Police Chen Shu

Chapter 209 Meeting a Robber on the Road

Noon, Zhengming District, Minhang Road

A black Santana car was speeding along the straight road, and when it encountered a vehicle blocking its lane, it made a sharp turn and overtook it. Fortunately, it was noon, and there were not too many vehicles on the road, so the journey along the way was safe and sound.

"Beep beep!"

"Beep beep!"

Chen Shu frowned, feeling extremely irritable, speeding past while honking the horn.

He always felt that he had an inescapable responsibility for Xiao Yang's resignation.

When he found out that Xiao Yang made a mistake, if he hadn't thought of ignoring it, he would have told Xiao Yang's direct leader Xu Chaofan about the matter in detail.

Afterwards, Xiao Yang might bear a grudge against him, but he definitely won't make such a big mess in the future!

Although Xu Chaofan also comforted him just now by saying that if he knew about this, he would make the same choice as Chen Shu.

But this is not a reason for Chen Shu to shirk his responsibility!

He was holding his breath and couldn't help it!

Turning the steering wheel, I went directly to EME PARTY on Beitang Street.

Arriving in front of this black building that was originally bustling, but now it was deserted, Chen Shu stood on the steps, looked at the closed door, touched the "Notice of Suspension and Reorganization" pasted on it, and laughed at himself. impulse.

People who are already rushing to three, still rushing over like a young man.

What's the matter? Still thinking about getting revenge and punching the Quartet?

EME PARTY has received its due punishment.

"Help! Robbery!"

"Someone robbed!"

It's been so many years, and it's been a long time since I heard about street snatching in Dongzhou City. Chen Shu was stunned for a moment, thinking that he had heard wrongly, he listened intently for a while, and immediately reacted after confirming that it was correct.

He looked towards where the sound came from, and saw a six-story flat building tens of meters west of the EME building. A woman leaned out half of her body from the window on the second floor, pointing A man in a company's yellow take-out overalls, who was hurrying with his head down, shouted.

This is not running?

Still rushing to where he was standing?

Isn't this the other party looking down on people?

But really dozed off, send a pillow.

Chen Shu, who was holding back his anger and had nowhere to vent, saw a man suspected of robbery running towards him with small steps, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

Generally speaking, when the police arrest criminal suspects, the minimum configuration is three people. If the other party is a robber, then there is a high possibility that he has a murder weapon with him. At this time, it is much more difficult than expected to rely on two people to subdue a stubborn person.

In fact, pepper water is an absolutely great weapon to catch people in reality. Especially in one-on-one situations, the plainclothes policemen pretend to be passers-by, and when they pass by the arrestee, they can take advantage of the unpreparedness and directly spray the opponent's face, basically knocking them down.

According to Chen Shu's character of not fighting unprepared battles in the past, when a person suddenly encounters such a violent criminal who may be carrying a knife, he will usually follow the target and wait for support.

But because of Xiao Yang's matter, his rationality made his anger go to his head.

"Police! Stop!"

At this time, Chen Shu was full of energy and blood, and the fire was raging, completely ignoring the safety and tactics he used to talk about, and yelled and chased after the man in yellow.

The man in yellow, who was just walking away from the scene at first, heard the loud shout, turned his head and glanced at a strong man who was rushing straight towards him, and immediately ran into the alley.

Chen Shu chased after them vigorously, and the two ran into an alley beside Beitang Street. A three-wheeled garbage truck happened to be blocked in the alley.

The sanitation worker on a bicycle saw two men rushing towards him, didn't think about it for a while, and just stopped in the alley and looked at it inexplicably.

"Run!" shouted Chen Shu who was chasing after him.

Sanitation workers did not move.

The man in yellow rushed forward, turned over the car body with agility, and continued to run inside.

Fortunately, fortunately, the other party did not attack the irrelevant people. Chen Shu followed after him, feeling a bit of regret in his heart, he shouldn't have acted rashly based on the anger in his heart.

But now that the arrow is on the string, it has to be fired!

Fortunately, it was noon at this time, and there were almost no one on the road. The man in yellow was chased into a dead end by Chen Shu.

Seeing the policeman relentlessly chasing him, the man in yellow gritted his teeth, pulled out a switchblade from his waist, pressed the switch, and the blade popped out with a "swish" to lock the blade, and the shiny blade shone coldly.

"Get out! Chase me again and stab you to death!"

Good guy, the knife is bright, but the real punishment. But fortunately, he didn't poke at him secretly. Chen Shu stopped to keep a distance from the opponent, began to adjust his breathing, and looked around for a long tool in his hand.

"I'm a policeman! Do you want to assault the policeman! Are you going to spend your whole life in prison?" Chen Shu stood still, raised his arm and pointed at the other party from a distance, shouting angrily.

"Bah! I'm going to die if I go in, so I don't care about you! Get out of the way!" The yellow man changed the switchblade from his left hand to his right hand, and then from his right hand to his left hand, and said sternly.

To enter is to die?

Could it be that there is a big case or human life on his back?

Those who eat the job of the police and this kind of murderer are like natural cats and mice, and they are at odds with each other. Chen Shu licked his tongue and narrowed his eyes, looking at the other party carefully.

This person has a thin face and looks very young, about twenty years old. With prominent cheekbones and fierce eyes, he looks like a violent criminal. Reminiscent of the "robbery" shouted by the woman leaning out of the window on the second floor just now, this kind of burglary is a serious crime.

People who are not extremely vicious will definitely not act like this. People of this age are full of vigor and are very easy to get ahead. Besides, they have a big case on their backs.

Chen Shu took off his coat and wrapped it around his right hand, squatted down slightly, ready to be raped.


The man in yellow was worried that the police would come later, so he shouted, raised his switchblade and rushed towards the police blocking the alley.

The tip of the knife pointed directly at the opponent's stomach and stabbed it.

The knife is not long, and the blade is only three or four centimeters long. The deterrent effect of this switchblade mainly lies in its concealment. Sometimes the two sides confront each other, and the police misjudged that the other party was not armed, and stepped forward to capture or attack directly. As a result, the other party leaned in and "snapped" a blade, and the tendon of the arm might be cut off after a few stabs, or the arm would be cut off. It was extremely fatal to poke "PuPuPuPuPuPuPu" under the ribs.

Chen Shu's reaction was also extremely quick. He smashed the coat on his right hand on the opponent's face, and subconsciously made a sideways movement.

But the man in yellow was holding a knife after all. Although his vision was blocked by the coat that suddenly hit his face, Chen Shu was afraid to approach the switchblade he was waving indiscriminately.

The man in yellow took the opportunity to rush over, and ran out of the alley without looking back.

Chen Shu cursed secretly, and chased after him.

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