Police Detective

Chapter 1050 Ready to go

"Don't worry, even if the whole city of Shangjing is gone, I won't call you." Wang Liang patted his chest.

"Well, and I also told Deputy Captain Ren about this. If there is a case on the line you go out to play on, I can't call you." Liu Shuyuan said: "Mr. Ren also gave me a guarantee."

"Not only that, I borrowed a car for you," Wang Huadong said: "It was provided by my mother's partner. Of course, you need to pay for the gas and tolls yourself. Don't worry, the car is not a good car either. , enough for daily transportation.”

"You don't have to worry about Tian Gen's affairs. Your sister-in-law and I are both graduate students. She happens to be visiting Beijing these days. I can take her for you for a few days. It's no problem." Sun Jie patted his chest: "It's good to go out this time. It's fun!"

"Also, I have prepared a guide. Isn't my future uncle working as a tour guide in the tea city area? Although he is not very familiar with the Kundali route, there are many friends who have recommended a particularly good one. The route, food, accommodation and entertainment are all available, and you can avoid many pitfalls." Wang Liang said: "I have sent you a detailed guide."

"." Bai Song was speechless. He felt like a child going out with his mother nagging behind him. Is he, Bai Song, someone who has never gone out to play?

"Okay, have the tickets been booked?" Wang Huadong asked: "Did you land at Changshui Airport? If so, tell me the flight number, and I'll ask the uncle over there to deliver the car."


Bai Song had a sullen face, ignored these people, turned around and walked away. After turning around, he still had a faint smile on his face.

It was agreed to set off the day after tomorrow, but Bai Song still planned to visit Tian Gen first.

The school Tian Gen attended was not a good school. To be precise, Bai Song did not have the ability to send a child with no household registration, no money, and no grades directly to a better school in Beijing. This was completely unrealistic.

But Bai Song still asked a lot of people. This school has a relatively upright academic style. They are all children of workers. The school rules and disciplines are relatively strict, and there are not many bullying cases among students.

When he arrived at school, Bai Song found his class teacher and asked Tian Gen out.

We haven’t seen each other for two months. Tian Gen is much cleaner than before, but his skin is still dark and a little thin. Bai Song chatted with Tian Gen for more than two hours, telling many interesting stories about the world, the universe, geography, etc. , in short Tian Gen was very happy to hear it.

After chatting for a long time, Bai Song added a lot of money to his meal card, said goodbye to the teacher, and left the school.

Before the trip, he was unwilling to be lonely and returned to the unit. He learned about some situations during this period and made sure that nothing happened before leaving the unit to prepare for the trip.

Bureau of Criminal Investigation.

Wang Liang looked at Bai Song's back and said with a smile: "I finally left. Fortunately, I didn't reveal my secret just now."

"The main reason is that this case is not big, so there is no point in asking him to come. We are just doing it in name." Liu Shuyuan waved his hand: "It's not interesting."

"You can't say that. How rampant these people are now!" Wang Huadong retorted: "We must take down these people if we are responsible."

"Try your best." Liu Shuyuan was noncommittal.

Everyone was actually on vacation, but when they knew Bai Song was going back to work, they all ran back. Everyone was worried that Bai Song would randomly bring up another case to handle.

There are no particularly specific cases that the Criminal Investigation Bureau needs to be responsible for now. After all, this is a higher-level agency, and there are not as many opportunities to actually participate in handling cases as imagined.

The cases currently being handled are mainly fraud cases, and the cases reserved for those under Director Li are extortion cases.

Generally speaking, extortion cases and fraud cases are not the same situation, but the online society has reduced the gap. Everyone must have either experienced or heard of telecommunications fraud, which involves deceiving victims into misunderstandings and disposing of their property. In addition, there is another case that has become more and more intense in recent years, namely the blackmail case. This is not a lie, but a direct threat.

This kind of case is very simple. It is to say "I am a big beauty, empty, lonely and cold" and other words on some social media, or directly say something like "I am looking for a sexual partner in the same city" to attract a large number of men to join. Others use apps such as Momo and People Nearby to post a bunch of sexy pictures of beautiful women, asking men to take the initiative to add her and say hello.

After adding friends, the girl will be very proactive and chat very openly. Then she will ask the boy if he would like to start a video chat with her. When the boy hears this, is he so open to it? So I agreed.

About a minute into the video, the guy who was waiting for me also took off his clothes, and the girl hung up, and then asked if she could come to my live broadcast room to support me? No need to spend money, the boy said yes, and then clicked on the link to the live broadcast room.

After clicking the link, the boy's address book information was obtained.

Then the woman first showed that she already had the man's address book, and then came over and said, "Give me money, otherwise I will send the video of the video you just made with me to all your friends in the address book" to extort money.

Many of the victims were college students, graduate students, and people with good jobs. These people had to give money to save their face, and some were extorted of hundreds of thousands.

If something like this happens, correct it or encourage it if it doesn't happen. Don't laugh at how stupid others are. People who believe that they will never be cheated often fall worse than anyone else one day. Don't even think about getting a mobile phone without an address book for free. People with this kind of thinking will be deceived by other means sooner or later.

This case is not a temporary one. In May alone, there have been more than 10,000 Guoliao extortion cases nationwide (as the author mentioned earlier), and they are increasing. A special task force set up by the Criminal Investigation Bureau Currently it is only in supervision status.

To put it simply, everyone should rest. The provincial departments and departments are specifically responsible for taking the lead. Only when arrests need to be made out of the country, the Criminal Investigation Bureau will consider helping.

Bai Song left, and the brothers also naturally left the work unit. Who would have thought that Bai Song would come back again.

Speaking of which, people like Bai Song are disgusting enough. Even outsiders find him annoying when looking at his current behavior. However, he did not come back to handle the case. He just understood the situation and made sure that the matter was not urgent before leaving with peace of mind. .

Bai Song was fully prepared for this trip. He planned to play for ten days. He had already called Xinqiao's mother and also called Bai Yulong to tell him.

"Don't be stingy when you two go out for the first time. Your mother gave you 20,000 yuan." Bai Yulong said: "Also, you are not married after all. Remember to get a standard room with twin beds."

"Get two rooms! Get a fucking standard room!" His mother, Zhou Li, knocked Bai Yulong on the side and said, "How did you teach this? You think your son is like you and doesn't learn well."

After hanging up the phone, Bai Song felt that the amount of information was a bit overwhelming.

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