Police Chen Shu

Chapter 48 Meeting a beautiful woman by chance

In the evening, New Era Cinema.

The three of them stood in line at the door waiting to check the epidemic prevention code.

Zhu Chaoran looked relaxed: "Brother Shu, Brother Chaoyang, I didn't expect you two to like to watch 'Slam Dunk' too. Not bad, you have vision!"

Chen Shu and Li Chaoyang looked at each other and smiled, ignoring the post-00s.

"Brother, now that I think about it, when I was young, I watched the county-level competitions, and I went home every day to watch the national competitions. I didn't expect this to last for more than ten years." Li Chaoyang looked at the large poster at the entrance of the cinema, those familiar figures, Some exclamation.

"Yes, look at today's team. They are all born in the 80s and 90s. Most of them are men. They probably came to watch the national competition." Chen Shu pouted his lips towards the team and replied with a smile.

The two followed the team and watched the past. Some people in the team looked back with friendly smiles.

"This train has been running for twenty years."

A word came from behind Chen Shu, which seemed to be a secret signal from insiders, and those who understood it would understand it in seconds.

He looked back, and a man in his thirties wearing glasses stretched out his middle finger and lifted his glasses frame, and continued with a smile:

"I revisited 'Slam Dunk' from the beginning in August, and I came here today and connected seamlessly."

"Tall!" The three of them gave a thumbs-up, Qiqi said, in admiration.

Several people were in high spirits, chatting and lining up. Although the team moved extremely slowly, it did not hinder the beauty of tonight.

Chen Shu lifted a bag of oranges in his hand: "I bought some oranges on the way, let's each take one and taste it."

As he spoke, he took out three oranges from the bag and distributed them to several people in turn, including the 'seamlessly connected' man with glasses.

Li Chaoyang was the closest and the first to get the oranges. He peeled one piece, ate it in his mouth, and handed the remaining orange to Zhu Chaoran with a blank expression.

Zhu Chaoran chuckled: "Thanks, Brother Chaoyang, I just don't feel like peeling oranges."

After speaking, he took the orange, broke off two pieces with his thick fingers, and stuffed it into his mouth. In an instant, the fat face wrinkled into a ball, and shivered sourly. He ate the orange while looking grim. Then he started peeling his own orange and continued to eat it with a grim face.

Chen Shu and the man with glasses, who were peeling oranges, were all stunned on the spot when they saw this scene, and stopped their movements in unison.

The man with glasses froze at the scene, hesitating whether to eat or not.

Chen Shu thought for a while, then lowered his head, carefully peeled off a petal, and stuffed it gently into his mouth.

Then he handed over the whole bag of oranges to Zhu Chaoran. Seeing this, the man with glasses quickly stuffed the oranges he peeled into the bag at the same time.

Zhu Chaoran deserves it.

Half an hour later, the three of them entered the cinema lobby.

Chen Shu asked the other two to sit in the lounge, and went to the small supermarket to buy some snacks and drinks for everyone to use while watching the movie.

"Watching a movie, I'm not used to not ordering food." Chen Shu carefully searched for food and drinks in the shelves of the small supermarket.

When he finished searching one row of shelves and raised his head to go to another row of shelves, he saw Huang Siqian out of the corner of his eyes.

Under the light of the white lights of the small supermarket, her sharp oval face is like a piece of warm jade, without any blemishes. There is a light in the big eyes.

Chen Shu hesitated for a moment, but walked over and greeted with a smile: "Xiaoqian, are you also here to watch the movie?"

"Officer Chen!" Huang Siqian also looked surprised.

Chen Shu shrugged: "Don't shout so formally when you get off work. You can scare the people around you."

Huang Siqian lowered her head, hummed for a long time before answering softly, "Brother Shu."

Chen Shu, who had previously taught Zhu Chaoran how to date a blind date expertly, fell silent for some reason, speechless.

Both of them stood there at the same time.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Chen Shu followed the voice and found that it was Huang Siqian's colleague, Xiao Min.

Xiao Min pulled Huang Siqian over vigilantly: "Officer Chen, we are going to the movies. You are busy."

"Xiaoxi, let's go."

Huang Siqian lowered her head and whispered, "Miss Xiao Min, what are you thinking?"

"Go, go, go, hurry up."

Xiao Min took Huang Siqian and walked out of the store.

Chen Shu was a little stunned, he only said one word, why was he treated like a wolf by others, dragged him and ran away.

He lost his mood. I raised my hand to check the time and found that the ticket check was about to start, so I bought some food casually. After queuing up to pay the bill, I walked to the lounge with my bag.

From a distance, I saw Zhu Chaoran standing in front of Li Chaoyang who was sitting expressionless, with an exaggerated expression and dancing. On the contrary, it was the man with glasses whom he knew before, who played with Zhu Chaoran.

Seeing them, Chen Shu felt better again. He walked quickly to the door of the lounge and called the three of them to the ticket gate.

Perhaps it was because Chen Shu spent a little longer buying food in the small supermarket, and waited for the four of them to check their tickets and enter the screening hall.

Except for the movie light projected on the screen by the projector, there is no other light in the hall.

The four bowed their heads and came to their place in the dark. Coincidentally, the seat of the man with glasses was next to the trio in the Zhongshan Institute.

Zhu Chaoran opened the way, and the four big men finally sat down in their seats.

"Huh!" Zhu Chaoran exhaled foul breath, moved his big buttocks, and complained in a low voice:

"This place is too small."

Chen Shu, who was sitting next to Zhu Chaoran, patted his big belly lightly: "Hush, bear with it. Don't talk, it's about to start."

"Brother Shu?"

A familiar voice came from Zhu Chaoran's side.

Chen Shu squinted his eyes, and through the dim light of the movie, he saw clearly that Huang Siqian was sitting beside Zhu Chaoran.

Several people sat in the same row next to each other in the same movie without notifying each other.


This thought flashed through Chen Shu's mind, and when he was about to say something, the long-awaited theme song "I Want to Say I Love You Loudly" sounded in the auditorium.

The atmosphere in the hall instantly heated up, and some people even started humming along.

The surrounding environment suddenly became noisy, Chen Shu couldn't speak, he could only smile and nodded to Huang Siqian.

Huang Siqian smiled sincerely, but she was quite bright.

Sitting in the middle, Zhu Chaoran was a little dazed at first, but when he met Li Chaoyang's eyes, the two also laughed kindly and ambiguously.

Walking at the back, the man with glasses sitting next to Li Chaoyang didn't notice the little episode here, raised his glasses again, and hummed softly.

Chen Shu leaned heavily on the back of the seat, took out his mobile phone and opened WeChat, searched for 'the masses - Huang Siqian', thinking that he couldn't speak, so he sent a WeChat.

He thought about it, and before he could enter a few words, he saw that the other party sent a WeChat message, which still occupied half of the screen as usual:

Brother Shu, I went to the police station this morning to personally thank you and Brother Fat. But Police Officer Wang told me that you have to sleep on the compensatory day off today, so you can't make a phone call to disturb you. So I went home. But Police Officer Wang told me that you like to collect pennants the most, so...

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