Police Detective

Chapter 966 Heading to Mongolia Province (Additional update for the alliance leader whose sky is alr

The trip to Hangzhou will not be mentioned for now. (The author doesn’t know how to write!)


On the fifth day of the first lunar month, Linyang City.

Chinese people have a traditional habit of not mentioning the solar calendar until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

After spending the New Year at home, everyone is in a completely new state, even in Linyang City.

From the first day when Bai Song led the team there, everyone here has been on hiatus, and many grassroots police officers have been miserable.

Not everyone is like Bai Song, who does something interesting and can persist in it. After some grassroots police received the mission, they visited people everywhere. From morning to ten o'clock in the evening, they exercised 40,000 to 50,000 steps a day on WeChat, which was very hard.

After these few days of rest, everyone looks much better.

Wang Si and others led the team away, and Lin Yang only had to receive Li Chu, Bai Song and others, and it seemed much easier.

Li Chu was easy to say, as long as he had someone to accompany him and make arrangements. The remaining four young people were not picky people. They just had a fat sausage in the morning, so what could they be picky about?

In fact, after Wang Si left, Bai Song and others felt much more comfortable. There would not be so many people accompanying them, and they no longer had to stand at a high place to guide them when handling any case.

As for Li Chu, Li Chu doesn't care about them.

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Bai Song asked the local docking department for a Magotan with a local license plate, and planned to drive to Chengji County, E City, Mongolia Province.

This place is close to the scene in Qin Province. There has been a very suspicious suicide case in the past few days. Bai Song came here last night and looked through the recent case files and felt something was wrong.

With Bai Song's current ability, his sensitivity to the case is really strong.

"Team Bai, are you planning to go to Chengji County? The Mausoleum of Genghis Khan over there is worth a visit. Do you need us to send someone to take you there?" The leader responsible for ensuring the logistics of Bai Song and others said politely.

"No, let's take a look at a case in the past." Bai Song shook his head.

"I know, I know, it's about the suicide case. In that case, I'll contact the local area and ask them to make arrangements for you. But it's snowing over there, so I'll arrange a Pajero for you here, with snow tires. The road conditions over there are It’s not very good. If you need anything, just call me. The fuel card is placed in the middle of the car. You can see it when you get in the car!”

"Good work."

After breakfast, the four of them set off on the road north, carrying a lot of work and daily necessities as well as locally prepared food and drinks.

"If I could do this kind of job every day, I wouldn't change my position as director." Wang Huadong felt a little comfortable.

The car is large and four people can sit very comfortably.

Someone provides a car and someone will receive you there, and everyone has to wait for them and listen to their arrangements. The most important thing is that no one cares.

"Yes. If Wang Liang knew that we were so happy working on the case, wouldn't he die in a hurry?" Bai Song said casually.

"Speaking of which, what's going on with Daliang? Didn't you ask him to investigate those people? Why have there been no clues for so long? If the police relax during the New Year, will the 'leader' run away?" Sun Jay asked.

"Wang Liang also has to celebrate the New Year." Bai Song glanced at Sun Jie: "Brother Jie, you are more ruthless than me."

"I know he's celebrating the New Year, so I just said that."

"Actually, it's not a bad thing for Wang Si to take this vacation this time. This kind of person is suspicious. He usually won't act rashly until we leave completely. He has hundreds of thousands on hand. Even if he finds someone to learn foreign languages ​​every day, it will take a month. , why bother to act rashly now? It’s okay for us to make a move, otherwise how can anyone spread our movements?" Bai Song said with a smile: "This is why I ran to other provinces early in the morning, and before I left, I specially told the canteen He said there was no need to prepare our meals.”

"So, is it possible that there will be clues today?" Hua Dong was a little excited.

"Not necessarily, it just depends on luck." Bai Song said nonchalantly: "This case in Meng Province is a bit interesting."

"Can you tell me?"

"Let's talk about it after we go. This case is also classified as unmotivated suicide." Bai Song said.

"What the hell? Is there any motive for committing suicide?"

"Why are there no distinctions between suicides? People will not commit suicide unless they have to. There is always a motive. Either they feel life is meaningless and have no goals, or they are avoiding debts, or they are trapped by love, or their illness is unbearable. There is always a motive."

"Wouldn't it be better for you to just say 'reason'? If you have to say 'motive', the case will be handled like crazy."

"Okay. One idea. In short, this case committed suicide for no reason. Didn't I ask them to count a few before? The few that were counted are basically related to this 'leader'. But this one I feel It's a bit special, mainly because his death didn't look like suicide."

"Let's talk about it after we go."

Bai Song felt that there was absolutely no completely correct order in this world.

He had previously issued a reward in the village, which seemed to be effective, but a large number of meaningless clues came to him.

A few years ago, we asked nearby prefectures and cities to investigate such unprovoked suicides. Linking these suicides to this organization would also make the police relax their vigilance and possibly define some homicides as suicides.

Before noon, the car arrived in Mongolia Province.

The road is not easy to walk. It snowed heavily some time ago. The further we go, the worse the snow is cleared.

"You just said that this case may be a homicide. It's snowing so heavily. If it was a homicide, how could there be no traces? Isn't it taboo to kill someone in snow?" Liu Shuyuan asked.

"Yes, and this case is in a rural area. Do you still remember that when we were investigating the murder case a few days ago, you said that it is impossible to have high IQ cases everywhere. We are not looking down on rural areas, but if this is a murder case, there are still cases in this village. Is this a great person?" Wang Huadong also expressed doubts.

"Don't underestimate rural people. The person who died in this case didn't lose his money, and he died from drinking pesticide." Bai Song said: "You can't be blind when handling cases. There are also some smart people in rural areas. This matter is not necessarily that simple. .”

"Then we can avoid the detection of the local county police?"

"It would be difficult on ordinary days, but now the statistics of abnormal suicides can easily lead to people's fixed mindset." Bai Song continued: "The most important thing is that this person is a bachelor."

"Bachelor? Isn't it normal for bachelors to commit suicide?" Liu Shuyuan asked.

Everyone looked at Liu Shuyuan: "You are the only bachelor among the four of us."

"Don't mention this, just talk about this case."

"This is no ordinary bachelor. This bachelor's family has more than a hundred sheep." Bai Song said.

"Then you really shouldn't commit suicide." Liu Shuyuan immediately defended himself: "Singles without money are called bachelors, and those with money are called single aristocrats."

"Okay, okay." Bai Song shook his head: "So it's worth a visit. After this bachelor dies, no one will inherit the inheritance. According to the law, for villagers like him, the inheritance belongs to the collective. There are interests in this."

"That's really worth coming to see." Sun Jie nodded: "Drive slower!"

(Ask for monthly ticket)

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