Police Detective

Chapter 1202 The Dismemberment Case is Completed (4k)

Bai Song didn't feel relieved.

When he first started working and went to the police station, he and Sanmi went to deal with an ordinary building leakage problem. As a result, they encountered a manic and violent psychopath. At that time, he was chased by the psychopath with a knife, and he was almost in danger.

This time they were well prepared and even wore stab-proof clothing. In Bai Song's opinion, this was considered over-preparation. He didn't expect to encounter such hard goods.

Logically speaking, it shouldn’t be!

At this moment, Bai Song was a little distracted. He was sweating but he didn't know it.

What's the scariest thing about police work? The unknown is always the scariest thing. If you already know that this woman has this kind of thing, even if she has an AK, it will be fine. As long as you know it in advance and make sufficient preparations, it will be easier to handle. But this unknown situation is really scary.

"Where did this come from?" Bai Song still had the reflexes to grab it and was ready to control the woman at any time.

"Shh," the woman whispered, "Don't scare the child. I'll go with you. When you come back, you can help me and send the child back to her grandma's house. You should have the address of her grandma's house."

"Okay", Bai Song watched the woman stand up, cuffed her first, and took her out directly. At this time, his heart rate was above 150.

After Bai Song brought the person out, Huasuo suddenly saw something in Bai Song's hand. He glanced at it and was a little confused: "Bai Chu, I didn't remember that you had a gun when you came out. Are you so hidden?"

"This isn't mine, it's hers." Bai Song sighed.

The corridor in this room was too narrow. Hua Suo, who was standing behind the two students, could hardly see anything. He didn't even make out what the previous conversation was about. Hua Suo also wondered why this woman would say something like "I don't want to kill someone in front of my daughter."

"What do you mean?" Huasuo didn't react at the first time. He looked carefully and saw the model of the one in Bai Song's hand, which made him sweat. This is not something for police use. It is an antique with a history of seventy or eighty years. Its shape is completely different from the current one. It can only fire one round at a time. It is a very simple single-shot smoothbore weapon.

"Is this hers?" Hua Suo pointed at the woman.

"Well, what she just said is valid." Bai Song sighed, suddenly thought of something, and asked the woman, "Are you filling it in?"

"Yeah", the woman nodded.

Bai Song tried it and pulled out the bullet easily, and then he felt relieved. This kind of old antique can only hit one person at most, and it is not powerful enough to penetrate one person, so for some reason, Bai Song is not so nervous, but he looks at the bullet with some doubts.

This antique itself can be well preserved for many years. As long as it does not rust, it can be stored for hundreds of years. But the bullet cannot. This thing has become ineffective after so many years. And this bullet looks quite new, it cannot be an old thing.

The reason why this pistol is famous is that it was very, very cheap during World War II. At the cheapest time, it only cost 2 US dollars. It was discontinued in 1945. The 45ACP bullet used has not been discontinued and is still available, but of course it is definitely not available in China. 45 means 0.45 inches, and the diameter is as high as 11.43 mm. Of course, the lethality is far less than the 7.62mm (0.3 inches) common in games.

This is a very strange thing. It is possible that this gun exists in China, and it is possible that someone secretly collects it. But bullets are unrealistic, and collectors are not prepared to match them with bullets. And if it was smuggled, who smuggled such an old model?

Don't look at the original price of 2 US dollars, this is a collectible, more expensive than today's hard goods.

Where did you get this woman?

"Where are you from?"

"Huh!" The woman also took a deep breath and did not answer Bai Song's words. She just looked at the house she rented with nostalgia, then turned her head, never looked back, and followed a few people downstairs.

Wang Huadong and others immediately followed and were overjoyed to see that everyone had handcuffed the person, which meant that the case had been solved.

"Bai Chu, please take the person back. First bring him to the case handling area of ​​our office, and then notify the Lou detachment to pick him up." When Hua arrived, he said, "We'll stay here. On the one hand, we need to conduct an on-site search, and on the other hand, We need to find a way to accommodate her daughter.”

"Do you have any other dangerous items at home? We don't want to have an impact on your child." Bai Song asked the woman.

"No more." The woman shook her head.

"Okay", Bai Song looked at Huasuo: "Pay attention to safety."

When I went back, I drove a seven-seater car. Wang Huadong drove, with Zhang Ning as the co-pilot, and two junior brothers in the middle two seats. Bai Song and Ren Xu controlled the woman to sit in the last row. Along the way, No one spoke.

Bai Song's original idea was that he would take her to find the corpses on his way back, but because of this incident, he has not yet recovered. It is said that the more police work, the more careful they become, and this is indeed true.

After driving all the way for more than half an hour, we returned to the police station and entered the yard. Only then did Mr. Kong find out about this.

"Have you been caught?" Kong Suo looked at several people getting out of the car and was overjoyed: "Bai Chu is Bai Chu. We originally thought it was impossible to solve this case, but we didn't expect you to catch him so quickly!"

"There's another one." Bai Song took out the evidence bag and showed it to Kong Suo.

"This is?" The evidence bag was transparent, and Kong Suo immediately saw what it was: "Why is there an unexpected gain? A toy?"

"Put it in the warehouse, wait for the criminal police to come, and let them handle it slowly." Bai Song sighed. He was caught. He was no longer interested in this case at all. He just waited to go back and write a report.

Kong Suo took the evidence bag from Bai Song's hand, weighed it, and said with a solemn expression: "Our institute has never encountered such a thing since I came here. How could there be such a thing now?"

"Go back to the criminal police and ask them to leave a case report for me." Bai Song was not the one who couldn't figure it out: "As well as my junior brothers and sisters, we must educate them on this matter. I didn’t think carefully about what happened today, but it was a near miss. It’s not a good thing or a bad thing for them to go through, so they should learn from it.”

After saying that, Bai Song and Li Junfeng said: "You have heard what I said. I didn't think carefully about this matter today. You should also take this as a warning. If something like this happens to you in the future, you must be more prepared. "

Bai Song is a cautious person. Every time he opens the door, he never opens the door. He has developed a habit over the years. When opening the door, he must open it fully. When opening the door, do not stand at the door but stand on one side of the entrance, and then stick out your head to look. Make sure there is no danger before proceeding.

Bai Song also took a look at this arrest operation. He didn't see this guy at that time, so he took people there directly. However, no matter how much he said or explained, he was derelict in his duty.

"Bai Chu, don't think too much about it." Kong is well-informed and can probably guess what is going on with this thing. This is completely beyond the scope of the expected situation: "The police always have all the skills when handling cases." Accidental phenomena happen, you can't imagine everything. Besides, everything is fine. I heard that Bai Chu has experienced similar things several times before. "

"There is nothing to hide." Bai Song smiled and glanced at the woman: "Although I don't know why he killed her husband and dismembered his body, but as long as he is a human being, he has humanity."

As he said that, Bai Song looked at the woman: "You made the right choice today."

The woman looked at Bai Song and wanted to speak, but didn't.

Bai Song didn't say anything more and left the police station directly.

Today's case taught Bai Song another lesson, and this lesson came at a high price.

The next day, the case report was submitted. It looked like it was written overnight.

From the report, Bai Song learned that the woman had indeed had a dispute with her husband more than two months before the discovery of the body. At that time, she was so evil that she ended her husband's life in the bathroom at home.

I don’t know if people nowadays are too ignorant of their neighbors or because no one lives there in broad daylight, but no one called the police for such a loud noise.

Then, in order to dispose of her husband's body, the woman chose to use the machete at home to cut the body into pieces.

That afternoon, she stopped dismembering the body, went to school to pick up the child, and left the child with her aunt for a while. Then she went out to bury the body every night, and every time she took the bus to far away places. Bury more, and in some places less.

In a big city like Beijing, there are relatively few locals, and outsiders are too lazy to mind their own business. This woman buried thirty or forty pieces of corpses in more than a dozen places, and no one called the police.

Other facts are indeed as Bai Song expected. On the day of his death, the man and the woman did fight each other and used their elbows.

Generally speaking, the quarrels between ordinary couples are mainly about "quarrels". The "fights" are also for the sake of arguing, rather than really to injure or kill each other. Punches and kicks are the upper limit, and elbows are rarely used. .

This woman is also from the countryside and has a very strong body. However, the man made a deadly move and directly moved his elbow. This was too lethal and the woman could not resist at all. Finally, she took out the weapon she had hidden for a long time. Something that suddenly ended the man's life.

During that time, my daughter stayed at her aunt's house for three days. She spent three days burying the man bit by bit in every corner of Shangjing.

According to the woman's recollections, Team Lou has found most of the body parts, but there is still a small part that has not been found. After all, this woman is not familiar with Shangjing and her memory of taking buses is not that good.

Bai Song looked at the first half of the report and the attached photo. The man's legs and head were found, but too much of the main body was missing. They had no characteristics and it was really hard to remember. In addition, his arms are half missing.

Moreover, Bai Song carefully confirmed that there were no bullet holes in the body parts found so far.

Currently Lou detachment and others are looking for corpses all over the city. The current rule is that they are close to bus lines. Phew, what kind of rule is this? There is no place in the entire Shangjing city that is not close to bus lines!

The second half of the report is what Bai Song is more interested in, which is the source of the gun. This is very simple, the woman picked it up!

She said that one day when she got off work, she went to the trash can to take out the garbage. She saw a black plastic bag, which was well tied and placed there. She thought it was something valuable inside at first, but later she took it home and realized it was this. I didn't dare to put it back, but I ended up using it when I was in a hurry.

Bai Song was a little confused about the woman's explanation, but since this was the result of the interrogation by the criminal police, he could only agree with it.

According to the woman's statement, there were two bullets in it when she picked it up, and one was used.

Bai Song didn't know why he was a little suspicious of this thing. He didn't know much about this model, but he knew that someone knew about it, so he sent a message to the Lou detachment and asked the Lou detachment to find a special appraisal department to identify the source of this thing. By the way, Check to see if you have fired a gun recently - this is definitely something you can try.

The corpse dismemberment case was concluded in a special way. The murderer was caught and confessed to killing and dismembering her husband. However, Bai Song has always been curious about the origin of this FP-45.

After coming back, Bai Song carefully checked the FP-45. A total of 1 million FP-45s were made at that time, which seemed like a lot. However, after World War II ended, the United States recycled most of them and destroyed them. Coupled with the changes of the times, etc., there are currently only 1 million FP-45s left in the world. The quantity is not large. In the eyes of collectors in many beautiful countries, this is a rare item and the price is quite expensive. How could it appear next to the trash can in an area where poor people gather?

The more Bai Song thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. He planned to go to the Chengdong District Detention Center to interrogate the woman in a few days after the Lou detachment was no longer busy and more body parts were collected.

Different from the state of Bai Song, the Lou detachment was very, very excited.

As I said before, this case will most likely not be solved. It is very likely that the homicide rate in Chengdong District this year will not be 100% solved, and it will affect the whole city. It will be really troublesome.

Last year, Bai Song and others encountered a complicated murder case, which was solved by Bai Song. It was the same this year, and the solution was quite clean and tidy. The criminal investigation detachment didn't know anything yet, but the case was suddenly solved, and the person was even arrested directly. .

In general, the corpse dismemberment case has been completed and the murderer's daughter has been sent to her hometown. The little girl's grandparents basically collapsed when they heard the news. Fortunately, there is still a granddaughter left, and they still have to live. If they want to pursue it, they have no good way to pursue it. They can only tell the police to handle it according to law.

I don’t know why, but the parents of the deceased didn’t have a strong desire to pursue this matter.

All the mysteries were solved. Senior Brother Pan Chen made great contributions and was the biggest contributor to this case. Bai Song had no idea of ​​claiming credit. It was enough that the subsequent decision-making mistakes did not lead to danger.

However, there must be something hidden in this case, and this is what Bai Song wants to find out most.

There is an undercurrent.

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