The pterosaur flapped its wings and flew to the sky of the gym. The gym's ceiling was very high, which did not affect the pterosaur's flying combat.

In the past few days, although the pterosaur has been eating and sleeping crazily, it has also been trying to adapt to the new body. At this time, it has gradually mastered the initiative of this body.

Now let the strong chicken and the forest lizard fight it again, it is also confident that it can fight two without losing.

"I can't believe that I can still see the pterosaur that has long been extinct."

Looking at the pterosaur on the field, Qianli also admired it. Although the pterosaur is not as powerful as those quasi-gods, its rarity is far above those quasi-gods.

The King of Leave sat up and looked at the fossil pterosaur with fighting spirit.

"Are you motivated? Okay, King of Leave will use Rock Slide to knock down the fossil pterosaur."

The King of Leave, as a supernatural existence with a racial value of 670, has a huge flaw, that is, the lazy characteristic. The King of Leave, who has the lazy characteristic, has to rest for a while every time he uses a skill.

Although it looks like it is just lying still, it is actually accumulating the power to counterattack. It can release the accumulated energy at once, thereby exerting amazing power.

Because of this characteristic, even if it has a high racial value, not many people are willing to spend a lot of resources to cultivate it.

The King of Leave is rarely motivated. Qianli immediately launched an attack. Rocks gathered around the King of Leave, and then attacked the fossil pterosaur under the command of the King of Leave.

I have to sigh that the King of Leave is really strong. The Rock Slide used by the King of Leave is like a meteor shower, and countless rubble instantly surrounded the fossil pterosaur.

"Hold on and use Dragon Wave."

Yun Xiao didn't dare to be careless. If the flying type fossil pterosaur was hit by this rockfall, it would definitely suffer a lot of damage.

When the rockfall was about to hit, a green barrier protected the fossil pterosaur. When the King of Leave felt tired and lay down to rest, the fossil pterosaur immediately used Dragon Wave.

The King of Leave was lying on the ground at this time, and he had no intention of dodging. The Dragon Wave hit the lazy King of Leave, and a cloud of white mist filled the King of Leave.

"Next, use Rockfall!"

Yun Xiao didn't think that the King of Leave could be knocked down by just one Dragon Wave. After the Dragon Wave hit, Yun Xiao immediately let the fossil pterosaur continue to attack.

"King of Leave, Rockfall."

Qianli's expression was indifferent. The laziness of the King of Leave gave it super high defense and physical strength. Even if he took on this Dragon Wave head-on, Qianli believed that his King of Leave could withstand it.

As expected, a powerful rockfall in the white mist confronted the rockfall used by the fossil pterosaur, directly blocking the rockfall of the fossil pterosaur in the middle.

After the white mist dissipated, the King of Leave still maintained his previous posture and lazily lay on the ground, scratching the place where he was hit by the dragon's wave with his fingers.


The fossil pterosaur was furious when he saw that the other party despised him so much. Once upon a time, it was a hegemon, but now it was looked down upon by a dead monkey.

"Calm down, fossil pterosaur, think about the all-you-can-eat energy block, and use the original power."

Yun Xiao watched the fossil pterosaur on the field about to go berserk, and hurriedly began to coax it. The fossil pterosaur's originally restless heart gradually calmed down after hearing the energy block.

It slowly condensed a primitive power, and the primitive power hit the immobile King of Leave. Although it did not cause much damage, it was lucky. This time, after the primitive power hit, it enhanced the overall attributes of the fossil pterosaur.

"Leave King, use Hammer."

When Leave King was able to move again, Qianli asked Leave King to attack again. Leave King's eyes were sharp, and he jumped suddenly, rushing towards the Fossil Pterosaur, with a bright light in his hand.

"Fossil Pterosaur, use Slam!"

The Fossil Pterosaur's hard head allowed Yun Xiao to use this skill without any worries, which hurt the enemy by 1,000 and hurt himself by 800.

Slam directly collided with Hammer, and with the attribute enhancement of the original power, it was barely equal to the power of Leave King. The two skills collided with each other, generating a strong airflow.

The strong airflow lifted the two Pokémon away, and each landed in front of the trainer.

"Use Rock Slide!"

Both sides commanded their Pokémon to attack at the same time.

After Leave King was forced back by Fossil Pterosaur,

Instead of falling into laziness, he looked at the pterosaur with full fighting spirit. He waved his hand, and countless rock fragments collided with the rock avalanche of the pterosaur.

However, this time, in front of the pterosaur with enhanced power, the rock avalanches of the King of Leaves were defeated one after another. The King of Leaves was hit by the remaining rock avalanches and his body kept retreating backwards.

After this attack, the King of Leaves lay down lazily again. Yun Xiao found the right opportunity and let the pterosaur use another rock avalanche.

Suffering a lot of damage, the King of Leaves began to pant.

"Can't delay any longer, the King of Leaves uses the arm hammer!"

Looking at the situation of the King of Leaves, Qianli secretly said that it was not good, and quickly asked the King of Leaves to launch an attack.

"Pterosaur, use Ultimate Impact!"

Yun Xiao also planned to make a quick decision, so he let Pterosaur use its most powerful move. Airflow continued to gather around Pterosaur, and Pterosaur directly collided with the arm hammer of the King of Leave with this powerful airflow. The two Pokémon were equally powerful, and neither of them was willing to take a step back.


Pterosaur roared and directly bounced the arm hammer of the King of Leave. The Ultimate Impact slammed into the King of Leave. After being hit by the Ultimate Impact, the King of Leave flew backwards and hit the wall of the gym. The wall collapsed under the impact of the King of Leave, and the King of Leave had lost its ability to fight at this time.

"I lost."

Qianli exhaled and took back the King of Leave.

"Yun Xiao won!"

Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng outside the field seemed to have forgotten that Yun Xiao defeated their father at this time, and they all jumped up happily for Yun Xiao's victory.

"It's time to renovate the wall again."

Looking at the big hole in the wall, Mitsuko said with some heartache.

After the game, Fujiwara Hui did not say anything, but quietly looked at the boy on the field, with pride in her eyes.

"Congratulations, Yun Xiao. This is the proof of defeating Chenghua Gym, the Libra Badge."

Qianli came to Yun Xiao with ease and handed the Libra Badge to Yun Xiao.

"Thank you, Teacher Qianli."

After Yun Xiao took the Libra Badge, he thanked Qianli, and after getting the Libra Badge, it meant that they would embark on a journey again.

Yun Xiao first returned home with Fujiwara Hui, and after taking the six Pokémon that they were going to take with them, they said goodbye to Fujiwara Hui.

"Sister, I'm ready to go."

Yun Xiao said goodbye reluctantly. Although Fujiwara Hui was not her biological sister, since she met Fujiwara Hui, her care for her had already made Yun Xiao regard her as her only relative in the world.

"You must achieve your goal, little brat. I will take care of the logistics of replacing and taking care of Pokémon."

Fujiwara Hui waved her fist. These jobs are much simpler than those in the store.

"I will."

Yun Xiao nodded heavily to Fujiwara Hui, and then headed towards the destination he had agreed with Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng.

Not long after Yun Xiao left, the mosquito frog handed an envelope to Fujiwara Hui.

The letter said: I'm afraid you won't accept it. There are 300,000 alliance coins in it. Please take care of their food.

In addition to the 300,000 alliance coins, there is also a copy of the formula of the advanced energy cube, which Yun Xiao printed from the notebook of old man Qianxun in Xiaoyao's hand.

Looking at the money and formula in his hand, Fujiwara Hui shook his head helplessly.

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