The sound of a drop of water falling from the top of the dark cave echoed in the cave.

Two boys and a girl were lying unconscious on the ground in the cave. Beside the boy and girl, a beautiful Mienshao surrounded them.


Mienshao checked the boys and girls from time to time, but none of them showed any signs of waking up, which made her extremely worried.

And these three people were Yun Xiao and his three companions who fell into the underground cave after suffering an unexpected disaster. At the moment of falling, Yun Xiao released Mienshao, and Mienshao saved the fallen people.

However, they still inhaled too much gas formed after the underground cave was opened and fell into a coma.


Mienshao swung its tail, and a drop of life water fell in the middle of the three people in the sky. The life water drop gradually spread, and the eyes of the three people finally moved.


Mienshao happily used the life water drop again. Frequent use of Mienshao began to pant continuously. In order to save Yun Xiao and others, Mienshao consumed a lot of physical strength.


The three people gradually climbed up, covering their heads that were aching from inhaling too much gas, and then began to look at this dark cave.

"I feel dizzy, where are we?"

Xiaoyao stood up staggeringly, looking at this place curiously. There was nothing to see except darkness.

"We seem to have fallen into an underground cave."

Xiaosheng said while looking at the only bright place above his head.

"Let's go ahead first. You've worked hard, Mienshao. Come back and have a good rest."

Yun Xiao took back the tired Mienshao, then sent out the Fire Chicken, lit the torch he carried in his backpack, and under the protection of the Fire Chicken, the three of them walked towards the underground cave together.

"Hello, all adventure fans. Xiaoyao's expedition team has come to the underground cave this time. What kind of danger will we encounter?"

Although Xiaoyao was still confused, he was still doing his own exclusive report.


A cool breeze passed by, and Xiaosheng trembled.

"What's wrong, Xiaosheng?"

Yun Xiao looked at the trembling Xiaosheng and looked over curiously. Although this cave is deep, it's not cold?

"I don't know. Just now, a gust of wind suddenly blew over, and then I felt so cold."

Xiaosheng shivered, and he felt much better after taking out a thick coat from his backpack.

"Fire Chicken, use the jet of fire at Xiaosheng's back!"

Yun Xiao's eyes condensed, and he immediately commanded Fire Chicken.

"Hey hey hey? I'm just cold, you don't want to spray me with fire, right?"

Xiaosheng saw that Fire Chicken was really going to attack him, and he immediately panicked.

Xiaoyao wanted to protect Xiaosheng, but Yunxiao grabbed his right hand, and Yunxiao shook his head at Xiaoyao.

Fire Chicken's jet of fire did not hit Xiaosheng's body, but directly hit Xiaosheng's shoulder.


The flame passed through Xiaosheng's shoulder, and a Gastly showed up, then sneered, and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Ah, it's Gastly!"

Xiaosheng didn't notice that Gastly actually ran to him, he thought he was not used to the air here.

"But why is Gastly here?"

Xiaoyao was a little surprised, after all, this is a bottomless underground cave.

"It should be the ancient ruins kingdom guarding this place."

Yun Xiao illuminated the front, and in the surprised eyes of the two, a royal city gradually appeared under the illumination of Yun Xiao's torch.

"What is this?"

Xiao Yao walked forward a few steps in admiration, looking at the castle made of stone bricks, and couldn't help but wonder which ancient civilization this was.

"A vassal state of Poklantis."

Yun Xiao answered Xiao Yao's question without hesitation.

"Did you read this in a book?"

Xiao Sheng was a little surprised. Wouldn't Yun Xiao's knowledge be an encyclopedia? Everything is written.

"No, it's written here."

Yun Xiao illuminated the bright characters carved on the side, Poklantis is a vassal state of Kaz.

"Do you want to go in and take a look?"

Xiao Yao's spirit of adventure was completely activated, and he wanted to go in and find out.

"Will there be any danger?"

Xiao Sheng was a little worried, after all, there would be some dangerous mechanisms in these ruins.

"In order to find a way out, we must not

There is no way. "

Yun Xiao held a torch to illuminate the surroundings and found that except for this road, the rest of the surroundings were stone walls.

Just when everyone was about to enter the so-called Kaz Country, a shadow ball attacked everyone.


Typhoon quickly sprayed a jet of flame to deviate the shadow ball from its original direction. Gastly had already revealed its figure at this time, and its eyes were quite angry.

"Gym leader level."

Looking at the level of Gastly, Yun Xiao took a deep breath. This was not an existence he could fight against at the moment!

"Gasstly, we don't mean to disturb this place, we just want to find a way out."

Yun Xiao explained to Gastly that it was too easy for a gym leader-level Pokémon to kill them.


Gasstly didn't listen to Yun Xiao's explanation. The shadow ball attacked everyone again. Typhoon quickly stepped forward to block the shadow ball, but it also lost its combat ability.

"Run, run inside. "

Yun Xiao took back the Fire Chick and signaled everyone to flee inside. The gym owner's combat power was obviously not what they could face now.

The three of them ran directly into the palace. Gastly threw several shadow balls at Yun Xiao and others again, but Yun Xiao blocked them with the palace gate.

"Xiaoyao's expedition team was attacked by the powerful Gastly. What will be their fate?"

Xiaoyao explained excitedly while running.

"Now is not the time to talk about this, sister. "

Xiaosheng helplessly looked at his sister who had no sense of crisis at all.

After Yun Xiao closed the door tightly, he ran madly towards the depths, but how could a mere door stop Gastly?

Garsly penetrated the door, and looked at Yun Xiao and others who were gradually running deeper, his eyes condensed, and gathered the evil wave in his hands, intending to kill the three people directly here.

The evil wave was swung out, and the first to bear the brunt was Yun Xiao who was running at the back. Yun Xiao looked at the evil wave so close, and the breath of death instantly pressed over.

"Wandering Night Spirit, Shadow Ball."

Just at the critical moment, a voice came from the depths of the ruins, and a wandering night spirit flew above Xiao Yao's head, and then a shadow ball hit the skill of the evil wave, and the evil wave and the shadow ball dissipated in the air together.

"Strange light. "

A middle-aged man wearing an archaeological hat and green clothes came out and commanded the Wandering Night Spirit to launch an attack.

The strange light hit Gastly, and after being confused by the strange light, Gastly quickly drilled into the wall and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Thank you, uncle."

Xiaoyao happily ran to the middle-aged man. If he hadn't driven Gastly away, he might have died here today.

"You're welcome. Who are you and why are you here?"

The middle-aged man waved his hand indifferently, looking at the three young people, and asked seriously. You know, this is an ancient ruins full of dangers, and it is not for children who are still wet behind the ears.

"We fell from above, and we had to run here to find a way out. Uncle, can you take us out? "

Xiao Sheng also came over. With a powerful trainer protecting them, their chances of getting out would be higher.

Yun Xiao looked at the man in front of him with some caution. The Wandering Night Spirit beside him had the strength of a king. How could a king-level trainer appear in this ruins?

"Okay, but you have to follow me closely and don't touch the mechanism here. When I subdue the guys inside, I will take you out. Don't call me uncle. My name is Shen Dai, the leader of the Battle Pyramid."

Shen Dai nodded and introduced himself immediately.

"Battle Pyramid? I didn't expect you to be the famous Shen Dai, the strongest in the Battle Frontier. Hello, I am Yun Xiao from Chenghua City. ”

The Battle Frontier is a facility open only to powerful trainers. Only after you obtain all the badges issued by the Frontier can you be called a powerful trainer. The strongest person in the Battle Frontier is undoubtedly the leader of the Battle Pyramid in front of you, Kamishiro.

And getting an invitation to challenge the Battle Frontier is also the dream of all trainers.

"Hello, I am Xiaoyao from Chenghua City, and this is my younger brother, Xiaosheng."

Xiaoyao also greeted politely on the side. Although she didn't know Kamishiro, but someone who was respected by Yunxiao should be a powerful person.

"Mr. Kamishiro, are you here to capture Pokémon?"

Xiaosheng obviously knew Kamishiro, and after hearing Kamishiro's first words, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of Pokémon even Kamishiro wanted to capture.

"Yes, I have found it.

It's been many years."

Kamiyo nodded and sighed, then led everyone to the depths of the palace.

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