Witnessing the appearance of the new inventory video, everyone was extremely surprised.

According to everyone’s expectations, the next thing should be to witness Xiaozhi’s battle in the Silver Conference, and why he did not win the championship, but who knew that the style of the video changed and jumped directly to the Caiyou Conference in Fengyuan.

The competition in the Silver Competition is very exciting, no matter which year it is, this really makes them scratch their heads.

Could it be that Xiaozhi’s battle in Silver is not as good as when he was in the Quartz Conference? Not really!

This idea lingered in most people’s minds, while others speculated on other reasons.

However, before the thoughts stopped, the video had already flowed to the battle venue.

The picture changed, and the arena of the Caiyou Conference came into view, with Xiaozhi and Zheya’s figures clearly visible. What is particularly unique is that the stage for this battle is not a traditional arena, but a vibrant grassland.

“Ice Ghost Guard, it’s decided to be you!” Xiaozhi gave a decisive order, and the elves responded.

“Lizard King, come on!” Zhe Ye followed closely behind and summoned his capable partner Lizard King.

“”The game begins!” The referee announced as the elves appeared on the stage, and the battle was about to begin.

“Ice Ghost Guard, release the freezing beam!”Xiaozhi took the initiative and launched a fierce attack.

“Lizard King, use Sun Flame to fight back!”Zhe was not to be outdone, and both sides launched a fierce attack almost at the same time.

“Ice Ghost~!” The Ice Ghost Guard instantly condensed an icy blue light and shot directly at the Lizard King.

“Chamo~!” The Lizard King spewed out a green shock wave, confronting the ice light head-on.

“Boom!”The two energies collided violently in the air and exploded instantly with a shocking momentum.

“Ice ghost guard!”

“Lizard King!”

The trainers of both sides were all worried when they saw this. They had never expected that the battle would be so fierce at the beginning.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and everyone held their breath and waited. The situation on the field was confusing and unexpected. Ice Demon Guard and Lizard King, the two strong men fought each other, and finally fell to the ground exhausted. The scene of dying together was a pity.

The referee witnessed this scene and immediately determined that both sides had lost their combat effectiveness.

Turning to the Kanto region, in the home of Xiaozhi in Pallet Town, Xiaoxia, who had just finished teaching Xiaozhi Deng Duanglang with her sisters, witnessed this scene and was stunned and speechless.

Although she had seen the moment of victory and defeat many times, the death of two beasts at the same time was an unprecedented spectacle. The main reason was that the two Pokémon were both in the final form and had super evolution forms. Both were killed in one move. This blood skin was too fragile! Compare Pikachu with a low racial value, and then compare Charizard, which is also one of the three starter Pokémon.

Xiaozhi focused on the defeat of Lizard King, and did not think much of the fact that Ice Demon Guard and Lizard King died together. I just cared about the situation of the Ice Guardian.

How long has the Ice Guardian been with me? How long has the Lizard King been with Zhe? This is not the same concept. Even if the Ice Guardian has a bonus against the Lizard King, it is cost-effective for the newcomer to replace an ace. When

Xiaogang saw the appearance in the inventory video, and then saw that Xiaozhi was really passively hugged by people, he still gritted his teeth. Looking at this scene, he should have been under the car and should not have come back with Xiaozhi.

Is it that his younger brothers and sisters at home don’t need his care? Or is it a punishment for not visiting his mother who was put in solitary confinement recently?

Pikachu saw Xiaogang’s appearance and felt helpless. He expressed his sympathy for Xiaogang with the voice of”Pikachu~”. There was no way. His trainer was simply a succubus, and the girls couldn’t lie down at all.

Especially the 20-centimeter Shenkun, who was widely liked by the four girls, so Pikachu could only use Pikachu to express.

“whatcanisay” is back in the video

“Coal Turtle, it’s decided to be you, burst out your power!” Xiaozhi summoned his new pet, and Zhe was not to be outdone, and Cunning Tengu came out in response.

The battle started again, and Xiaozhi decisively ordered:”Coal Turtle, spray flames!”

After hearing the order, the Coal Turtle burst into flames and rushed straight to Cunning Tengu, and a new round of fierce fighting began.

Get out of the way!

Facing the fierce offensive of the Coal Turtle, the Cunning Tengu cleverly avoided the attack with just a light jump, appearing to be at ease.

The Coal Turtle would not give up, and quickly adjusted its direction. The blazing pillar of fire followed closely behind, pointing directly at the Cunning Tengu in mid-air.

Normally, it is difficult for aerial targets to escape, but the Cunning Tengu is different. It cleverly uses the wide leaves to achieve an amazing second jump in the air and escapes the pursuit of the pillar of fire again.

“Come again, Coal Turtle!

The Coal Turtle was not to be outdone, and the fire became more fierce, but the cunning Tengu was like a spirit in the wind, dissolving it one by one and approaching step by step while dodging.

The time has come, cunning Tengu, use your full strength to perform the million-ton heavy kick!

Tetsuya saw the opportunity and gave a decisive order.


The cunning Tengu responded, and the clog-like soles gathered dazzling white light, kicking the Coal Turtle with amazing power.

The fire is getting out of control!

When Xiaozhi realized that he needed to let the Coal Turtle dodge, it was too late. The Coal Turtle had been hit by the heavy kick and fell to the ground, but it did not lose its fighting ability.

Alas, if the jet of flame could hit accurately…

Xiaozhi could only mutter to himself in frustration.

Don’t let your guard down, cunning Tengu, shoot the shadow ball at the Coal Turtle!

Tetsuya’s order sounded again, leaving Xiaozhi no time to think. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Shadow Raid!

The Cunning Tengu quickly gathered shadow energy, and a black ball cut through the air and hit the Coal Turtle.

Xiaozhi was caught off guard. The Coal Turtle was hit hard just as it stood firm, and was blown several meters away. Fortunately, its weight stabilized and it was not blown further.

Seeing the Coal Turtle being attacked again, Xiaozhi put aside all distractions. Facing the cunning of the Cunning Tengu, he had no choice but to put all his trust in the honest and loyal Coal Turtle.

Cunning Tengu, dodge quickly! []

Tetsuya was anxious and shouted quickly, not wanting to see his beloved pet suffer.


The Cunning Tengu was extremely agile and jumped up. Tetsuya’s command took effect instantly, and it avoided the attack of the Coal Turtle.


Unexpectedly, the Coal Turtle jumped up at the same time, and a hot column of fire cut through the sky, accurately hitting the Cunning Tengu in the air and knocking it down heavily.

The Cunning Tengu, who returned to his sight, was dizzy and unable to fight again.

As a result of the game, the Cunning Tengu lost his ability to fight, and the Coal Turtle won!

The referee immediately pronounced the verdict, and the atmosphere was tense and full of expectations.

In the Pokémon World chat group, everyone was discussing:

Caizhong exclaimed: Cunning Tengu’s physical strength and defense are so vulnerable, and the skills of the coal turtle are amazing! It turns out that hitting grass with fire is too painful.

Yasha commented: The strength of the coal turtle in this attack is fully demonstrated, and it wins with one blow! It is the type I like, but unfortunately, my favorite is still Charizard!

Mikoli recalled: Although it is also strong, compared with the battle with Darkrai in the Sinnoh period, it was defeated in seconds before its advantages were brought into play, and the same was true for King Swallow.

Xia Bo sighed: The coal turtle bears an undue burden. It is obviously just a loyal and honest turtle. I have decided that I will also train a coal turtle!

Asu cheered: Come on, coal turtle, go!

Violet is more concerned: I remember that Xiaozhi still lost this time, after all, Alola had 0 wins before.

The scene in the group suddenly became quiet.

Korni sighed: So this is a game that is destined to lose? Knowing the answer in advance may not be a good feeling, because the excitement is gone.

Dandi said: Yes, before I knew the answer to the inventory, I felt that every battle of Xiaozhi was very exciting, as if I was watching Xiaozhi’s growth history. But after knowing that Xiaozhi would lose, everyone was actually a little uncomfortable. After so much time has passed, and he has participated in so many league conferences, he still won the championship for the first time in the Alola region.

Caidou sighed: Oh, so this is also Xiaozhi in the video! I heard that Xiaozhi and Xiaomao in our world had experienced a period of devilish training from the Four Heavenly Kings and Professor Oak, so the contestants of this year’s class with Xiaozhi and Xiaomao, you have to be careful in advance.

The contestants of this year’s Quartz Conference are all wailing!

At this moment, outside the Pokémon world. In the Star Dome Railway world, Jingyuan is supervising Yanqing’s training.

Yanqing answered a few questions correctly in the answering before 337 and got some good rewards.

The ice-attributed Articuno’s Pokémon egg and a deluxe ball have now hatched, been captured, and are now level 20. The seven swords in the Legend of the Seven Heroes of Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit, as well as the ability of the Perfect Freeze Fruit, do not have the fatal weakness of seawater and seastone.

In the last question, Yanqing followed General Jingyuan and chose 0 times, and answered the question correctly. This time the reward can only be said to be pretty good for Jingyuan and Yanqing.

Jingyuan got the Pokémon egg and a deluxe ball of Shiny Zeraora in the Pokémon world, and Yanqing got the 400-year longevity pill of 4 fox people.

Zeraora’s Pokémon egg just appeared and hatched within an hour. After Jingyuan fed some food, he captured Zeraora. After Yanqing got the longevity pill, he handed it directly to Jingyuan and asked him to deal with the four pills.

After thinking about it, Jingyuan directly found Yukong and Tingyun, who had not been possessed yet, and asked them to eat the pills.

Yukong and Tingyun, who had just eaten the pills, immediately felt that their bodies became more relaxed.

Looking at the remaining two pills, Jing Yuan fell into deep thought.

“Then I’ll leave one for Yao Qing’s Skystrike General – Fei Xiao!”

Looking at the surrounding Cloud Cavalry and other people, Jing Yuan sighed helplessly.

“Except for Fu Qing, no one else got a good reward?”

Fu Xuan now has the left eye Samsara Eye, the right eye Samsara Eye, and a pink Gardevoir following behind. For the fourth reward, Fu Xuan directly got a Mega Alakazam, with two high-level Poké Balls, and the Psychic system was maxed out. The next better ones were Cerulean, all the abilities of the God of Gamblers Gao Jin, a Shiny Nighthawk with a Mega Poké Ball, and the telekinesis of One Punch Man Blizzard, and that was it.

Others can only say that they were unlucky and didn’t get any good rewards. At most, they got some decent weapons and a year or two of lifespan extension, which was better than nothing!

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