After Sakaki and the Rockets ended their conversation, the video screen changed again.

The first thing that came into view was two poisonous powder moths dancing lightly in the air.

Seeing this, everyone knew that the knife was going to be used again.

“It looks like we can successfully witness the migration of the mealybugs again this year.”

“Poisonous powder moth, we have to say goodbye after all.”

After examining the lake that had regained its beautiful glory, Musashi turned his head and looked at the poisonous powder moth beside him.

“Poison powder~”

Hearing Musashi’s words, the poison powder moth instantly showed reluctance and hugged Musashi’s arm tightly.

This poison powder moth has formed a deep friendship with Musashi since the stingtail stage. They have participated in countless competitions together, and the bond between them is deep.

“”Okay, go ahead.”

Although Musashi was dissatisfied with the separation of Kojiro and Desert Naya, when it was her turn, she was very decisive and waved her hand to signal the moth to find its partner.

After all, she is still soft-hearted!

At the same time, on the other side, a trainer of a flash moth was also saying goodbye to his moth.

This moth is the partner of Musashi’s moth.

“Poison powder”

“Poison powder~”

The two poison powder moths quickly flew into the sky.

However, on the way, Musashi’s poison powder moth suddenly changed direction and flew towards Musashi reluctantly.

Obviously, she still couldn’t bear to leave Musashi.


In the city of Jinhuang in the Kanto region, some people were whispering:

“Aren’t these guys from Team Rocket just too stupid?”

“Well, we are Team Rocket, why don’t we just steal it?”

“Are we still Team Rocket if we are so kind?”

“Hey, don’t say that. Boss Sakaki has already reshuffled Team Rocket and started to lead our organization in a bright direction.”

“That’s right, I heard that Boss Sakaki even found Professor Oak and Miyuto, preparing to completely clean up the mess, and it seems that he signed a lot of restrictive treaties.”

“Yes, but it also gives us Rockets the opportunity to go to the league tournament.”

“Yes, now our Team Rocket has four obvious leaders, our boss Sakaki, Ryudo of the Four Heavenly Kings, President Daranchi of the Pokemon League, and Professor Oak of Pallet Town. The strategies they formulate are also for the benefit of us civilians!”

“Yes, those who paid for the alliance can eventually get the three starter Pokémons, but we civilians who have no money can come to Team Rocket to get a civilian starting Pokémon, which is much better than before. In the past, you had to catch them by yourself, and in the end you got hurt and couldn’t catch any.”

“Yes, even a green caterpillar is a perfect start!”

The Rockets’ lower-level members are discussing these new regulations.

The Rockets not only cooperated with the Alliance to give them the opportunity to challenge the Elf Conference, but also gave them some basic job opportunities, both inside and outside the Rockets, why not.

In the future, they don’t need to hide in the dark corners all day and dare not come out.


In the Pallet Town in the Kanto region, Professor Oak watched the video and expressed his satisfaction at the deep affection between the Rocket trio and the Pokémon.

They should be the Rocket trio that Xiaozhi mentioned before, right? He sighed, he didn’t expect that they had such a deep emotional bond with the Pokémon.

If a trainer who cherishes Pokémon so much had not joined the Rocket Team in the early days, he should have been an excellent trainer or breeder, but it’s not too late.

Professor Oak seemed to have thought of something.

After all, Sakaki had already made it clear to me and Watari that we would supervise their Rocket Team.

This also gave all the members of the Rocket Team a chance to come out in the open!

Sakaki’s nature is not bad!

It’s just that the things that happened in his childhood affected him too much!

Back to the video.

You like that poisonous powder moth very much, right? Facing the poisonous powder moth, Musashi revealed reluctance in her tone, but she still firmly ordered, then leave quickly!

Although she was full of reluctance in her heart, she knew that she had to be cruel at this moment and let the poisonous powder moth leave.

She didn’t want the poisonous powder moth to repeat her mistakes and separate from her lover for various reasons.

“You don’t need to worry about me, Poison Moth, go away!”Musashi said, stretching out his hand to push the Poison Moth away from him.

Musashi and his group have been entangled with Xiaozhi for a long time, and their physical fitness is indeed a bit inhuman.

“You have to leave!”

“Enjoy a happy life with your beloved in the future!”

Witnessing the attachment of the poisonous powder moth, Musashi couldn’t help but recall his past, and became more determined not to let the poisonous powder moth repeat her mistakes.

“Do you know what this is, Powdermoth? This is your Poké Ball, but I can’t take you back, understand?”

“If you understand, let’s go!”

In order to strengthen the determination of the poison moth, Musashi threw the Poké Ball to the ground with tears in his eyes and crushed it.

At that moment, Musashi recalled the past with the poison moth, and the video played these precious moments at the right time.

At first, the poison moth was still a stinging beetle, and Musashi climbed up the tree himself to capture it.

The stinging beetle quickly evolved into a shield cocoon. However, interestingly, Musashi was so focused on hunting swallowtail butterflies at the time that he mistook it for a shell cocoon. It was not until the shield cocoon evolved into the poison moth that the misunderstanding was cleared up. After that, they participated in many gorgeous competitions together.

“Poison powder~!”Feeling Musashi’s firm attitude, despite the loss, the poison powder moth still flew to the center of the lake with her partner, where her beloved poison powder moth was waiting for her return. The poison powder moths flapped their wings and flew away.

Wherever they passed, they scattered yellow powder. Under the moonlight, these powders refracted golden light, forming an endless golden rainbow hanging in the night sky.

“I hope my poisonous powder moth can enjoy the sweetness of love and gain true happiness.”Musashi watched the poisonous powder moth gradually disappear into the sky, silently sending blessings in his heart.

In Fengyuan area, Qianli witnessed the deep emotional bond between Musashi and the poisonous powder moth, and couldn’t help but sigh to the King of Leave beside him:”Their relationship is really enviable, what do you think, King of Leave?”

King of Leave gave Qianli a thumbs up, indicating that he was optimistic about me and Dyna (not)

“It would be great if other trainers could treat their Pokémon like them.”

Xiaoyao, who was beside Qianli, couldn’t help but sigh as she recalled the warm memories of Musashi and the Powdermoth shown on the light screen before.

She observed that Musashi originally expected a hunting butterfly, but even though the Thorntail eventually evolved into a Powdermoth, she still stayed with it.

Among other trainers, many trainers would abandon their Pokémon because their appearance or strength was not as good as expected. In

Xiaoyao’s view, these reasons seemed particularly ridiculous, because many abandoned Pokémon were not really weak, but encountered opponents that restrained them.

What’s even more ironic is that there are many trainers who have passed the league’s review and obtained the title of the Three Starters.

Xiaoyao heard that the abandoned Three Starters had caused chaos in some places. Combined with the situation of Musashi, Kojiro and others, she felt that the so-called”excellent trainers with potential” in the league were particularly ironic in their behavior of abandoning Pokémon. They are even worse than those of some villain organizations.


At this moment, the Kanto region

“Quickly clear this place, those elves are already in very bad health, quickly bring them to me, I have the power of Evergreen, and the Joy ladies, quickly go over there, Xiaozhi, you take care of Mewtwo now, let him talk to you.”

President Dalanqi started to make major reforms as soon as he joined the Rocket Team. Sakaki has already told Xiaozhi about Mewtwo and has talked to Xiaozhi about it.

So a lot of Xiaozhi’s genes and blood have been added to Mewtwo’s genes.

Xiaozhi is now communicating with Mewtwo through wave communication.

As for Xiaoai’s soul, it has been saved by Arceus of this world.

As a reward to Xiaozhi, this is the super evolved form of Arceus that has completely integrated the eighteen stone tablets and the legendary stone tablet.

Super evolved into the legendary mega Arceus, and all attributes of the race value doubled.

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