Seeing that the fiery monkey had completely lost its ability to fight, Zhang Cheng and Xiao Wei both breathed a sigh of relief.

After triggering the Anger Acupuncture Point trait, the attack power of the Fire Monkey is too terrifying.

The four attacks in a row directly killed the four elves of the two in seconds, and even the iron armor could not resist the defense, you can imagine how terrifying the attack power of the Dao Fire Monkey was.

If you can't solve the hot monkey just now, the situation will be very dangerous.

After the Swamp Leaping Fish lost its ability to fight, there were only two flying elves that could fight, and it was not easy for the fire monkey to attack them.

Then the target of the fiery monkey will definitely be Zhang Cheng and Xiao Wei, in this case, Bibi Bird and the iron-masked ninja must fight the fiery monkey to protect the safety of the trainer.

However, the flying elves are all fragile, and if the fiery monkeys can use two more skills to attack just now, all of their elves will be defeated.

"Fortunately, I got rid of this fiery monkey, but I didn't expect luck to be so unlucky, and it triggered his characteristics as soon as it came up. Xiao Wei sat on the ground and said.

Xiao Wei had been in a tense state during the battle, and now that he was relaxed, his whole body collapsed.

"Take a break and get Bibi and the Ninja in the Iron Mask back in shape, and then go and get rid of the remaining monkey monsters. Zhang Cheng arranged the next plan.

After solving the hot monkey, the task was much easier, but it was a pity that Zhang Cheng didn't get Mu Ziguo.

The Burning Monkey's Mu Zi Guo should have dissolved the freezing effect caused by the freezing beam of the Iron Armor Shell, otherwise the poison of the swamp leaping fish behind it should be lifted by the effect of the Mu Zi Fruit.

In fact, the highly toxic state has not been lifted, so it must be that the wood fruit body has been used in advance.

At that time, the situation was urgent, and it was too late to think about the tree fruit, and the most important thing was to defeat the fiery monkey as soon as possible.

The two of them rested in place, unleashing the incapacitated elves and spraying them with healing spray to ease their injuries.

The injuries of the four elves were relatively serious, and the healing spray only played a relieving role, and if they wanted to recover their combat effectiveness, they still needed to go back to the town and let the elf healing center treat them.

Now the only elves with combat power are Bibi Bird and the Iron Mask Ninja.

Fortunately, there are two elves with combat effectiveness, both of which are flying, and they have a restraint effect on the fighting monkey monsters.

There shouldn't be a lot of monkey monsters left, and Bibi Bird and Iron Mask Ninja can completely deal with them.

After Zhang Cheng and Xiao Wei settled the elves, they continued to walk towards the depths of the forest, as long as the remaining monkey monsters were removed, this mission would be completed.

The two of them walked for more than ten minutes before they were attacked by a group of monkey monsters.

Three monkey monsters fell from the tree at the same time, launching a frantic scratching attack on Zhang Cheng and Xiao Wei.

"Bibi Bird, hold on!" Zhang

Cheng has been guarding against the sneak attack of the monkey monster, and immediately commanded Bibi Bird to defend after hearing the movement.


Bibi Bird quickly condensed his energy, inciting his wings to form a barrier around his body, and the barrier protected the two of them.

The monkey monster's crazy scratching attack landed on the barrier, and no matter how they scratched, it was a defense that could not break through the barrier.

"Iron Mask Ninja, use bloodsucking!" Seeing

that Bibi Bird resisted the attack of the monkey monster, Xiao Wei reacted quickly and commanded the Iron Mask Ninja to attack.

The Iron Mask Ninja activated his bloodsucking skills, condensed worm-based energy in his mouth, and then quickly came to the side of a monkey monster, opened his mouth and bit it.

The bitten monkey monster screams in pain, and the bloodsucking skills used by the Iron Mask Ninja are not only powerful, but also restore their own health.

Xiao Wei used this trick not only to defeat the monkey monster, but also to effectively restore the state of the Iron Mask Ninja.

"Bibi Bird, we also launched a counterattack and used the air blade!" After

defusing the monkey monster's sneak attack, Zhang Cheng also let Bibi Bird attack.


Bibi Bird turned the absorbed flight energy into pieces of sharp blades, and these sharp blades flew towards the two monkey monsters in front of him under the control of Bibi Bird.

Frontally attacked by the flying skills, coupled with the suppression of the level, the two monkey monsters were directly killed in seconds.

"Now that we've dealt with more than a dozen monkey monsters, according to the intelligence, there should be only a few monkey monsters left unfound. Zhang Cheng was counting the number of monkey monsters that the two had destroyed.

"There should only be the last few left, let's continue to walk deeper, those monkey monsters are most likely in the cave where they live. Xiao Wei analyzed.

"That's what I thought, too. Zhang Cheng nodded and said, "Go ahead and find out where the monkey monster's lair is." The

two of them continued on their way, and soon found the cave where the monkey monster lived.

"Hoga ~ Hoga!" Zhang

Cheng and Xiao Wei were going to enter the cave to look for the monkey monsters, but as soon as they came to the entrance of the cave, the monkey monsters took the initiative to drill out and attack.

There are a total of five monkey monsters that come out, two of which are level 19 and three are level 16.

The monkey monsters rushed out and used their skills to attack, the two high-level monkey monsters used an empty hand split, and the three low-level monkey monsters used crazy scratch attacks.

"Bibi Bird, directly use the storm!" Zhang

Cheng didn't intend to delay too long, and directly asked Bibi Bird to use the big killing move of the flying system to kill these monkey monsters in seconds.


Bibi Bird heard the trainer's command, and quickly condensed the flight system energy, and a large amount of flight system energy was transformed into a powerful storm under the control of Bibi Bird.

After the storm condensed successfully, it swept away directly towards the group of monkey monsters under the control of Bibi Bird.

The five monkey monsters that launched an attack and rushed forward were directly swept into the air by Bibi Bird's storm, and a large number of wind blades fell on their bodies, inflicting heavy damage on them.

The three weak monkey monsters directly lost their ability to fight, and the other two level 19 monkey monsters were seriously injured, but they had not completely fallen.

"Iron Mask Ninja, use the wind to attack!" Seeing

that there were still two monkey monsters that had not been solved, Xiao Wei instructed the Iron Mask Ninja to mend the knife.

The Iron Mask Ninja fanned his wings, condensing two small whirlwinds above his wings.

Under the control of the Iron Mask Ninja, the two whirlwinds accurately hit the two monkey monsters.

Once again, they were attacked by the flying skills, and the two monkey monsters couldn't support it, and they fell to the ground and lost their combat ability.

After solving these monkey monsters, Zhang Cheng and Xiao Wei also entered the cave to check it out.

After eliminating the monkey monster group, the two were also preparing to go back to hand over the task earlier.

After confirming that there were no other monkey monsters, the two left the area and hurried in the direction of Mulan Town.

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