The two of them were so busy that they had to sit down.

"Cha, Cha~"

After Yun Xiao recovered, the Fire Chicken was walking in front with his head held high, completely forgetting the scene of being beaten up yesterday.

"I'm so tired. We've been in the Orange Forest for almost two days. Haven't we reached Kanaz City yet?"

Xiaoyao and her Fire Chicken were at the end of the team, and finally sat down on the ground with a wail.

"Your physical strength is very poor, sister. We still need to go through another forest before we can see Kanaz City. Just hold on for a while."

Looking at Xiaoyao sitting on the ground, Xiaosheng sighed helplessly.

"I don't care. I'm so tired. I want to eat. Yun Xiao, let's have grilled fish again, okay?"

Xiao Yao sat on the ground and refused to get up. Since she ate the grilled fish tree fruit skewers made by Yun Xiao yesterday, she has been pestering Yun Xiao for a whole day.

"Okay, let's take a break here at noon today. Go to the river to catch some fish for Tadpole, Ugly Fish, and Magikarp."

Looking at Xiao Yao's look, Yun Xiao nodded. It was time to prepare lunch.


Hearing that lunch was about to start, Xiao Yao jumped up happily, completely without the original tired look.

"Cha Ma Cha Ma ~"

Xiao Yao's Fire Chicken also shook happily.

Yun Xiao opened his backpack and took out a large table and chairs for three people to sit on. He also prepared pots, bowls, and some meat and vegetables won from other trainers.

"What are we eating today?"

Xiaoyao ran to Yunxiao with an excited look on her face, watching Yunxiao skillfully cut meat and tree fruits. These skills were learned from Fujiwara Hui. Although Fujiwara Hui was a little sloppy, her cooking skills were excellent.

"How about tree fruit salad, pork rib soup, curry rice and grilled tree fruit fish?"

After all, she is still at the age of growing up, and the proper nutritional combination is indispensable.


Hearing the dishes for lunch today, Xiaoyao, who has turned into a foodie, shouted happily.

Xiaosheng was arranging the food for the Pokémon at this time, dividing the bowls with energy cubes one by one. Yunxiao's Pokémon, who are now in the novice stage, only need four pieces each, while her sister Xiaoyao's Fire Chick can only absorb two pieces.

After preparing the food, Xiaosheng nodded with satisfaction, and handed the energy cubes to the mosquito coil tadpoles when they came back.


A sound attracted Xiaosheng's attention, and then he saw a huge brown raccoon flashing through the bushes.

"What a big snake bear!"

Xiaosheng's exclamation attracted everyone's attention. Yu Yunxiao, who was cooking, glanced at the huge figure swaying back and forth and then retracted his gaze.

"Snake Bear?"

Seeing the new Pokémon, Xiaoyao immediately opened the illustration to check it out.

"Snake Bear, a raccoon Pokémon. It is very curious and has the habit of being interested in any food. Because of this, they will walk around everywhere, like snakes."

Hearing the introduction in the illustration, Xiaoyao nodded. At this time, the snake bear group was curiously watching Kairos and the others sucking the juice flowing from the tree.

"Guqia! Snake Bear, come to duel!"

Suddenly, the huge snake bear instantly turned into a human and challenged the snake bear group.

"Hey! Snake Bear has turned into a human."

Xiaoyao saw Snake Bear turn into a human in an instant, and exclaimed in surprise.

"No, it should be said that he was originally a human."

Xiaosheng corrected him. No matter how you think about it, Pokémon can't turn into a human, right?

"You mean Snake Bear was originally a human?"

Xiaoyao stared blankly at the human in front who was about to attack Snake Bear. Hearing Xiaoyao's words, Yun Xiao almost vomited blood.

Xiaoyao, your brain circuit is really... hard to describe.

Immediately, in order to prove their point, Xiaosheng and Xiaoyao personally stepped forward and pinched the boy's face to discuss. From the boy's mouth, they learned that his name was Aqi, and he was a shorts boy lover.

Aqi was very excited to see Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng's shorts and regarded them as his companions. Then he learned that Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng were Qianli's children. He was excited and immediately launched a battle with Xiaoyao.

And Xiaoyao also agreed to this battle under the dual stimulation of Xiaosheng and Aqi.

"Let me see the strength of Qianli's daughter, oh, transform into a water-leaping fish!"

Aqi immediately put on the water-leaping fish

Doll costume, released her initial elf Water Leap Fish, and her strength reached the novice level.

"Then let's go this way, Fire Chicken, launch an attack!"

Xiaoyao also sent out her own Fire Chicken, but without commanding the use of skills, the Fire Chicken stood there helplessly.

"It's a bit troublesome, Xiaoyao's Fire Chicken is only at the entry level, and under the condition of unfavorable attributes, it will lose if it encounters a higher level than itself."

Yun Xiao, who had prepared food, wiped her hands and came to the competition field. Looking at the battle between the two people in the competition field, she frowned.

"It doesn't matter, attribute restraint can be compensated by tactics, sister will definitely be able to do it."

And Xiaosheng was confident in Xiaoyao, but the result was one-sided. Xiaoyao, who had no combat experience and attribute restraint concept, fought a one-sided situation.

The sparks of Fire Chick were easily taken down by Water Leap Fish with a water gun, and then under the attack of Water Leap Fish, Fire Chick lost its ability to fight, and Xiaoyao also lost three fire-attribute energy cubes to Aqi.

"Hahaha, I won. It seems that Chenghua Gym is not that great. Then I am not in a hurry to go to Chenghua Gym. After conquering the Serpentine Bear, I will take the badge of Chenghua Gym by the way."

After leaving a word, Aqi was about to leave, but this word aroused the anger of three people at the same time.

"You actually said bad things about Dad!"

Xiaosheng gritted his teeth and looked at Aqi, and Xiaoyao, who lost the game, also glared at Aqi.

"I can't pretend that you didn't hear what you said, or let me try it this time?"

After all, Yun Xiao had been his teacher for a month, and the teacher was ridiculed, so he naturally wouldn't pretend not to hear it, and directly launched a battle against Aqi.

"Ah? Who are you?"

Looking at Yun Xiao who initiated the fight, Aqi asked curiously.

"My name is Yun Xiao, and Mr. Qianli is my teacher."

Yun Xiao also introduced himself.

"Okay, I agree to your duel. Although you are not a shorts boy, I also apologize for what I said just now. I was too proud of myself."

Aqi did not refuse, and accepted the invitation to fight with a smile, and then apologized to the three for his rudeness.

Yun Xiao and the other two's faces also eased a lot, but they still wanted to teach the arrogant Aqi a lesson.

"Then continue to fight, Shuiyueyu transforms"

Aqi put on Shuiyueyu's puppet costume again, and Shuiyueyu returned to the field again. Although he had experienced a battle, he did not lose much physical strength.

"Then I will send Fire Chicken on my side."

Yun Xiao also directly used the Fire Chicken that he had just conquered. After hearing Yun Xiao's voice, Fire Chicken hurriedly ran over from the camp and looked at Shuiyueyu with great momentum.

"What's going on? Using fire to fight water again? Never mind, Water Leap Fish uses water gun."

Seeing the same opponent again, Aqi was a little helpless and wanted to end the battle as soon as possible.

"Xiaoyao, watch this game carefully. Fire Chicken, use Lightning Flash."

Yun Xiao signaled Xiaoyao to watch the game carefully. Although the characteristics of the two were different, after evolving into Flame Chicken, the fighting methods were roughly the same. Coupled with the fierce fire characteristics, the explosive power that burst out might be even higher than Yun Xiao's Fire Chicken.

"Okay, Fire Chicken, we have to learn well!"

Xiaoyao also nodded. Xiaoyao, who had not completed any battles, was also watching the game on the field very carefully, and the Fire Chicken in Xiaoyao's arms was the same. It didn't understand why its flames and pecks always failed to hit the opponent.


On the field, Yun Xiao's Fire Chicken jumped quickly and easily avoided the attack of Water Leap Fish. Using the speed of Lightning Flash, it ran quickly around Water Leap Fish.


Looking at the running Fire Chicken, Shui Yueyu seemed a little flustered. In terms of strength, Shui Yueyu was confident that he was not inferior to Fire Chicken, but in terms of speed, Shui Yueyu was far behind.

"Don't panic, Shui Yueyu, use Rock Crushing on the Fire Chicken on the field."

Aqi commanded Shui Yueyu to attack. Shui Yueyu shouted and rushed directly to the running Fire Chicken, with a white light on his right palm.

"See through."

Facing the aggressive Shui Yueyu, Yun Xiao did not panic, but waited for Shui Yueyu to come in front of him and let Fire Chicken use See Through.

When Shui Yueyu's attack came to him, Fire Chicken's eyes lit up, and he dodged to the right and directly avoided Shui Yueyu's attack.

"Charge Flame Attack."

Seizing this opportunity, Fire Chicken directly used Charge Flame Attack to knock Shui Yueyu out.

"Charge Flame Attack?"

Hearing the new move, Xiaoyao was a little happy

He looked at Xiaosheng curiously.

"Charge Flame Attack is a fire-type move. It can increase the speed of Pokémon after use. It is a particularly useful move for melee Pokémon, especially Chickadee."

Xiaosheng also patiently explained it to Xiaoyao.

"So that's how it is. It suits my Chickadee."

Xiaoyao nodded in understanding and silently memorized this skill in his heart.


Xiaoyao's Chickadee looked at the Chickadee whose speed was constantly increasing in the field with a gleam in his eyes. At this moment, he admired Yunxiao's Chickadee very much.

"Use Charge Flame Attack."

Yunxiao once again commanded Chickadee to rush forward. After the double speed blessing of the acceleration characteristic and Charge Flame Attack, Chickadee turned into an orange light and quickly attacked the Water Leap Fish.

"So fast! Shuiyueyu uses water gun to stop it!"

Aqi looked at Yun Xiao's Fire Chicken in surprise. It was obvious that the level of this Fire Chicken was different from Xiaoyao's Fire Chicken just now.

Although Shuiyueyu wanted to stop it, the Fire Chicken easily dodged the water gun and was knocked out by the Fire Chicken again.

Then, the Fire Chicken's two claws stepped directly on Shuiyueyu's face.


Yun Xiao understood and immediately commanded the Fire Chicken. The Fire Chicken pecked at Shuiyueyu with its sharp beak, and Shuiyueyu lost its fighting ability directly.

"I lost. I am worthy of being Mr. Qianli's student. I can't even beat Mr. Qianli's students, let alone him. I will train hard again."

After Aqi admitted defeat with conviction, he paid the bet and left with Shuiyueyu.

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