Pokémon’s strongest lottery system

Chapter 38 Heading to Cerulean City

Luo Yuan led Junsha to the place where Team Rocket excavated the Moon Stone. Junsha was stunned when she saw the sight in front of her.

"How many moon stones are there... here?"

As far as the eye could see, the excavation tools were thrown aside casually, and there were several boxes on the ground to hold the moon stones.

"I don't know, it's just a lot."

Luo Yuan understood Junsha's surprised expression very well. He was also shocked when he saw this scene.

It seems that the Alliance has never unearthed so many moon stones at once.

This time the Rockets are ahead of the league.

As the head of the Nibi City Police Department, Junsha is well-informed. After being stunned for a while, Junsha quickly came back to her senses.

She took a deep breath: "Thank you very much, Mr. Luo Yuan. If it weren't for you, so many moon stones would have been lost to the Rockets, which would have had a huge impact on the alliance!"

Junsha's sincere thanks were definitely not polite words.

The function of the Moon Stone is generally understood by anyone who has some knowledge of Pokémon.

In Kanto, one of the functions of the Moon Stone is to make Pipi and Jigglypuff evolve into Picoxi and Jigglypuff, and the other is to make Nidona and Nidorino evolve into Nidoqueen and Nidoking.

The former function is of little value to the Rockets, but allowing Nidona and Nidorino to evolve is of great significance to the Rockets.

Heavyweight Pokémon such as Nidoking and Nidoqueen can be called the heavy tanks among Pokémon in battle. One Nidoking can easily kill five or six unevolved Nidorino, and in the middle The difference is only a moon stone.

It is foreseeable that once the Rockets obtain these moon stones, they will soon obtain an army of Nidokings and Nidoqueens. This threat to the alliance must not be underestimated.

"It's okay. After all, I was also a Pokémon prosecutor before." Luo Yuan smiled and used the same rhetoric he used to deal with Junsha in Viridian City.

"Mr. Luo Yuan was also a Pokémon prosecutor before?" Junsha looked at Luo Yuan with a more cordial look.

"No, there are so many moon stones, I have to report them as soon as possible!"

After commanding her men to tie up the tied up Team Rockets more tightly, Junsha felt unsafe. What if there would be follow-up reinforcements from Team Rockets?

While dialing the phone to contact Junsha in Hualan City at the other end of the tunnel, she turned to her subordinates and shouted: "Immediately complete the inventory of the moon stones and deliver 30% to Mr. Luo Yuan in accordance with regulations."

"Yes, Junsha Police Department!"

Luo Yuan ignored the police officers who looked at him with curious eyes and the trainers who watched eagerly as the police officers counted the moon stones. He walked to Scar and Yan Er.

"I heard that you want me to see the power of Team Rocket?"

Luo Yuan smiled and said to Ska: "I am here now. If you have any other means, use them quickly, otherwise it will not be so easy to come out after you enter the alliance's prison!"

Scar said nothing with a sullen face.

Yan Er also looked desperate.

The league's punishment for Rockets officials is completely different from ordinary Rockets players.

Maybe they want to save these Rockets who have gone astray, or they want to recover some losses from the Rockets. After being arrested, ordinary Rockets, except for those with serious circumstances, only need to pay a bail. , it will come out again soon.

But those Rockets officials are completely different, because these people are die-hard members of the Rockets, so the alliance does not care whether their circumstances are serious or not, as long as their identities are verified, they will all start in three years.

"Boy, don't be too proud, the boss will avenge us!"

Knowing that he was in trouble this time, Ska simply broke the jar and threatened Luo Yuan.

"Boss?" Luo Yuan was amused and thought to himself that Sakaki was obsessed with creating Mewtwo and couldn't help but have the mood to care about you guys.

"As long as you're happy."

After saying this lightly, Luo Yuan said goodbye to Junsha, and left with a pat on the butt and the reward he deserved.

This time for capturing Team Rocket, in addition to the bonus for capturing Ska, Luo Yuan received a maximum of thirty moon stones for his role in the battle.

The remaining trainers also received one to two moon stones each according to their contribution.

Everyone was very satisfied with this harvest.

Before leaving the Yuejianshan Tunnel, a group of people waved goodbye to Luo Yuan.

"Goodbye, boss Luo Yuan!"

Luo Yuan's mouth twitched when he heard this. Looking at this, it felt like a criminal gang was bidding farewell to its leader.

But...it feels pretty good.

After waving goodbye to everyone, Luo Yuan embarked on the journey to Hualan City.


"I said, you guy..."

Luo Yuan looked at Yongji who was following him: "I'm going to challenge the gym. If you don't go home, why are you following me?"

Yuci, the guy who first recognized Luo Yuan as the boss, did not leave with the other trainers, but followed Luo Yuan.

Hearing Luo Yuan's words, Yongci was a little embarrassed: "Boss Luo Yuan, I'm going to challenge the gym too!"

"Challenge the gym?"


It's not that Luo Yuan looked down on him. Luo Yuan had noticed Yuci before when they were fighting in the tunnel. To put it mildly, he was not really strong.

Of course Yongci knew his strength level, but he was not embarrassed at all: "Yes, I am going to challenge the gym. Although I am weak, the Ceramic Gym is even weaker!"

What Yongji said was very reasonable.

Luo Yuan originally wanted to say something, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was really the case.

The reputation of the Cerulean Gym as 'the weakest gym in the alliance' is widely spread throughout the entire alliance, and it can be called the shame of the Kanto Alliance.

The gym trainers in Cerulean City are Xiaoxia's three sisters, three excellent ballet performers known as the Three Cerulean Sisters. As for being excellent Pokémon trainers, they have nothing to do with them...

Thinking of this, Luo Yuan suddenly thought of the trainers who organized a group from Nibi City to Hualan City. He opened his mouth and asked: "Did you people just shut down the Nibi Gym and come to Hualan Gym first to win over Hualan City?" The idea of ​​​​the blue badge..."

Yongci looked surprised when he heard this: "Boss, did you guess all this?"


It really is.

Luo Yuan's mood at this time could not be described in words.

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