The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Without Yun Xiao's command, the Forest Lizard and the Frog could only fight independently. After all, the Forest Lizard was the leader of the Wood Gecko clan, so it also had a certain degree of independent fighting ability.

"Ji Ka~"

The Forest Lizard commanded the Frog to move the battlefield to the other side. The two members of the Ocean Team had not been able to capture the two Pokémon without the command of the trainer for a long time, and they were quite annoyed. They quickly commanded the Iron Claw to chase after them.

Taking advantage of this gap, Yun Xiao hurried to the cable car staff and began to untie the ropes for them.

"Hurry up and run down the mountain to find Miss Junsha for help."

Yun Xiao said as he untied the ropes for them.


The two staff members were incredulous when they heard the childish voice. They didn't expect that it would be a child who would fight with the Marine Team at this time.

Yun Xiao ignored them and asked them to escape along another road. As for why he didn't let them go down the road they came from?


On the road where Yun Xiao came from, there were roars of Pokémon, and then a bruised Moonstone flew towards the direction where Humura and Aquan were fighting.

"What is this pig-like Pokémon!"

Humura looked at the bruised Moonstone and exclaimed in a hurry. He was a little slow when commanding Pokémon.


Aquan also saw the figure flying over. After commanding the Diya Sea Lion to shoot a water gun to fly away the wolfhound, he looked at the Moonstone.


The Moonstone flew to the doctor with a bruised face and buzzed at him.

"Is this a moonstone? It's so beautiful!"

When the doctor saw the moonstone, his eyes shone. He loved meteorites, and the moonstones were growing on his XP.


Before everyone could react, a group of wild Pokémon rushed out with scarlet eyes, and four elite-level ursarom took the lead and rushed towards Humura, Aquan and the rest of the team.

"Well done."

Yun Xiao stood at the entrance and smiled at the chaotic scene. At this time, the two members of the Ocean Team who were sent to check the situation also rushed over, and their Pokémon Claws also attacked Yun Xiao.

Yun Xiao immediately released Gyarados and Brachyura to join the battlefield, and the four Pokémon collided with each other.


The Forest Lizard hit the Claws out of the window with a blade, and the glass shattered. Then it chased out and continued to fight with the Claws.

"Damn, who on earth is this person!"

Huimura cursed inwardly. Although he and Aquan were both gym-level trainers who were about to be promoted to the King, they were unable to spare their time in the face of a large number of wild Pokémon.

While the two team members guarding the doctor were fighting with the attacking wild Pokémon, Yueshi secretly used telekinesis to wrap up the doctor and sneaked away with the doctor.

"Are you really here to save me?"

The doctor's eyes were red, and he looked at the XP Pokémon who saved him from the water and fire with emotion.


Yueshi secretly took the doctor from the battlefield to Yunxiao's side, and looked at Yunxiao with a flattering face.

"Well done."

Yunxiao touched the moon stone that he had captured casually, and handed over a high-level rock energy block to Yueshi.


After eating the delicious high-level energy cube, Moonstone happily spun.

"Are you the doctor with the meteorite? Hand over the meteorite!"

The two members of the Marine Team also saw the situation here. Because the Iron Claws were still fighting with Gyarados, they rushed over without Pokémon and prepared to do it themselves.

After eating the delicious energy cube, Moonstone worked harder. He controlled the two people with a telekinesis and threw them directly into the room.

"Hello, I am Dr. Solance, an avid meteorite enthusiast. Thank you for rescuing me."

After being rescued, Dr. Solance came over to thank Yun Xiao, but his eyes were still looking at the Moonstone in front of him.

"Let's leave here first."

Yun Xiao's four Pokémon defeated the four Iron Claws one after another, and their trainers were tied up by the Forest Lizard and the Strong Chicken.

While the members of Team Lava and Team Ocean were not paying attention to this place, Yun Xiao took back the four Pokémon and whispered.


Sorry, you can't just leave like this. "

Just when Yun Xiao was about to leave with Dr. Solans, the members of the Magma Team surrounded Yun Xiao and Dr. Solans in an instant.


Beside them, the wolfhound was grinning at him, and the Zubat was flying in the sky, surrounding Yun Xiao and the others from all sides.

Two Magma Team cadres were blocking Yun Xiao and the others, and the one who spoke to Yun Xiao was one of the female cadres.

"What a shame, Fire Village. You didn't even see that the target was about to escape!"

The female cadre taunted Fire Village who was fighting with wild Pokémon in the distance.

"What? Why are you here, Naruto, Fire Goose!"

Seeing that Dr. Solans was not in his original position, he gritted his teeth, asked the wolfhound to get rid of the circle bear that was blocking him, and then rushed over.

"If we don't come, will we watch you let the target go? "

The male cadre Hokage shook his head at Humura with disdain.


Humura looked at Dr. Solance with an angry face, and Yun Xiao who made him embarrassed to rescue Dr. Solance.

He was originally the strongest among the three members of the Lava Team. The three of them were the capable men of the leader of the Lava Team, Chi Yansong. The three of them were at the gym level, and only he was the closest to the king.

But even so, he still embarrassed himself in front of the two. Humura walked in front of Yun Xiao with a face full of resentment and kicked him in the stomach.

"Cough cough."

After being kicked to the ground, Yun Xiao coughed violently.

"Fire Camel, use the jet of flame to burn him to death, and show him the consequences of offending our Lava Team!"

Humura looked at Yun Xiao wearing a mask with a cold face. He didn't intend to take a look, after all, he never remembered the appearance of a dead person.

"Oh, it's really cruel. "

Huoyan shrugged, but did not stop Humura's plan. After all, in their opinion, this was the most normal thing.

"Humph, wouldn't it be better if it was done earlier?"

The Hokage crossed his arms. Although Humura was the strongest among them, he never gave him a good face.

"You guys are so lively."

Just then, Aquan from the Marine Team also appeared behind them, followed by many members of the Marine Team.

"Aquan, you are the only cadre here, and there are three of us. You have no chance of winning."

Huoyan came over and taunted Aquan. As cadres who were also enemies, the two of them had never gotten along.

"Really? Not necessarily."

Behind Aquan appeared a thin man and a muscular man. The Pokémon around them were all at the gym level.

"Achao, beep! "

The Hokage looked at the two men behind Ah Quan with a serious expression. These two men were also members of the Marine Team. He didn't expect that the other side would also send out all their men.

"Hmph, no matter what, let me deal with this guy first, Jet Flame!"

The Fire Village didn't care and directly let the Fire Camel launch an attack.

"At least leave me a last word."

Looking at the approaching jet flame, Yun Xiao smiled bitterly. He didn't expect that he would lose his life here after coming here.


Just when the jet flame was about to hit Yun Xiao, a destructive death light in the sky hit the jet flame, and the jet flame dissipated instantly.


The three members of the Lava Team and the Marine Team looked at the uninvited guest in the sky in surprise.

"Finally here!"

Looking at the figure in the sky, Yun Xiao felt relieved.

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