Police Detective

Chapter 1198 Yanwei

Yanwei City.

"Mom, why are there so many rules here!" Bai Song looked helpless.

"You kid, how can this cause trouble!" Zhou Li scolded: "I am only your son, and this is the only time in my life, how can I not take care of it! How can I expect you and your dad to do this kind of thing? If you want to count on your dad, just make a big banquet. He doesn’t know what’s wrong with him these days. People treat him to drinks every day. Although he doesn’t drink too much, if this goes on, talk to your dad and he will listen to you. of."

"I know, wait until I get married." Bai Song felt awkward wearing this dress: "I will really need several sets of clothes to change by then."

"Of course! Rules are rules! How about you just wear a uniform, that's just for taking photos!"

"Then there's no need to have so many rules. According to this process, wouldn't I have to get up early in the morning on the day of the wedding?" Bai Song thought about it and felt that he was really tired!

"What's the matter, you don't want to get married?" Zhou Li nagged: "I don't care, you must listen to your mother and me on this matter! How many people have I inquired about in the past six months? We can't be vague at all about this procedure. !”

The customs and habits here in Yanwei generally go like this when getting married:

The groom gets up at around 4 o'clock in the morning, records some videos, pays various attentions, says hello to his parents, etc., and then follows the wedding car to pick up the bride. If the bride is from out of town, she usually stays in a hotel. When picking her up, she must make a fuss, and then call the bride’s parents “Dad” and “Mom” together, and then take the bride back to her home, and then call her parents again. The groom’s parents, “Dad” and “Mom,” received the red envelope again, took photos, and then took the bride out to take a VCR photo of the wedding day, and then went to the hotel to hold the wedding.

This is just a brief process, and every step in it has rules. It’s very complicated, but you can’t go wrong. From 4 o'clock in the morning to 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the whole ten hours have to be in a state of high tension.

If Bai Song could make his own choice, he would just travel and get married. But he couldn't defeat my mother in this matter.

Bai Song was confused by all these red tapes, but his wife Zhou Li never tired of it.

But Bai Yulong doesn't care about these things. He has been sending invitations recently, inviting everyone he can!

In fact, many people came to Bai Song's wedding uninvited. For these people, Bai Yulong also refused to come, but he made a strict rule that no one's gift should exceed 200 yuan!

The day before the wedding, Bai Yulong finally felt stressed. There were indeed a lot of people coming.

According to the custom here, if relatives and guests from afar arrive here one day in advance, a dinner party should be held the night before, and there were 18 tables gathered this night, but Bai Song was exhausted and ate half of it. He stopped toasting at the table and quickly ran out with Xinqiao.

All of his cousins ​​were involved in the logistics of the wedding, so he didn't have to worry.

There was no host at the dinner, everyone just ate and drank well, which was basically the normal style of Lu Province. The 18 tables were full of people, and each time there were exquisite dishes. Everyone drank and drank, all wanting to be happy.

Many adults came with their children. I heard that Bai Yulong taught good children. They hoped that their children would study more and take the police college entrance examination, so that they could be as successful in the future.

The Bai family has a promising son. At the banquet that night, many leaders from the county and city came. Bai Yulong had to give him face and sat there from beginning to end. On the contrary, Bai Song went to meet him and didn't drink. Just ran away.

"Is it okay for us to run out like this? No one takes care of my mother and my father is not here." Xinqiao was a little worried. After all, this was the first time for her mother and other relatives to come here.

"It's okay. I arranged for my dad to be picked up at the airport. I think he will arrive on time tonight." Bai Song said, "Don't worry about my mom. My two cousins ​​are keeping an eye on that table. They will definitely be able to arrange it." ”

"We changed our names so quickly...it was past eleven o'clock when we arrived on time. He was too busy. Fortunately, he could attend my wedding. Otherwise, I would have time to see him and I would be anxious with him!" Xinqiao showed off. Hit your little fist.

"He is really too busy. Compared with him, I am really happy." Bai Song said.

"If you were like him, I wouldn't want you." Xinqiao was still a little angry.

"Haha", Bai Song knew that Xinqiao actually understood his father the best, but he never said it every time.

On this day, Bai Song's mobile phone was not idle, and more than a hundred of his own friends came. This was the reason why he did not deliberately send invitations. Most of them will arrive before noon tomorrow.

Bai Song has also attended the weddings of other classmates in the past few years, but he has never seen so many people come like him. He didn't know why, but he thought it might be because he was handsome and popular.

The two strolled out of the hotel. There were many people at the door, and Bai Song saw Zhang Wei at once.

"Why didn't you go up to eat?" Bai Song asked.

"What should I eat? The big job arranged for you arrived early today. I have to pick it up. This is all a matter of friendship!" Zhang Weidao said.

"Da Lao?" Bai Song looked confused.

"Wedding car, the first car is a Rolls-Royce Phantom." Zhang Wei said: "There aren't many in the peninsula!"

"Why are you so high-profile?" Bai Song was a little speechless: "You said it's not appropriate to arrange the fleet just like this."

"It's okay, the first car is not him, the first car is L5, Hongqi, guaranteed to match your identity," Zhang Weiwei said.

"Hongqi is okay. Domestic cars should be more low-key." Bai Song nodded: "Don't be too high-profile."

"Don't worry, but your dad means there's no need to worry about this. We don't need to worry about this." Zhang Wei discussed these matters with Bai Yulong. Bai Song didn't come back during this period, and Zhang Wei kept running away.

Not long after, Bai Song saw a Rolls-Royce entering the compound, and its aura was really invincible.

Although this is not my car, it looks very comfortable.

Bai Song also felt that he was becoming too low-key every day. When getting married, he could accept a more high-profile marriage for Xinqiao.

While looking at the Rolls-Royce in the yard, Bai Song suddenly spotted a very special car.

Mercedes-Benz Unimog off-road RV!

"Is that a Unimog?" Bai Song pointed at the car and asked Zhang Wei.

"Yes, I'm also curious. We don't have a car like this in our local area. It's unusual for three to four million people to buy this thing." Zhang Wei had seen this car a long time ago: "It still has your Tianhua license plate. I thought it was your friend."

"Tianhua license plate?" Bai Song thought of one person, and there was only one person in his mind who owned this car.

(I have something to do tonight, so I will write it down and send it in advance. Everyone should go to bed early)

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