Police Detective

Chapter 1025 Early Warning

Having said that, we have to do some popular science classification.

If we make a broad classification, it can generally be divided into traditional, new, sedatives, third generation, and fourth generation.

The traditional type is easy to understand. The first category is naturally the one from Humen Banyan, which can extract mafi and seaweed; the second category is coca, which is rare in China and is basically beautiful. It is common in China, and the processed stuff is called cocaine; the third major category is cannabis, which has also become rampant in China in recent years.

Coca is called coca in English. Many people are certainly not familiar with this word, but everyone knows the other one, which is coca cola, Coca-Cola. Before 1906, Coca-Cola contained cocaine, which must have been very exciting to drink at that time, but it was later removed by legislation.

Needless to say, new types of nature cause the greatest harm to ice.

(I can’t go into too much detail. A popular science article can contain tens of thousands of words, and the river crab is too powerful. I’ll explain it in detail later in the extra chapter.)

Bai Song has never been exposed to coca in so many years. No wonder the laboratory in City B here has no clue.

"Ecuador is indeed South America, and it is indeed the place of origin." Bai Song was a little helpless: "How can I pursue this?"

"The problem isn't here." Sun Jie bit his lip: "It's here."

The phone call over there said that this drug can significantly reduce the heartbeat and metabolic rate.

"What's going on?" Bai Song was suddenly startled: "Can this thing prolong life?"

"There are many drugs that lower heart rate, such as propranolol and metoprolol. There are also many drugs that lower metabolism, such as fluvoxamine, warfarin, and isoniazid." Sun Jie said: "But... if... I mean, this thing is a derivative of Maffei. I can understand it, because it itself is a depressant drug. It would be wrong to appear on coca derivatives. This thing. This thing is a stimulant."

"So there is a problem in the laboratory?" Bai Song asked back: "There are so many big guys over there, so they shouldn't have discovered the problem, right?"

"I'll call and ask." Sun Jie said.

Sun Jie quickly dialed the number there, and then had a friendly exchange for almost ten minutes. Since Bai Song had a certain foundation in organic chemistry, he could generally understand what he was listening to.

Due to time issues, the specific report has not yet come out. What he heard before was all from the dictation of the person in charge. After Sun Jie talked carefully, he understood what was going on.

It contains not only cocaine, but also diazepam, naloxone hydrochloride and other substances.

These are the antidote drugs for cocaine poisoning.

No wonder the 50% lethal dose in rats was not particularly high.

Isn't this neurosis?

Speaking of which, there is absolutely no benefit in eating these things together, but who would do that?

"It's not just that simple. I'm a little unclear on the motive, let alone the purpose of doing this kind of research." Sun Jie said: "I just chatted for a while, and the consensus there is that this is not an ordinary place. The place of origin is certainly not simple.”

"From a major pharmaceutical company?" Bai Song frowned: "There is a big gap between us in this aspect."

In 2016, among the top 50 pharmaceutical companies in the world with R\u0026D capabilities, we were almost none of them.

"I don't know. The question is, what is the motive? Whoever touches this thing will not be confused." Wang Huadong was also speechless: "This is it"

"A toad jumps on people's feet, but it doesn't bite or irritates them!" Wang Liang added.

"Maybe there is no motive." Bai Song shook his head: "Maybe it was a mistake on their part. After all, once this thing is installed on the ship by mistake, it will be difficult to take it out again."

"This can explain it." Hua Dong thought for a while: "Do you want to ask Professor Tang?"

"Professor Tang?" Bai Song nodded: "Okay."

It’s been a long time since I contacted Professor Tang, but Bai Song didn’t use too many polite words and directly asked the question.

"Why did you encounter this kind of thing?" Professor Tang seemed a little surprised.

"What's wrong? Tell me." Bai Song said.

"I have also studied this thing you mentioned." Professor Tang said.

"Ah?" Bai Song was speechless: "Aren't you currently doing quantum chemistry and studying lithium batteries?"

"It's a long story. This is not within the scope of quantum chemistry, but there was a project before." Professor Tang paused and said, "This is confidential, so I can't tell you."

"Understood," Bai Song said, "Then, is this matter possibly related to the commercial espionage case we handled with you before?"

"It's not impossible." Professor Tang paused: "In fact, the original idea of ​​​​this thing is to aphrodisiac."

"Wang Defa?" Bai Song was shocked that the famous professor actually...

"Don't get me wrong, this is just an idea. In fact, no experiments have been done at all, because the things involved are all prohibited." Professor Tang said with a slight embarrassment: "It's an after-school hobby, so it makes sense."

"The mouse experiment didn't have this effect anyway, and diarrhea and vomiting also occurred, and it damaged the nervous system, lowered the heart rate, and had no obvious stimulating effect." Bai Song said: "What kind of formula do you have?"

"No," Professor Tang said, "The amount of cocaine must be too small."

"Um?" Bai Song felt that he had touched a point of the problem, but he was a little unable to grasp it.

After hanging up the phone with Professor Tang, Bai Song was really speechless. He had thought about many possibilities, but he had never thought of this.

"That's normal. It's just an idea. Many chemists have had similar ideas, and some have even extracted many Chinese herbal ingredients for experiments." Sun Jie said, "Actually, if this thing really has that kind of effective ingredient, , If it is still legal, then the distance between you and the rich is basically only time. Many super pharmaceutical companies have never given up on researching this.”

"So what Professor Tang is doing is pretty good?" Bai Song asked.

"It definitely won't work. The raw materials are illegal, and the side effects are huge. They can only be reflected on paper. It seems to be caused by what happened before." Wang Huadong has already made no secret of this matter: "It should be the information stolen by Ding Jianguo. ”

"Actually stealing Professor Tang's essays" Bai Song was also speechless: "Then the question is, how come it is such a coincidence that this thing can appear here?"

"Coincidence?" Wang Liang thought for a while: "Coincidence, this is the only possibility."

"No." Liu Shuyuan and Bai Song had experienced several things, and he still had some ideas: "There is a conspiracy in this."

"Aimed at me?" Bai Song suddenly became alert. He had not thought of this at all!

"Otherwise, I don't know if there are other possibilities." Liu Shuyuan said: "Over the years, the person we have offended several times may not be a certain person at all, but a large organization or even a country."

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