Police Detective

Chapter 1094 Confrontation (Added update for the second leader of the sky is already slightly blue)

I don't know why, but Yuan Ruonan made Bai Song feel very uncomfortable.

There is always a feeling of scrutiny, as if Bai Song is the person being interrogated, and she, Yuan Ruonan, is the policeman.

Yuan Ruonan knew the consequences of doing this. This person was considered a very successful woman.

Sometimes I have to admit one thing, in this kind of gang, it is very difficult to be the female boss. If you can do it for twenty years and still convince the people below, you are definitely not an ordinary person.

People like this are often not easily satisfied.

For example, many big guys, such as Mr. Lei and Musk, were already worth over 100 million when they were young. They could live a life of traveling and looking for beautiful women, but they are unwilling and have to work hard. .

Although Yuan Ruonan is engaged in illegal business, she is also one of the few ambitious people.

Female boss, if you like all kinds of handsome guys, that's okay, but if you don't, it's a bit scary. Tian Tianjing thinks about how to harm others, and it's easy to be extreme.

But Yuan Ruonan has long passed the age of extremes. She just wants to pursue something interesting, which is already difficult, and the meaning of life is not that great.

Poor people only think that they can be happy with money, but if you put yourself in Yuan Ruonan's shoes, what is her happiness? Maybe there is only a sense of accomplishment.

That's why she did it the night before yesterday. She wanted to be the boss, and she could prepare so many "fireworks" as a deterrent.

Ren Hao really had no doubt what choice Yuan Ruonan would make if he really knew that he was surrounded by hundreds of police officers and had no other choice. This crazy woman is not afraid of death!

Therefore, this is also the reason why Ren Hao said that Wang Huadong made great contributions. This contribution was as great as saving the Tianhua Port explosion with one hand! You know, there were more than 300 police here the night before yesterday!


Ren Hao was frightened when he saw Yuan Ruonan. Therefore, facing such an opponent, interrogation is meaningless.

But in fact, Ren Hao didn't understand Yuan Ruonan.

"I am the police officer handling Wang Qianyi's case. I handled the murder case of her daughter Wang Ruoyi and Zhang Zuo from the beginning to the end." Bai Song told Yuan Ruonan.

"Huh?" Yuan Ruonan's eyes sparkled: "Then you are interesting."

"I was responsible for the case in southern Xinjiang some time ago when the border was blocked and airborne troops came. I was responsible for the ton of white goods at Tianhua Port," Bai Song continued.

"Your name is Bai Song, right?" Yuan Ruonan blinked lightly: "You also handled Deng Wenxi's case."

"You know a lot." Bai Song nodded. A lot of his information can be found online.

"If you hadn't disguised yourself that day, I might have recognized you." Yuan Ruonan said, "Of course, it's meaningless to talk about it now."

"Isn't it a good ending for today to reach this point?" Bai Song said: "You are tired enough."

"Huh?" Yuan Ruonan actually laughed when she heard Bai Song actually say that, and then she actually laughed twice. However, she was too weak, and the laughter affected her nerves, and she couldn't help but cough a lot.

"You are indeed an interesting person." Yuan Ruonan commented on Bai Song.

"You are also interesting, but the road is narrow and you can't do more interesting things."

"Yes." Yuan Ruonan nodded: "It's funny to say that over the years, few people understand me better than you."

"Do I understand you?" Bai Song said: "I only understand you at this moment. I don't understand you at all the night before yesterday. If you were so easy to be seen through, you would have been caught long ago. Why are you here today?"

Yuan Ruonan glanced at Bai Song and did not continue speaking.

What should be said, these words have just been said. To sum it up in a simple sentence: She was defeated by a qualified opponent, not unfairly.

"Okay, we're done talking." Bai Song nodded lightly: "Let me ask you a question, did you destroy Sister Xia's wheel by yourself?"

This question was almost the same as the one asked by Ren Hao just now, but Yuan Ruonan remained silent.

Bai Song did not refute whether she did the wheel thing, but asked, did she master anything?

Thinking of this, Yuan Ruonan had a headache, because her head really hurt, "Why do you ask that?"

"If you wanted to kill 'Sister Xia', you wouldn't take such uncertain measures." Bai Song said bluntly.

"It makes sense," Yuan Ruonan said, "Is there any more?"

"Another reason is that you don't kill people casually," Bai Song said: "We checked your account and you really prepared enough money to distribute to people like Mr. Wang. In addition, you actually did The main thing was threats and intimidation, and the poisons used were non-fatal skin-contact types. You like to play psychological games. I'm thinking that the many 'fireworks' you buried that day were not necessarily meant to ignite them and perish together. But if something goes wrong or the police come, you have the capital to negotiate and escape. "

"Why do you think I don't like killing people?" Yuan Ruonan asked.

"Because it's boring." Bai Song said, "There's no sense of accomplishment."

"It's true that I didn't do it," Yuan Ruonan looked at Bai Song: "But what happened was related to my people, and I didn't stop it."

"So you're not going to tell me the answer?" Bai Song asked.

"You will know." Yuan Ruonan closed his eyes and stopped looking at Bai Song.

"You rest, but I still have a question," Bai Song said: "That night, that day when Belvedere was haunted, what happened to the little girl?"

Originally Yuan Ruonan didn't want to answer, but when he heard this question, he found it interesting: "Why do you care about this issue?"

"Fake holographic projections are easy to say, but they also need actors," Bai Song said, "But it's too much to find a child to act in this. This child is innocent."

"You are really kind," Yuan Ruonan thought for a while: "Don't worry, no child is unlucky in this matter."

"Okay." Bai Song nodded and looked at Ren Hao without asking again.

At this time, Ren Hao had been thinking about the meaning of every sentence Bai Song and Yuan Ruonan talked about. He felt that the process from beginning to end was like

It's like a scumbag in mathematics is listening to two top academics discussing math problems - even though they have studied it and understand every word, they still feel like they don't quite understand.

"I have nothing more to ask," Ren Hao said, "Yuan still needs treatment. I will arrange for someone to interrogate her after she recovers completely."

"Well," Bai Song said, "I don't need to ask anymore. It's not that I understand everything, but she doesn't want to say anything at all."

"Officer Bai," Yuan Ruonan suddenly spoke on his own initiative: "Do you know how we launder money?"

"Ah?" Bai Song was stunned for a moment: "You tell me."

Yuan Ruonan just wanted to see Bai Song stunned. She felt a sense of accomplishment: "Digital currency is very convenient now."

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