Police Detective

Chapter 1087 Operation mode (adding updates for the update reminder circle)

"What is your relationship with Wang Qianyi?" Yuan Ruonan was the first to ask.

"Now that you've seen it, why do you need to ask?" Wang Huadong smiled: "My dad is a smart man, but it's a pity that he wants to wash his hands in a golden basin, but how can there be a real golden basin in this world?"

"If you are really Wang Qianyi's son," Mr. Wang said, "then how can you prove it?"

"Do I need to prove it to you?" Wang Huadong said with a smile: "Who do you think you are? Can you prove your identity?"

After Wang Huadong came in, they had been wrangling for a while from the beginning to now. Yuan Ruonan was the first to officially get to the point and asked very directly.

Before this, Wang Huadong had been deliberately avoiding confrontation with Mr. Wang, but he was relatively inconspicuous. Except for Mr. Wang, others didn't feel much at all. They only thought that this person was quite unruly.

"What the hell are you doing?" Mr. Wang was so angry that he wanted to stand up, but he calmed down and then sat down: "You are a big liar. Let me tell you, even if you are really Wang Qianyi's son today, you still can't even think of dividing the shares. You don’t deserve a dime, not even him, he is just a trafficker and a pawn!”

"Here, what are you in a hurry for?" Wang Huadong smiled and said, "I know far more than you!"

"I'm not in a hurry," Mr. Wang said with a smile, "Well, before I withdraw my words, please prove your identity first."

This is the home ground of these people. Although Bai Song and the special police are brave, these people are not afraid of them. Everyone knows that these two people cannot really go on a killing spree here.

"No need to prove," Wang Huadong said, "I just want to know that there were only five cards on this road in the entire southern Xinjiang. I know the code names of the five cards. What happened to the remaining four cards? "

Wang Huadong turned his back on guests and asked first.

"Huh? Five? You're laughing so hard!" Mr. Wang said, "You mean five just five?"

"Yes, when I say five, I mean five!" After Wang Huadong finished speaking, he immediately started talking and spit out the code numbers of the five people in one breath: "Who are the other four people?"

Mr. Wang’s expression changed!

Without him!

Wang Huadong accurately named five of the six accounts and avoided three ghosts, which shows that he really understands! But why is there no him?

In the group, these are all virtual. It stands to reason that everyone does not know other people’s code names.

But there are no absolutes in the world. He and Mr. Li knew each other's account numbers, and the woman named Yuan seemed to know the account numbers of two or three people.

There were six original numbers. Why did Wang Huadong know that he had a certain number but didn't tell him!

At this time, Mr. Li's expression also changed.

Mr. Li was the first person in the group. He knew that the three ghosts in the group were raised by him, Mr. Wang, and Mr. Yuan. He also knew Mr. Wang’s number.

However, the other party accurately picked out the numbers of the five of them, except Mr. Wang’s! Could it really be such a coincidence? He had to start to doubt Mr. Wang, whom he had known for many years.

There is a question here, why would Wang Huadong know that this code name belongs to Mr. Wang and target him? Mr. Wang himself was confused!

Yuan Ruonan also glanced at Mr. Wang but said nothing.

Mr. Wang felt guilty for no reason at this time. He saw Yuan Ruonan's eyes and knew that Yuan Ruonan already knew his code name.

But, what is he guilty of? What's wrong with him? no problem!

"Okay, let's not mention this." Mr. Li shook his head: "You are here to take a share of the profits and prove your worth."

"Wait a minute." At this time, a strong man stood up. This one's surname was Ma: "Let me explain first that I am in the account just mentioned! My line started more than 20 years ago! No one else Do you doubt me? I think there is something wrong with what he said! Three people have been added in the past few years. No, it seems that another person has been added in advance. Let’s tell him who it is today!

The man named Ma expressed his stance, and the remaining two people also stood up and expressed their stance.

At this time, Mr. Li had a bad ending: "Everyone, do you want to tell your own code name? You also know what this code name means!"

"Hmph! If there are only five or six people sharing, who wants ten people to share!" Mr. Ma snorted: "There must be an explanation today! Whether this kid is qualified or not is not mentioned. He is Wang Qianyi's son. I can tell it at a glance. See it! I want to beat him up! If his damn father hadn’t betrayed his promise and didn’t give away the things, he wouldn’t be where he is today!”

Bai Song has roughly understood what this code name is.

Combined with the fact that Mr. Wang mentioned the first three words just now at the door, it means that this code name is actually a password, a very simple three-digit number versus three-digit number.

Don't think that three versus three is simple. Many people think that this is not a one-in-a-thousand chance? What if someone deceives you?

First of all, this is a big deal, and random impersonation can be fatal! Few people would dare to play Russian Roulette with a one-sixth mortality rate. This random impersonation would be troublesome.

Secondly, it's not that easy to guess six to three.

For example, if the six-digit number is 138742, the former says 327, and the latter must determine where these three numbers are and which three numbers are missing. In this case, the probability of getting it right is one in 120,000, making it almost impossible to get it right.

Of course, the latter method of operation was Bai Song's guess, but even if there was a one-thousandth chance, no one would dare to bet on a certain situation.

Maybe, this number is changing. Every time Wang Qianyi connects with people here, whoever can answer the corresponding number will cooperate with him. After cooperating once, the other party will change the six-digit number, because it is no longer Confidentiality.

After changing the number, Wang Qianyi needs to bring the new six-digit number out so that the next communication can be facilitated.

After listening to what the man named Ma said, Bai Song realized that this number was to be taken out, not brought in, which made him a little confused.

This kind of information communication relies heavily on Wang Qianyi alone, but in fact this is not the case. Wang Qianyi's job is mainly to "anti-counterfeiting" and make sure that a person is really a certain person. Other smuggling and other activities do not go through Wang Qianyi.

However, the last time Wang Qianyi did it, it was not just that he failed to send out six new code names. The most important thing was that there were other things on the money, including offshore bank account numbers.

At that time, Political Commissar Jiang also said this, but there was no way to check it.

At this point, Bai Song was confused.

At that time, Wang Qianyi killed a guide and replaced him, which means that his previous identity was not met. So how did he not meet?

There is a loophole in this.

After analyzing for a while, Bai Song felt something was wrong, so he continued to listen to the quarrel.

(The fourth update is completed, and the fourth update will be continued tomorrow)

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