Beijiang Town, street.

After eating, Lin Han took a small fire to "press the road" on the street, Xiao Nug is a flash elf, if he takes it out, it will inevitably attract everyone's attention, which is not very beneficial to Lin Han's future game.

In the evening, there are trainers and travel enthusiasts who come to Bac Giang Town one after another, making the night of the whole Bac Giang Town extremely lively, which is not weaker than the day.

On the street, men and women were talking side by side, surrounded by imposing spirits of all kinds, including a diamond-horned rhinoceros covered in rock armor, a reib with yellow spiky hair, and an explosion-headed buffalo ...... with an explosive head

All kinds of elves can be seen on the streets, and the streets are very wide, which can perfectly accommodate these elves without looking crowded.

Lin Han walked down the street with the little fire horse, and the crowd passing by him also looked back at Lin Han and the little fire horse from time to time.

The sound of admiration also continued to reach Lin Han's ears.

"Wow! His little fire horse is so tall, if you don't look closely, I thought it was

the flame horse, the evolution of the little fire horse!" "Yes, this little fire horse must have great potential, and his qualifications are very good, I feel that it should be the king of the flame horses."

"Don't you think the trainer of the little fire horse is more handsome?" "

Do you think so too?" look at his figure...... "

The more Lin Han listened, the more wrong he became, and he hurriedly left the area with the little fire horse.

"Isn't this right? Is

the little fire horse so popular? Could it be that my handsomeness attracts them!" The more Lin Han thought about it, the more he realized that it must be his handsomeness that attracted them!

As everyone knows, the little fire horse at this time subconsciously rolled his eyes, and then realized what looked at Lin Han next to him, and found that Lin Han was still immersed in the whirlpool of "narcissism", and he also breathed a sigh of relief, and he was also afraid of the four-meter machete! "

Strange power! Use the splitting tile!".


powerful command interrupted Lin Han's narcissistic thoughts.

Hearing the sound, I saw a rock ring, a strange force stepped out, the palm of the hand shone with crimson light, "boom", a palm slashed on a round Kirby beast.

Kirbymon only took a step back and stopped, clenching the palm that had just been chopped off by the strange force with both hands, but the beads of sweat left on his forehead also showed that the strange force's splitting tile had caused it a lot of damage.

Kirbymon"Kirbymon uses Tarzan to press the top!"

The fat Kirbymon grabbed the palm of the monster force, jumped up with the force, turned over and sat straight towards the monster force, ignoring the coffin board that Newton was about to lift!

Seeing that Kirbymon's ass was about to sit on his face, the strange force was also angry, and secretly cursed: "Dead fat!"

Then he waved the remaining three big hands, burning fiercely towards Kirbymon's ass.

The sound of fat and muscle colliding sounded, and a cloud of smoke and dust was shaken.

The smoke and dust cleared, and I saw Kirbymon sitting on the strange face with a panicked expression.

The monster struggled to lift Kirbymon on its face, but it completely underestimated Kirbymon's weight, and Kirbymon didn't move.

At this moment, a voice came from the ring, and the onlookers were also shocked, and then hurriedly moved away from the edge of the ring, including Kirbymon's own trainer.


A fart sound reached Lin Han's ears, and Lin Han couldn't help but burst into a foul mouth.


Then a dark green gas appeared from Kirbymon's body, or the part that pressed against the monster's face, and soon permeated the ring.

Kirbymon also had a comfortable expression on his face at this time, and the strange flame fist just now struck near its "buttocks", causing a warm current to impact into its "inside"!

But at this time, the strange power under the Kirby beast is being tortured like a "hell on earth"!

I can't stand the strange power of this "poisonous gas" and faints to death, maybe this will make it suffer less sin.

The strange power trainer who saw this scene, regardless of the attack of the "poison gas", hurriedly withdrew the strange power that fainted to death, and then left the ring quickly.

"The lethality is amazing! This is a real fatal blow! Not only physically, but also mentally!" Lin

Han also clapped his hands in admiration, and couldn't help but sigh secretly!

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