Police Detective

Chapter 971 Problem Found

"I have some ideas." Liu Shuyuan said.

Today Shuyuan took Sun Jie to the county bureau. He did not enter the autopsy room, but chatted with the local criminal police outside.

"A local criminal police officer also felt a little strange about this case, but he said he didn't know why it was strange." Liu Shuyuan said: "The scene we saw was a change scene. After we arrived, the body had been carried away. The deceased Very fat, estimated to weigh 240 pounds. The rich villagers here are all fat. It took a lot of trouble to carry the body out. So there had to be some damage to the scene, which would definitely interfere with the exploration in East China. However, today there is A detective who went to the first scene told me that he thought the deceased was struggling quite hard."

"Even if he commits suicide, it's normal to struggle violently." Bai Song had no doubts about this.

"Yes, I know. This is an old local detective. Anyway, he said something felt wrong during the chat," Liu Shuyuan said.

"Wait a minute, old detective?" Bai Song suddenly thought of something: "Does he know your identity?"

"I know." Liu Shuyuan nodded: "Of course he knows, otherwise why would he tell me. Could it be that the street sweeper would tell him if he asked him?"

"Then there's a problem." Bai Song said: "You are an inspector, do you know that?"

"Inspection." Liu Shuyuan was not stupid, and he immediately discovered the problem.

Bai Song didn't think much about it when he heard Liu Shuyuan said that a detective had told him something. However, "Old Detective" is different.

An old detective means he has been working for at least ten years.

When you have been a police officer for a long time, you definitely know what to say and what not to say.

Liu Shuyuan was not one of the local county bureau's "own men", but an inspector who was superior to his superiors. Logically speaking, the local criminal police should not and would not say another word to Liu Shuyuan without being sure.

It's a big taboo to make shallow conversations and talk deeply. Can the old detective not understand?

Even political commissar Wang and Bai Song and others talked half-hidden and half-hidden. How could an old detective talk nonsense?

"So, what you are saying is that this detective is certain that this is not suicide?" Liu Shuyuan analyzed calmly.

"Not only that, his ideas may not be the same as those of his leader. Maybe his views were not taken seriously, so he has a little resentment. Telling you this can be regarded as expressing the unhappiness in his heart." Bai Song analyzed it.

"That makes sense." Liu Shuyuan slapped his head: "Why didn't I think of that?"

"Tomorrow morning, I will go to their county bureau to look for an opportunity to talk to Shuyuan in detail when no one is paying attention to him. I can't go, I am too conspicuous." Bai Song said: "You know What to say."


The next morning, Bai Song was taken to the county bureau by the local police to have breakfast. There was no restaurant open for breakfast outside.

What makes people speechless is that maybe because Bai Song and others are of high rank, the locals are afraid of being neglected, so they have prepared a large amount of beef and mutton.

Eating this this morning is really overwhelming.

"The delicious mutton has no taste in your mouth." Bai Song said, taking a big bite.

In the morning, a meeting was held here to warmly welcome Captain Bai and other superior leaders to guide the work in Chengji County.

This kind of meeting is inevitable when going out, and the meeting place is not at the county bureau, but at the county committee.

For Chengji County, this is the highest reception standard.

Accompanied by several county leaders, they returned to the county bureau to hold a mobilization meeting.

The whole morning passed like this.

At noon, canteen.

rack of lamb.

After dinner, Liu Shuyuan came over and found Bai Song: "Take Hua Dong and follow me."

The four of them went to the Criminal Investigation Brigade together.

When Huadong went to the scene to investigate, not only the body was removed, but also the main evidence at the scene, including the pesticide bottles.

Saliva and the man's fingerprints were extracted from the pesticide bottle and are now placed in the evidence box.

This is a common organophosphorus pesticide, a hard plastic bottle, and the production date is March 2015. None of this means anything.

Bai Song just glanced at the bottle, and his eyes immediately became a little deeper.

"Is this pesticide still available? I want a new bottle." Bai Song said.

"Have you thought of it too?" Liu Shuyuan looked impressed.

"What are you talking about?" Sun Jie was a little confused.

"Bai Song saw that this bottle was abnormal." Liu Shuyuan said: "The old detective said that he had come across several cases of rural women committing suicide by drinking pesticide. None of them could drink this bottle of pesticide so completely. Vomiting while drinking. Of course, there was a lot of vomit around the deceased, but the bottle wouldn't be that complete."

"Well," Bai Song said, "Even if you commit suicide, you will feel struggling and desperate when you drink such a terrible drink. Let's put it this way, although I can't fully empathize with people who commit suicide, but if I want to die, I If I drink this, I might crush the bottle."

"Yes! That old detective said the same thing!" Liu Shuyuan stared at Bai Song, as if to see where he and the other party were.

Bai Song naturally spoke better than the old detective. Although it was the Chinese New Year, within an hour, the exact same pesticide was obtained from the local area.

This is a whole box.

The local leaders also accompanied Bai Song. They didn't know what Bai Song wanted the pesticide for.

Bai Song did something that no one expected, he opened a bottle and took a sip! (Note: Do not imitate!)

Political Commissar Wang turned green with fright, and the local leaders accompanying him were almost stunned!

If something happens to Bai Song here, who can afford it?

But fortunately, less than a second after Bai Song drank it in his mouth, he vomited it all. He felt that the taste was simply amazing, it was so unpleasant to drink.

At this time, someone immediately brought water to rinse his mouth.

"Captain Bai, what are you doing!" Political Commissar Wang said, "Why do you taste pesticides?"

Bai Song was speechless. The taste in his mouth was too strong. He still felt bad after rinsing his mouth a dozen times, but he was feeling better after all.

He didn't swallow it. As for the bit left in his mouth, there was actually nothing wrong with it.

Talking about toxicity apart from dosage is a hooliganism.

Everyone gathered around, fearing that something might happen to Bai Song, but when they saw Bai Song vomited everything out and rinsed his mouth clean, they all calmed down.

"Look at this bottle." Bai Song put the bottle on the table.

Bai Song only took a sip of the pesticide he opened. It was a relatively hard plastic bottle, but he had already squashed it subconsciously.

This still hasn't been swallowed. If he had, he could probably crush the bottle completely.

Under the strong stimulation of this sense of taste, people's hands will subconsciously grasp things.

The deceased was a Mongolian man weighing 240 pounds. He could not have been weak. The bottle was intact and there was definitely something wrong with it!

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