The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the flight to begin.

"Butler, you go over there too. The device needs you to start."

Yun Xiao shouted at Butler, after all, this device was invented by Butler.

Butler nodded to Yun Xiao, then asked the Bloodwing Dragon to break off a tentacle and flew towards the flying device.

"Fossil Pterosaur, cover."

What needs to be done now is to protect Butler, Xiaozhi and others to reach the aircraft safely. The Fossil Pterosaur constantly attacks the tentacles close to the Desert Dragonfly and the Bloodwing Dragon.

After seeing Xiaosheng successfully send Jirachi back to the device, Yun Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and asked the fossil pterosaur to protect everyone in the aircraft. The desert dragonfly and the blood-winged dragonfly also flew back and used skills to block the attack of the tentacles.


Tentacles entangled the fossil pterosaur, the blood-winged dragonfly and the desert dragonfly.

"Xiaosheng, Xiaozhi, the rest of Jirachi is left to you."

After being hit by the tentacles, Yun Xiao placed her hopes in the hands of Xiaozhi and the others. After protecting Xiaoyao in her arms, they were absorbed into Groudon's body together.

"Sister, Yun Xiao!"

Xiaosheng shouted sadly.

"Jirachi, please, you must save us all..."

Xiaozhi hurried to the switch and turned it on with force. The aircraft immediately shot out a light blue light that shone on the ground.

At this time, a tentacle attacked Jirachi, and Butler directly blocked Jirachi with his body.

"Mr. Butler."

Xiaozhi looked at Butler who was desperate and shouted worriedly.

"Everyone, I'm sorry."

After Butler left a word, he was sucked into the body of artificial Groudon.

Artificial Groudon felt the threat and rushed towards Jirachi frantically. When it came to Jirachi, Jirachi's whole body was shining with white light.

The white light pushed artificial Groudon into the sky like a comet in the sky. Jirachi flew artificial Groudon to the highest sky with white light, and the figure of artificial Groudon gradually dissipated.


A violent explosion sounded, and artificial Groudon turned into white fireworks in the sky. The people and Pokémon absorbed into the body of artificial Groudon also returned to the ground one by one under the white fireworks.

Xiaoxia, Xiaogang, Yunxiao and Xiaoyao stood in an open space. The four of them had a feeling of surviving a disaster. Xiaozhi and Xiaosheng also moved in front of everyone in Jirachi's instant.

"Jirachi, thank you."

Seeing the shining Jirachi flying towards them, Xiaosheng happily thanked Jirachi.

"Haha, Xiaosheng, I like you so much, and I like everyone too, because you are all very kind to me, and we will always be good friends."

Jirachi happily threw himself into Xiaosheng's arms.

"Yeah, we will always be good friends."

Everyone responded to Jirachi.

"Would you like to hear my wish?"

Jirachi looked at everyone reluctantly.

"Jirachi's wish?"

Everyone asked curiously.

"I want to listen to a song, because I'm about to go to bed, please."

At Jirachi's request, everyone sang a lullaby to Jirachi, and Jirachi also turned back into amethyst in the lullaby.


Xiaosheng shed tears reluctantly, and the purple crystal fell into the ground, which instantly shone with light. The energy of the millennium comet that Jirachi had absorbed before turned into the best nutrient for Fanes.

With the disappearance of Jirachi, it also indicated that the event had come to an end.

"Xiaoyao, Xiaoxia's last wish!"

Yun Xiao looked at the two people who were still in a daze and reminded them quickly.

"Ah, I almost forgot!"

The two immediately took out the wishing star and folded the last corner.

The next morning, Butler and Diane told everyone that they decided to stay in Fanes and do a research to restore the barren land here.

And what about Yun Xiao?

At this time, he came to Absol and Desert Dragonfly, holding a Poké Ball in his hand and full of fighting spirit.

"Absol, Flying, I like you two very much. Come and be my Pokémon!"

Yun Xiao threw out Gyarados and Milotic, inviting Absol and Flying to a battle.



Absol and Flying nodded, and launched an attack on Gyarados and Milotic.

Absol jumped high, swung an air blade at Milotic, and Flying attacked Gyarados.

The dragon blew out a breath of dragon.

"Gyarados Tornado, Milotic uses Water Wave on Flycatcher."

Gyarados's Tornado blocked the two Pokémon. After the Air Blade and Dragon's Breath touched the Tornado, the three attacks dissipated in front of Gyarados.

Milotic also took this opportunity to use Water Wave on Flycatcher. Flycatcher vibrated its wings to avoid the Water Wave and then threw out an iron tail.

Absol followed Flycatcher and used a sneak attack on Gyarados. It was super lucky and with the sneak attack, once it hit Gyarados, even if Gyarados had thick skin and flesh, it would still suffer considerable damage.

"Double Water Cannon."

Yun Xiao obviously didn't intend to let them get close. Gyarados and Milotic's water cannons directly forced Absol and Flycatcher back, and the two water cannons completely blocked their route forward.

Desert Dragon had no choice but to use the Destruction Beam to attack Milotic. Absol rushed towards Gyarados again.

"Mienshao Tidal Swirl, Gyarados uses the Water Tail to slap the Tidal Swirl."

Mienshao immediately condensed a tidal swirl in front of him. Gyarados flicked his tail and slapped the tidal swirl out like a spinning top. The tidal swirl instantly engulfed the Destruction Beam, and then sucked in the running Absol and the flying Desert Dragon.

"This move is called Spinning Top Flash Black Style 3."

The two Pokémon wrapped in the tidal swirl had no way to escape. Seizing this opportunity, Gyarados and Milotic flew over. Under the attack of the two Water Tails, Absol and Desert Dragon instantly lost their combat capabilities.

Yun Xiao also took this opportunity to capture them. After capturing them, Absol and Desert Dragon automatically teleported back to their homes.

After conquering the Desert Dragonfly and Absol, Yun Xiao also joined the others one after another. With Butler's car, Yun Xiao and others returned to Mount Yantu and boarded the helicopter that was still waiting for everyone at Mount Yantu.

Xiaozhi did not go with Yun Xiao and others because he wanted to get the Orange Gym badge.

After returning to Futaba Town, Yun Xiao also directly called Daigo's phone number to report the situation.

However, he selectively hid the matter of Butler and Diane. After all, Butler had turned over a new leaf and was no longer a scientist of the Magma Team, so there was no need to arrest him.

After successfully completing the task assigned by Daigo, Yun Xiao and others planned to go to Dr. Odamaki first.

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