Police Detective

Chapter 1193 Life now (burning a cup for leader Mung Bean, extra update)

Lao Qi's daughter is back. This time she will definitely send Lao Qi to a nursing home. It must be the kind of nursing home where she can't jump off the building. Regarding this matter, Kong Suo agreed with both hands and feet, otherwise it would be a big trouble in the future. Kong Suo really couldn't imagine what it would be like for two people, one who wanted to knock down a building and the other to learn to fly, to compete to see who could pee farther.

After working with Kong Suo for a while, Bai Song didn't plan to patrol on Wednesday. He wanted to visit Brother Pan Chen and talk about the situation of the case. Just because he doesn't know much about technical things doesn't mean he can't help.

After calling in advance to make an appointment, Bai Song arrived there, showed his ID and went in directly.

Different from what he imagined, the architectural style here was very ordinary, no different from other departments in the ministry. It didn't feel like it was full of technology. Pan Chen was waiting for Bai Song in the lobby.

"Senior brother, are you here in person?" Bai Song was a little embarrassed: "Actually, I came here this time just to see if I could help, and I was afraid of causing trouble for you."

"How could it be adding to the chaos?" Pan Chen said: "Actually, this is not as high-tech as you think. We just know some basic laboratory operations. This is not something I invented."

"Brother, are there any successful cases of this in practical applications?" Bai Song asked.

"Do you still remember the silver case that was solved last year?" Pan Chen said.

"Remember!" Bai Song was surprised.

The Baiyin Case is also known as the Baiyin City Serial Murder Case. Between 1988 and 2002, 11 women were brutally murdered, and the murderer has always been at large. In March 2016, the Gansu Provincial Public Security Department restarted the investigation and used Y-STR technology to capture the suspect Gao. After interrogation, the suspect confessed to the crime he had committed. (See encyclopedia for details)

"In July this year, the Baiyin Intermediate People's Court heard this case, but it was not made public because of the privacy involved," Pan Chen said: "But in our industry, the Y-STR technology used in this case is very representative. In fact, daily work Most people use this technology to find suspects, and there are still relatively few people who use this technology to find the dead.”

"Senior brother, how far are you dealing with this situation now?" Bai Song asked.

"Actually, this is faster than you think. It is estimated that there will be a preliminary result tomorrow." Pan Chen said: "However, this technology actually has many limitations, which I won't tell you here. You just need to know that this is actually a query Just the family tree, some data has been extracted so far, it’s pretty smooth.”

"I checked on the Internet yesterday. It said that this kind of inquiry is easier when the population flow is smaller, right?" Bai Song said: "I can go to the Kong Institute and conduct blood tests on some households around the area where the corpses were found. sampling."

"What you said makes sense, but the trouble is not here," Pan Chen said: "General cases have a general classification range. Your case does not have any other materials. In fact, it puts a lot of pressure on us. Use Y - STR and ITO methods require a control group, and this control group is nationwide. If you can find it, you can write a paper, so this may be a long-term process. For example, if I give you a region, you have to do it. I need to go there to sample at least fifty or hundreds of different types of control groups at one time, so that I can come back and compare them. As for the area where the deceased was found, there is no need for it. The deceased should be from Shandong province at the moment."

"A native of Lu Province?" Bai Song was surprised: "A fellow countryman!"

"Lu Province is very troublesome." Pan Chen shook his head: "Lu Province is one of the few provinces with large-scale population movements after the founding of the People's Republic of China. There are many people traveling to Guandong, which adds a lot of trouble to our origin tracing."

"It's okay, senior brother, as long as you give us a head and an investigation direction, we won't be afraid of trouble."

"Yeah," Pan Chen said, "Follow me upstairs."

After going upstairs, Bai Song took a detailed look at this technology, which had only matured in recent years, and cast an additional shadow on the case.

The Y-STR method is mainly effective in areas with stable family inheritance and low mobility of people. It is really difficult to go to Beijing. If there is no database now, there is no way to check it.

Regarding Pan Chen, Bai Song actually had some misunderstandings. Pan Chen is a researcher. He does not have a strong desire to solve the case. He just wants to do a good job in research. It is naturally the best to find out some family information about this case. If he cannot find out, it is because of technical limitations.

Therefore, what Pan Chen said to Bai Song, "There will be a preliminary result tomorrow" was not to give Bai Song a definite answer, but only to give a result. As for the result, there is no guarantee at all.

Bai Song was very glad that he had come. He knew that Pan Chen might have similar results from many families. He planned to wait until he got to the bureau to directly send notices to all regions, asking them to investigate the situation of the missing men in this family.

Originally, he wanted to treat the senior brothers to a meal in the evening, but Pan Chen had other things to do in the evening, so he had to give up. After returning to the station, he called out several junior brothers and sisters. Except for Li Junfeng who was on duty, the other five people and Bai Song After discussing for a while, there were no new ideas and we just enjoyed our dinner happily.

While eating, Bai Song received a call from the Lou detachment. Today, they searched the four residential areas near the area where the body was found, but found nothing.

"Bai Chu, our case is pending for the time being," Lou detachment said, "All the police dogs are exhausted today, and there is little point in expanding the scope again."

"I understand," Bai Song said, "Leave the case to us when the time comes. I'll contact you if we have specific clues."

"Okay, okay," Team Lou sighed and hung up the phone.

The poisoning case when Bai Song came was very difficult, but when Bai Song left, another case appeared again. It was really an eventful time.

Although the director does not put too much pressure on him, the murder detection rate this year will definitely not be 100%, which is definitely not a good thing for him.

"I don't want to say that much, cheers." Bai Song raised his drink and drank it down with his five junior brothers and sisters.

Bai Song didn't drink, but several of his junior brothers did. They were not on duty today, and they had been through a lot of things recently. Drinking some wine and chatting for a while would relieve the pressure.

"Brother, I don't know when I will be able to preside over so many cases like you." Zhang Cheng drank and spoke more casually.

"Is life not good now?" Bai Song asked.

"The police station is boring. We don't get a dime of salary for our internship now. I really want the internship to end soon... Well, it would be great if there were always cases to handle..."

"Drink less," Bai Song said: "Many of the days you are desperately trying to escape from now, you will find that it is difficult to go back many years later. Cherish it."

(It’s only 6k today, go to bed early, sorry)

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