.

"Yeah, I felt the same way when I lost to Xiao Zhi."

Yun Xiao put his hands on his hips and smiled at Xiao Yao.

"In order to repay the efforts of Pokémon, even if we lose, we should say thank you for their hard work, because it is not only us who are fighting on the field, but also them. If we are unwilling, let's win back next time. Isn't it what we trainers should do to repay their efforts?"

Yun Xiao walked up and ravaged Xiao Yao's hair until she messed up her hair, and then she was satisfied.

"Yun Xiao, my hair!"

Looking at the hair that Yun Xiao had messed up like a chicken coop, Xiao Yao wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, smoothed her hair, and chased after Yun Xiao.

Back in the contestant seat, I found Xiaozhi

Xinghe and Xiaosheng were looking at him worriedly.

"Don't look at me like that. Although it was sad when I lost, it's okay now."

Looking at the worried look of everyone, Xiaoyao also responded to them. When they saw Xiaoyao really recovered, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Then everyone looked at the stage nervously, because the semi-finals match between Yunxiao and Robert was about to begin.

"I have to say that you are really good at cultivating Milotica. I admit that you are inferior to you, but I will not lose in Pokémon battles!"

Robert first praised Yunxiao's Milotica, and then sent out his Milotica with confidence.

"Then please give me more advice."

Yunxiao responded to Robert, and then released his Milotica. He couldn't help but secretly complain in his heart, isn't it true that he won't lose? A gym leader came to the novice area to bully noobs, it would be a ghost if he could lose.

The game was one-sided. With a huge advantage, Robert easily defeated Yun Xiao by a large score.

"How could it be, Yun Xiao actually lost."

Xiaoyao watched Robert defeat Yun Xiao with a complete victory. Except for the first game when she lost to Xiaozhi, this was the first time she saw Yun Xiao lose so thoroughly.

Xiaoyao hurriedly ran to the entrance of the competition stage and saw Yun Xiao walking towards the exit.

"Do you want me to comfort you this time?"

Xiaoyao asked with a hint of mischief, with her hands behind her back.

"Of course, let's go eat ice cream, I'll treat you."

Yun Xiao smiled helplessly and then walked outside.

"Okay, I'm going to eat you out of money."

Xiaoyao followed him with a hop.

"Have we been forgotten?"

Xiaozhi and others stood awkwardly in the contestant's seat, watching Yun Xiao and Xiaoyao gradually disappear in front of them.

"They didn't even take me with them."

Xiaosheng felt isolated from the world and squatted on the ground drawing circles.

"Hahaha, let's go and have ice cream too, I'll treat you!"

Xiaogang put his hands on his hips and said generously.

"Great, long live Xiaogang!"

Xiaoxia jumped up happily when she heard that Xiaogang wanted to treat her to ice cream.

In this way, Yunxiao and the other six went to the ice cream shop together. After eating delicious ice cream, the feeling of losing the game gradually faded.

While eating ice cream in the ice cream shop, Xiaozhi also invited Yunxiao to a duel, but Yunxiao suggested that they wait until Xiaozhi collected six Pokémon and then have a full-scale duel.

So the two also made an agreement that when Xiaozhi got six Pokémon, they would have a six-on-six full-scale battle.

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