Police Detective

Chapter 1023 Not afraid of big trouble

The second round of resuscitation can be said to be even more skilled than before. The doctor quickly performed gastric lavage and catharsis on the two people who came this time.

To put it bluntly, catharsis is definitely not a clean thing, it is disgusting, but this is how the doctor's profession is, especially emergency department doctors, who have too many dirty jobs.

Seeing this scene, Sun Jie was not angry with the doctor just now. Many of his classmates studying clinical and other disciplines were in the hospital, and they were in the emergency department.

Nowadays, the work of doctors is really very hard, and those who can get into the outpatient clinic are all seniors. The emergency department is too tiring, and the suffering in the world they encounter is frightening, and it is not enough for outsiders. It is nothing new for emergency department doctors to die suddenly after staying up late, it is comparable to police officers at the police station.

Some people have headaches and fever and feel that the doctor is unfriendly. They have not thought that this doctor may have treated several endangered patients in a row.

Bai Song asked. The two people ate on the same street. Area A itself was not big. There were only three barbecue streets.

One of the two people who came this time was close to coma. Sun Jie took a look and found that his heart rate had dropped to over 40.

The same treatment process was used, and the severe one was given two injections of rescue drugs. In short, he recovered roughly.

"There won't be a third wave, right?" Bai Song looked outside and asked with some uncertainty.

He has contacted the local police. All barbecue restaurants and restaurants will not allow shrimps to be grilled tonight. We will talk about it tomorrow.

It was raining, and hundreds of police officers were everywhere looking for the hotel to inform them. The superior's order was to tell him face to face, no matter how heavy the rain, there was nothing he could do.

Fortunately, after more than an hour, nothing happened, and the critically ill patient was also rescued.

At this time, people in the laboratory couldn't bear the pressure and called Bai Song.

If in normal times, these labs are run by the masters, and the criminal police in the district go to test things, they are just "waiting".

To put it simply, they are not under the jurisdiction of your district branch, so why should they be so polite to you?

But this time is different. Bai Song and others are keeping an eye on the case and working overtime to solve it.

But attitude is one thing, and ability is another. I really can't analyze what it is. The results of the analysis are not much different from what Sun Jie estimated.

Of course, it can't be said that it's useless. The laboratory adjusted a group of rats and conducted several experiments, and we generally have an understanding of this poison.

This poison...can't very well poison people...

According to the investigation of the 50% lethal concentration in rats, the lethal dose for humans is more than 0.3 grams.

The amount of shrimp put on a large plate is about 0.5 grams. But people do not eat the shells when eating shrimp. If it is just shrimp meat, the total amount of poison in a plate of shrimp meat is less than 0.2 grams.

In other words, excluding special physiques, a person will not die if he eats a whole plate of shrimps. These people are generally not in any danger if they are not treated at all.

If the emergency department doctor heard about this, he would probably be depressed. This drug is absorbed very quickly. Theoretically, if we don't save people, these people will not die...

Inducing vomiting and catharsis are useless behaviors...

However, this definitely does not mean that the doctor is wrong, it just means that the situation of this poison is very special...a bit like...Aipin...

"No need to ask about this thing," Sun Jie said: "This is not something we commonly see, it is a new type of product."

Maffei is a very special drug and a powerful analgesic. The diacetate of this thing is also called sea lyte. But its biggest disadvantage is that it is easily addictive.

Its structure is composed of five fused rings. This three-dimensional structure is the basis of its analgesia, but this thing is now absolutely controlled. In some areas, there is always a desire to develop new things. It's not that it can be done to reduce harm, the key is money, making money.

Especially in northern Myanmar, some organizations that have become climate change spend huge sums of money to research new things every year.

Many people may not know that ice, which is very harmful now, was created in a Japanese laboratory. Before this thing came out, the local laboratory hoped to create "Dali Pills" for use in war and for their own people.

However, things did not go as expected. After this thing was created, it was found that it had serious side effects, but it eventually entered the market.

Putting aside Bing for the moment, research on Ma Fei in northern Myanmar has been going on for many years. Bai Song and Sun Jie calculated it together and found that what they have encountered so far is probably one of its new derivatives.

With this idea in mind, Bai Song called the poison expert at the Tianhua Criminal Division.

He specializes in the art. After listening to Bai Song's account, this boss quickly recognized Bai Song's guesses and put forward some new guesses.

After chatting for more than ten minutes, Bai Song hung up the phone and called Liang Si.

"How serious is the situation at the scene?" Liang Si asked.

Bai Song did not answer this question, but carefully presented his analysis.

"Why does this kind of thing appear?" Liang Si asked, "What is the purpose?"

"Liang Si, don't underestimate our previous actions. It may be as simple as arresting some people, but in fact it is definitely not." Bai Song said.

"You mean, our actions may have a bigger impact," Liang Si said thoughtfully.

Bai Song thought for a while: "I used to handle cases and encountered some acts of revenge. I think this case is like this."

"Retaliation..." Liang Si pondered for a while: "Are you coming for us?"

Bai Song didn't understand why, but there was a hint of excitement in Liang Si's tone.

"I suspect this is the case. If we don't know today, it may be large-scale next. By then, similar things will happen in the entire area A." Bai Song said: "Some cases really have other motives behind them."

"Do you mean it involves politics?" Liang Si did not continue.

Bai Song naturally did not answer this question.

Time seems to have stood still, but Liang Si is not worried about the seriousness of the matter: "In this way, tomorrow all teams will finish the cases in their own districts, and everyone will go back to District A for a meeting. If you have definite clues tonight, let 30 provinces know tomorrow Teams from municipalities and autonomous regions, give it a try.”

"Liang Si, my feeling is not to be too optimistic. It won't be that simple in a day or two. They found a rainy day and there will be expert guidance behind them." Bai Song said.

"It doesn't matter." Liang Si's level of consideration was obviously much higher: "If necessary, it can be postponed!"


Bai Song never thought that this kind of event could be postponed, but he had to face the change in his identity. Indeed...

The organizer wants to postpone it. Does City B or Province B disagree? How is that possible!

With that said, Bai Song said: "We will continue to investigate tonight. Please wait for my news and we will talk about it tomorrow."

"Okay..." Liang Si was not afraid of big trouble: "Tell me tomorrow..."

Please give me a monthly ticket... I have something to do tonight, and I only found time to code out two chapters after a whole day of coding... I have to go to work, and go to bed early...

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