Police Detective

Chapter 1188 Anonymous (4k)

"How about I dig back and forth?" Wang Huadong said, looking at several criminal police officers from the East City Public Security Bureau.

"No problem, we will cooperate." said the local criminal police.

"Okay, please, the lights are on." Wang Huadong spoke politely.

There are some buildings around. In order to prevent too many people from taking pictures of the area, the Lou detachment sent people to surround the place with a pergola.

In northern cities like Beijing, holly is the most common shrub. This row is more than ten meters long from beginning to end, so the pergola can only cover the top, and there is nothing else you can do around it. Fortunately, the isolation belt is stretched far enough that most people can't see it. to here.

"Don't move, what did you dig up?" Wang Liang shouted from the side.

Wang Liang and Wang Huadong were together, and they came together now.

Liu Shuyuan and Ren Xu also heard about this, but they didn't plan to come over. After all, this was an internal matter of the Chengdong Branch. No one said anything about Bai Song calling the two of them to help. He had to tell the entire team beforehand.

Rules are rules. After bringing people over, the Lou detachment still politely gave way to Sun Jie and Wang Huadong at the front.

"Tree roots", Wang Huadong didn't even look back, "Why did you follow me in?"

Wang Liang ignored Wang Huadong at all, and took a step back after confirming that it was a tree root.

The soil in this season is relatively easy to dig. The dog can dig more than 30 centimeters deep with its paws. It is even easier to use a shovel. In a short time, hundreds of kilograms of soil were dug out, and they began to dig around.

Wang Huadong was originally worried that there were many corpses down here that would be destroyed, but no matter how much he dug, they couldn't find any. Everyone started to dig out a tunnel nearby.

Soon, a lot of soil nearby was dug out, but nothing was found. The Black Panther and the police dogs from the Chengdong Branch searched nearby for a long time, but no second human skeleton was found.

It was completely dark.

Not long after the policemen from the police station arrived, Bai Song asked the people from the police station to take Liu Zhe back to the station to make a simple note. By now Liu Zhe had returned.

"If I don't need my words here, I'll leave first," Liu Zhe came over and said to Bai Song.

Bai Song nodded: "Brother, please go back and rest. This is probably the only place here. I don't know where the others are."

"Do you have any other plans here?" Liu Zhe asked.

"The police dogs here have memorized the smell of this bone. Next, let's expand the search area nearby. We have to search for several kilometers around. It's a bit dark today. We will close the team soon." Bai Song said: "Senior Brother Xinxin Thank you for your hard work, Black Panther.”

"It's not hard work, it's just because of your hard work." Liu Zhe took the Black Panther and left directly.

After Liu Zhe left, leveling and backfilling work was carried out nearby. According to common sense, the murderer should have placed the body parts in different places.

"Let's close the team." Lou detachment came over and found Bai Song: "We plan to send this part to the city bureau for inspection. Bai, do you have any opinions here? Do you need to send it to your side?"

"No need," Bai Song said, "Then I will ask everyone to withdraw, and people from the police station and our bureau will not get involved in this case unless necessary."

"Okay." Detachment Lou nodded. His impression of Bai Song was getting better and better. If Bai Song wanted to fight, the case would be in trouble.

The case of the unknown body parts is one of the most difficult cases, with no beginning, no tail, and no identity.

As mentioned before, there are two major difficulties in ordinary cases: identifying the murderer and catching the murderer. This kind of case is more complicated, and the first step is to determine who the deceased is.

In Shangjing, especially in inner cities like the Chengdong Branch, murder cases can be said to be more important than anything else. Any murder case that cannot be solved will add countless pressure to the leaders. The police station would definitely not dare to take this case, and the criminal police team would have no choice but to take it.

According to Sun Jie's inference, the corpse must have been buried here for more than two months, which means that all the so-called surveillance equipment has lost its value, and the surrounding people have little value in visiting it. It is not very Witnesses are easy to spot.

Leaving the core area, Bai Song directly greeted the people at the police station, "Let's go back to the station."

"Brother, what should we do with this case?" Zhang Ning asked hurriedly.

"Leave it to the criminal police team. Our agency has no investigative capabilities." Bai Song shook his head.

"Ah, senior brother, aren't you here?" Zhang Ning asked again. Sun Ning felt that his senior brother was so powerful that he had to participate in this case.

"It doesn't matter where I am. Procedurally, this case belongs to the criminal police team. They have to do all the appraisals later." Bai Song smiled. Other police officers would not ask such questions at all.

The police station hoped that all cases would be handed over to the criminal police team. When they heard that Bai Song was not going to take this case, everyone was very happy.

According to the rules, there is nothing wrong with the criminal police taking charge of the case, but Bai Song is someone who can break the rules. Once Bai Song takes the initiative to break this rule, neither the police station nor the criminal police team may be happy.

Wang Huadong dug all over and found nothing, but it didn't matter. He was no longer the young man he was before. This kind of thing was completely acceptable.

"Bai Song, Wang Liang and I are leaving first," Wang Huadong said hello and took Wang Liang out directly.

"Okay, I'm going back to my place too. By the way, have you eaten? Have a bite together?" Bai Song said.

"No, let's take Brother Jie to eat." Wang Huadong said, "You can go on with your business."

"Okay", Bai Song nodded: "It's time for us to clear up the warning tape and withdraw it."

The police were about to withdraw, but the onlookers were a little unhappy. What did they find after searching for a long time?

A bunch of police and police dogs began to withdraw, and Bai Song and others began to recover the warning tape. Several locals came over to ask what was going on, but all the police were tight-lipped and no one said anything.

Those present began to speculate whether there was evidence, some speculated that a dead person was buried here, and some said someone had called a fake police officer to trick the police, but no one at the police station gave an explanation.

In this way, the people from the police station began to return home, and Lou detachment and others then searched nearby with police dogs.

During this time, the criminal police team found all cases reported missing this year in Shangjing City, and the body parts were sent for examination.

From the body parts, at least the age of the deceased can be obtained, but other things are more difficult.

After the body dies, DNA will gradually disappear due to autolysis and the decomposition of a large number of decomposers.

The main component of DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid, which is a common organic substance that can be broken down naturally.

However, since bones and other places decompose very slowly, a certain amount of DNA can still be found.

In general, the highest success rate in detecting DNA from corpses that have been dead for a long time is the thoracic cartilage between the ribs, followed by nails, then bones, muscles, scalp, etc.

Of course, everything here is based on the word "possible". It is really unknown whether DNA can be extracted from these three connected bones. After all, this bone is still too small. No nails.

Not only that, even if DNA is extracted, can the identity of this person be determined? That would be too difficult, almost impossible.

Back at the police station, several junior brothers and sisters were still in a difficult mood. Where had they seen this formation before?

Today not only did three expert brothers from the ministry come, the criminal police team also dispatched a dozen people and two police dogs. They had not seen this kind of formation since they had been at the police station for more than a month.

"Brother," Zhang Ning asked, "Do you think it's true, as said on TV, that DNA cannot be found after the body is cooked?"

"How is it possible? DNA records human genetic information and is a very stable organic matter. If it were damaged so easily, then the organism would have been finished long ago," Bai Song explained: "The DNA detection process is called PCR reaction. This PCR reaction In the process, it needs to be treated at a high temperature of 95 to 99 degrees Celsius, and then the DNA is renatured at a low temperature, and then extended. As you know, DNA has a double helix structure. Without this treatment, you will not be able to see what is recorded in the DNA. So even if the DNA is stewed at high temperature, it can still be tested after returning to a low temperature state.”

"How many months has this been rotten?" Wang Xiaohao asked.

"It's hard to say this, but fortunately the bones are not completely separated. There is probably some soft tissue and cartilage at the junction of the bones. The probability of extracting DNA is still relatively high." Bai Song found his cup and took a drink: "But Don’t put too much hope in it. Even if we know the DNA sequence, it will most likely be useful in completing the evidence chain in the future, but it will be difficult to use it to determine the identity of the deceased now.”

"Ah? Where are the other body parts?" Wei Yingfa nodded and then asked.

"Who knows? It may be under the jurisdiction of other police stations, in other districts, or in other places. It is really difficult to determine the identity of the deceased. We can only hope that the criminal police can find cases reported missing in Shangjing City. , so it’s easier to face him,” Bai Song said.

Among Bai Song's cases, except for the first case involving Li, whose identity was unknown at the beginning, it was relatively easy to know the identity of the deceased in the others. Even for Li, since the body parts are complete, it is easier to investigate.

This is the difficulty of this case, just three and a half bones.

"Then how do you investigate this kind of case?" Zhang Ning was a little helpless: "The murderer is too scary, right?"

"What's the rush?" Bai Song said: "Don't expect this kind of case to be solved overnight. The current thinking is mainly about two points. The first point is to verify the missing persons, and the second point is to continue to increase the surrounding search area."

"If you say that, the probability is relatively high. After all, any family with a small number of people will definitely call the police." Zhang Cheng said.

"Not necessarily," Bai Song said: "If women and children are lost, the police can directly file a case, but it's hard to tell adult men. After all, there is the crime of abducting women and child trafficking, but there is no crime of abducting adult men. Adult men Sometimes the police don’t care much if you get lost, and some police stations won’t enter it into the system. They just need to register it in a book, so the first step is to send the investigation notice to all police stations.”

This does not mean that it is not illegal to abduct adult males. This may constitute illegal detention and other crimes, but it does not constitute abduction.

"Ah?" Zhang Ning was a little anxious: "Brother, please hurry up and talk to the criminal police team."

"I don't need to tell you," Bai Song looked at his junior sister and said, "This is common sense. The Lou detachment will not know about it. Moreover, murder cases are likely to be investigated nationwide through the public security network. If the body parts of an unknown man's body are found in other places, We can also investigate together, after all, there are not many cases like this in the country at the same time. "

"What a coincidence, we have caught up with you!" Wang Xiaohao gave a high-five: "Brother, I think this case was prepared for us!"

The more Wang Xiaohao thought about it, the more senior brother Bai Song left in a few days. A big case popped up at this juncture, wasn't it just to gain credit for everyone? What a credit for catching such a murderer!

Wouldn’t he immediately be rewarded for his meritorious service, receive a promotion and salary increase, and marry a rich and beautiful woman?

The more he thought about Wang Xiaohao, the more excited he became. At this time, Wei Yingfa next to him interrupted: "The criminal police team is responsible for this case, and it has nothing to do with us."

"Oh oh oh", Wang Xiaohao was poured cold water on him and calmed down: "Then we can't control it at all?"

"Of course not," Bai Song said: "The criminal police team will definitely send out a joint investigation in this case, and the office will receive it when the time comes. But the office is basically just going through the motions to check for missing persons, but we can also check it out because of this. This case. Of course, you have to be prepared for failure. Maybe it will end up being an unknown corpse case that has been hanging in the Chengdong Branch for ten or eight years."

"Ah? How can a murder case be pending?" Hawu Le asked.

"It's all the same. If you can't solve it, you can only hang it up. Isn't that the case at Nanda that has been hung up until now?" Bai Song said.

"Yes!" Zhang Ning also learned about this case when he was in school: "Brother, tell me, are these two cases related?"

"Impossible", Bai Song shook his head: "If you insist that there is, there should be a one in 100 million probability, but such a probability is meaningless for handling the case. However, if you say that the murderer of this case refers to the original That case is not impossible, after all it is too famous.”

After talking about this, Bai Song thought for a while: "It's nothing, anyway. After the association investigates, starting tomorrow, let's also investigate this case, right?"

"Okay!" Several junior brothers and sisters immediately raised their hands in support: "Senior brother, we will do whatever you ask us to do!"

"Okay," Bai Song said: "If the surrounding police stations have not reported missing persons for this kind of unknown corpse, then there is a high probability that it is not a local, but a migrant worker. You can search the surrounding labor markets in the past few days. Let’s see if the agents or foremen know who left without saying goodbye recently.”

"Then why don't you go directly today? It's just less than seven o'clock. I know that many labor markets close very late now, and some even close at ten o'clock." Zhang Cheng said.

"We can't just wait until the criminal police team over there tells us the age of the deceased or more information before we ask. This person has been missing for at least two months. It's useless to ask without any detailed information." Bai Song smiled and said: "Now it's a training for you, just to see if you can keep your composure and don't be so anxious when you hear about the murder. It's not your turn to be anxious yet, do you understand?"

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