Police Detective

Chapter 1048 The prototype of

"This is the most glorious thing that has ever happened to our family." The old man pointed to a magazine placed in a glass cabinet on the wall: "A cultural man."

"This is indeed a great review. It is said that the alma mater of the Qin detachment even gave a reward." Bai Song said: "Our colleague Sun Jie is still the second author."

"It's good to be educated. It's good to be educated." The old man stroked his short beard.

The last case that Qin Wushuang and Sun Jie worked on together made progress, and they really succeeded in publishing a science article, but it was not that simple. Qin Wushuang is the first author. In addition, there are two university professors who are co-authors. The second author like Sun Jie is also a nominal one. After all, Sun Jie rarely participated.

This kind of thing is an extremely rare honor for university professors.

I really visited a lot of people in the past two days, and the last stop was to see Mr. Qin.

The last time I came here was in a hurry, but this time I finally had some time to chat.

The old man is in his seventies, but he is still energetic and likes to communicate with young people. When Bai Song came, he made tea for him.

Traditional Chinese hospitality is impossible without tea. The younger generation is gradually no longer doing this. The main reason is that young people increasingly dislike having guests at home. When there is a party, they just eat out and go back to their homes. However, Bai Song still likes this way of the older generation, especially the last time he was there. After drinking the tea made by Lao Li in the woods of City B, he began to like this feeling.

This time it was at Qin Wushuang's home. The old man was getting older. The Qin detachment would sometimes take his parents over to stay for a few days, but most of the time the old man was still at his own home.

"You told me last time that you were going to write a novel," the old man said, "How are you preparing?"

"Several of our textbooks have been published, but it's very difficult for me to write a novel. It's okay to write a running account of 20,000 to 30,000 words, but it's really difficult to combine them into a book." Bai Song Said: "I also have some experience in writing novels. I published a book with the girlfriend of one of my buddies, but it was too difficult to write a long novel."

"Are you very close to your buddy's girlfriend?" The old man discovered Hua Dian.

"Well" Bai Song saw that the old man was still interested in teasing him, but he didn't explain: "Tell me, you have read so many novels, how do you write a novel?"

"It's very simple. Just have an ending and a theme." The old man asked, "You can fill it with your thoughts, whatever you want."

"The ending is easy to say." Bai Song thought for a while: "Theme."

"Well, theme." The old man nodded: "What kind of theme do you want to write about?"

"It's like this. I have handled many cases over the years. Many young people have been deceived or encountered some problems and did not know how to solve them better, so they have embarked on the wrong path. I have published teaching materials, but this can only be seen by insiders. , I hope to influence more ordinary people." Bai Song thought for a while: "This is my theme."

"This?" Qin Wushuang came over: "This is difficult. It will inevitably be boring and easy to break up."

"Yes, Wushuang is right. It is too difficult to educate people through novels," the old man said, "However, it is not impossible. Look, in recent years, Tianhua City has produced a master in the field of cross talk, and his cross talk is very popular. It’s funny, some of them may seem vulgar, but they actually affect a lot of people.”

"Are you talking about Mr. Guo?" Bai Song nodded: "He is very powerful. There is no comparison between me and others. I hope to do my best to change as many people as possible, even just one more is good. I In recent years, we have encountered too many cults, frauds, foreign forces, etc., and many evil organizations are intruding on the people through cultural, Internet and other means. If I don’t fight for these positions, who will?”

"You have experienced a lot," Qin Wushuang said: "You can try to write it. Don't be afraid that no one will read it. You are still young. No one will read the first book, so you can write the second one. You are right, these positions We’re going to seize it.”

"I think your choice is in vain," the old man said: "There are two kinds of people in this world. One kind has a fixed way of thinking. They set a goal for themselves, and then work hard to prove that they really have it. level; the other type of people has a growth mindset. They can constantly change themselves. Each time they reach a level, they will automatically accept the things at this level and then continue to think about the next step. The former are the vast majority. They have no sense of security. Working hard in your own industry, fearing that you will fall down the hierarchy, and being submissive in the face of failure and difficulties, in the end you don’t want to do anything but just lie down. It’s very, very difficult for you to feed the latter’s thinking to the former.”

"And no one likes to read it," Qin Wushuang shrugged: "So I made it very clear, be prepared for failure, write a book first, and then revise it later."

"I think this matter is meaningful." Bai Song listened to the old man's words: "If it is not difficult, there will be no point in me doing this matter."

"Hahaha", the old man was very happy: "Okay, I just deliberately poured cold water on you. If you can't handle this basin of cold water, there is no need to continue writing. I have met many young people in these years, and you are the most self-centered In this way, you can give me another reason and see if it can impress me. If so, I will write this book with you in the next few years. "

"There is a saying called 'The truth is within the range of the cannon.' This sentence means that your words can only be effective if they are within the scope of your absolute jurisdiction." Bai Song said: "But no one has ever mentioned this sentence , that is, 'false ideas can enter beyond the range of cannons.' Our territory is inviolable, but countless fallacies and heresies have come in openly, and countless criminals are still rampant, especially the increasingly fierce overseas telecommunications fraud, which is really infringing. Too many people. Within the range of cannons is the scope of truth, but war cannot rely only on cannons, but also on guns, and even on people. There are some things, who else should I do?"

"At my age, I didn't expect to be educated by you." The old man looked very excited: "Okay, okay, you just have to write this book. Since you want to write it, it's good to write your story. Don't be in a hurry. , you can practice for a few more years. Let’s start with the theme and make an outline. In addition, we must write interesting stories. Stories are the main body and soul of the novel. That sentence in the cross talk is called "The novel is suitable for both refined and popular tastes" Same thing."

"Okay!" Bai Song picked up the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp: "This is what I think is right, and I will definitely try my best!"

Bai Song knows that in future wars, ideological positions must be fought for. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!

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