Coming to the elf store, Zhang Cheng took a look at the price of the water energy cube.

A low-level energy cube costs five hundred elf coins, and at present, there are four thousand elf coins in his hand, and Zhang Cheng took out two thousand and bought four pieces for the mosquito coil tadpole.

For the remaining two thousand elf coins, Zhang Cheng bought five ordinary poke balls, and kept them to grab some elves in the wild.

After selecting the goods and checking out, Zhang Cheng took out the energy cube and gave it to the mosquito coil tadpole.

After seeing the energy cube, the mosquito coil tadpole didn't say a word, and directly began to eat.

In this way, Zhang Cheng hugged the mosquito coil tadpole that ate the energy cube and walked home together.

After returning home, I had a brief chat with my mother for a while, and then returned to my room and continued to massage and relax the mosquito coil tadpoles.

After the massage, Zhang Cheng took out his mobile phone and showed the cartoons that elves love to watch to the mosquito coils and tadpoles, and he went to take a bath.

After washing, Zhang Cheng returned to the room and found that the mosquito tadpole had fallen asleep.

After two consecutive days of high-intensity battles, the mosquito coil tadpoles are indeed very tired, so let the mosquito coil tadpoles rest today.

After a night of silence

, the sun of the next morning sprinkled on Zhang Cheng's face, and as an alarm clock rang, Zhang Cheng's sweet dream was interrupted.

After turning off the alarm clock, Zhang Cheng continued to sleep, he was really tired in the past two days, so he and the mosquito tadpoles had a good rest.

The combination of work and rest will be more effective.

Zhang Cheng didn't get up until noon, and after a simple wash and lunch, Zhang Cheng also took mosquito coils and tadpoles for training.

Zhang Cheng planned to train the accuracy of the mosquito coil tadpole skill first.

Some broken tiles were found nearby, and Zhang Cheng threw them out and asked the mosquito coil tadpoles to use water guns to attack moving targets Xi.

It was difficult to hit at first because of the small size of the tiles and their speed.

Under the continuous practice Xi of the mosquito coil tadpole, the accuracy is getting higher and higher, and there is already a fifty percent hit rate in the back.

Zhang Cheng is very satisfied with this progress, and now the mosquito tadpole's water gun skills have been used perfectly.

After completing the Xi, Zhang Cheng immediately rewarded the mosquito coil tadpole with an energy square.

With the motivation of the energy cube, the mosquito coil tadpole is more motivated.

After resting, the main requirement was to continue training, and Zhang Cheng followed his own plan to let the mosquito coil tadpole carry out foam light skill training.

Foam light is the genetic skill of the mosquito coil tadpole, and now the mosquito coil tadpole has a lot of combat experience and skill proficiency.

Zhang Cheng thinks it's time for the mosquito tadpole to develop new skills to increase the combat effectiveness of the mosquito tadpole.

Zhang Cheng first showed the mosquito tadpole the foam light video on his mobile phone to watch, and then instructed the mosquito tadpole to operate in the online tutorial.

However, mosquito coils are highly qualified, and after a period of experimentation, mosquito coil tadpoles gradually learned to use foam light.

I saw that the mosquito tadpole spit out a large amount of foam from its mouth, and soon caused damage to the trunk of the tree.

Now the foam light has begun to take shape, but the power is still not as high as the water gun.

Zhang Cheng believes that after practicing Xi, the effect will definitely get better and better, and in the following period of time, mosquito coils and tadpoles will use foam light as the main means of attack.

By sunset, Zhang Cheng had finished his training as a tadpole.

Training should not be rushed, one step at a time, steady and steady is the best.

After returning home, Zhang Cheng massaged the mosquito coil tadpole as always, and then watched the fairy TV series for the mosquito coil tadpole.

During this period of time, the mosquito tadpole and Zhang Cheng became more and more intimate, and the tacit understanding between the two became higher and higher.

For the next two days, Zhang Cheng has been doing special training on mosquito coils and tadpoles to make foam light.

In the follow-up training, the mosquito coil tadpole also mastered the skill of the eye of the heart.

This also brought Zhang Cheng an unexpected joy, he didn't expect the talent of the mosquito tadpole to be so high, and he comprehended the new genetic skills so quickly.

After the Eye of the Heart is activated, the next attack is guaranteed to hit the opponent, which can be very effective against elves who have bottomed out their health but have a high dodge rate.

Zhang Cheng also tried to get the mosquito coil tadpole to activate the eye of the heart and then attack the moving target with a water gun.

Sure enough, it's a hundred shots, and the high hit rate after activating the eye of the heart is scary.

However, the eye of the heart also has a disadvantage, that is, it will fail to be used repeatedly, and the number of times it can be used is limited.

Zhang Cheng thought about it carefully and felt that it was quite reasonable, after all, such a skill, with a high damage skill with a low hit rate, has been used too perverted.

For the next week, Zhang Cheng repeated the same pattern, taking mosquito coil tadpoles for training during the day, and taking care of mosquito coil tadpoles after returning home at night, so that mosquito coil tadpoles could relax.

The combination of work and rest training makes mosquito coils and tadpoles also very enjoyable.

But after a week of such days, Zhang Cheng realized that there was a serious problem.

That's no money!

The last 4,000 yuan elf coins have been used up, and the food I bought when I bought mosquito coil tadpole elf eggs is almost exhausted.

If you don't take on the task to earn elf coins, maybe Zhang Cheng and the mosquito tadpole will starve to death.

So Zhang Cheng and Mosquito Coils Tadpole had no choice but to end this comfortable time and began to take over the tasks issued by the Elf Alliance Center to earn elf coins.

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