Police Detective

Chapter 1085 Meeting 2

"This is so troublesome. Are you trying to trick me?" Wang Huadong fiddled with his appearance and looked at himself in the mirror with mixed emotions. He looked pretty good.

Bai Song decided that if he wanted to meet, he would have to send a shocking figure to calm these people down.

But, a shocking figure? This seems impossible. You can't play Wang Qianyi, right? No one would know that Wang Qianyi was shot.

Ever since, Bai Song was planning to let Hua Dong play Wang Qianyi's son!

Wang Qianyi did not have a son, but it was normal for no one to know about an illegitimate child.

But, who knows what Wang Qianyi’s son looks like? Follow Wang Qianyi’s lead in putting on makeup? This is actually very difficult! If it looks too much like Wang Qianyi himself, it will look fake.

So, Bai Song came up with an excellent idea, letting Wang Huadong pretend to be Wang Ruoyi first, and then become masculine!

This is simply a genius decision! Not only Bai Song and others, but also Ren Hao, the director, deputy director, and detachment leader of the local public security bureau were all leaders who were qualified to understand this operation. They all came to care!

It has to be said that the Public Security Bureau itself does not teach this kind of disguise. Even if this ability is cultivated, there are few players with Wang Huadong's talent.

Seeing Wang Huadong slowly transforming into a beautiful woman, everyone present became uneasy!

Just because of Huadong’s long legs, good looks and figure! It costs thousands of dollars to go dancing in a bar this night! Anyone who sees such conditions in any bar in Belvedere will be hired with a high salary!

Last time at the bar in the port area, Bai Song and others had seen the cross-dressing Huadong who fascinated a bunch of people, but today they felt even more different when they turned into a familiar person like Wang Ruoyi.

Wang Ruoyi is a relatively thin girl, about 23 years old this year. After Huadong finished camouflaging her face, she started doing male makeup. It was done in less than 20 minutes. With the short hair and relatively unique His temperament is really a bit like Wang Qianyi’s heroic spirit!

If someone is familiar with Wang Qianyi, they will definitely feel very familiar when they see Wang Huadong now. Maybe they can’t figure out who it is for a while, but that sense of familiarity cannot be concealed!

"Amazing skills!" Director Jiang of the Belvedere Public Security Bureau praised: "I have been a policeman for so many years. If I had three or five soldiers under my command, I could take down all the gangs involved in gangs here!

Being an undercover agent is common in movies, but not in reality, because if you really go to the police academy, you will know that you can’t learn these aspects of knowledge at all, especially psychological quality, which requires experiencing a lot of real things to grow up. .

To expect a college student to be a good undercover agent is purely the way an amateur would make a movie.

If Wang Huadong were a professional undercover agent, he would probably be very powerful!

After watching Wang Huadong put on makeup, Bai Song also put on a disguise and looked like a social person. This temperament must be grasped in a subtle way. It cannot look like a real social person, just like a retired special forces soldier who has been in the black society for three years.

"Why didn't you do it together just now?" Wang Huadong was a little confused.

"I'm not worried about you."

The meeting place was arranged in a manor on the mountain more than ten kilometers away from Belvedere. The location of this manor was very special. It was on the mountain and there was only one road.

Before that, Bai Song and others had no idea what the "old place" was. They could only find out after a few of them left and followed them to a certain extent.

Knowing the location of this place, it would be a bit troublesome for Mr. Ren to arrange for too many people to go there, because the terrain is indeed complicated and it is very difficult to sneak there. ,

"The safety factor may be a little worse, right?" Ren Hao was a little worried: "It's impossible to quickly deploy too many police forces there. It's too ostentatious."

"It's okay, I'm bringing a gun," Bai Song said, "Just three of us."

In addition to Bai Song, a special police officer was also arranged to accompany him. This man was a master of choice. It’s not that he has the best business skills, but his ability to adapt to changes is very strong. He is thirty-seven or eighteen years old this year, and he has also put on a certain disguise.

It's perfectly normal for these people to have two bodyguards around them.

"The original plan is going ahead." Bai Song drove a very ordinary car and drove Wang Huadong up the mountain.

The car had no characteristics. It quickly reached the foot of the manor and was stopped. The security guard called the intercom before coming up to ask questions.

"Open the door!" Bai Song opened the car and shouted at the security guard: "Don't delay my business!"

"We have a membership system here. You must show your relevant documents." The security guard spoke very politely.

Before coming, Bai Song completed a background check on this manor in a short period of time. This is a formal manor, and the boss is considered a very powerful figure in the local area. This manor on the mountain is not usually open to ordinary people. For example, you definitely can’t find it on apps like Meituan.

"What should members do?" Bai Song asked.

"We need to invite two old members at the same time."

"If this is the rule, how did the two people at the front come here?" Bai Song asked.

"Well, it must have been invited by the boss." The security guard has never encountered anyone asking this question before.

"Then why don't you just ask your boss to come out and invite us?" With that said, Bai Song was about to drive inside.

"Sir!" The security guard said very well, "If this pole breaks, you will have to pay for it!"

"It's just a pole. If it breaks, I'll accompany you!" Bai Song said and planned to drive inside. Every time he stepped into this kind of role, he felt inexplicably a little bit refreshed. Even if it doesn't make sense, it's still interesting.

"Twenty thousand for one piece."

Bai Song braked: "Oh, don't scratch my car. I'm waiting for someone. I don't believe no one is coming."

After waiting for a short time, two Mercedes-Benzes came up the mountain. When they arrived at the door here, Bai Song got out of the car and stopped the two Mercedes-Benzes: "Please show your membership card."

The security guard was startled and hurriedly came over to pull Bai Song away: "These are all members, and the license plate numbers have all been entered!"

As a result, the security guard found that Bai Song could not be pulled at all, and he became very anxious.

This manor is actually not big, and there will probably be no outsiders tonight, so the two cars coming here must be the people they are looking for. Bai Song ignored this and asked for the membership card when he went up.

However, there were no idlers sitting in the back seats of these two Mercedes-Benzes. They glanced at Bai Song and asked three numbers.

At this time, Wang Huadong looked at the Mercedes-Benz in the car five or six meters away and said the fourth number.

The person in the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz heard the fourth number and knew that this person did not want to disclose all six numbers, so he nodded and said to the security guard: "This is one of our own."

After saying that, he looked at Wang Huadong carefully, and he looked more and more familiar. Just as he was thinking about it, the Mercedes-Benz in front had started, and he followed it.

(Fourth update today)

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