Police Detective

Chapter 1210 Southern Xinjiang Gu Insect? ! (4k, please vote for me)

The airport where Bai Song and Sun Jie came is now very strict with inspections, and this is all done deliberately for outsiders to see.

This airport has no more than 10 planes taking off and landing every day in the past few days. It is not difficult for tourists to check one by one, so it is currently in the thorough investigation stage. It is not difficult for the local police to maintain this intensity of work for three days.

Of course. Bai Song didn't put his energy here at all.

After leaving the hospital that night, Bai Song went to find the driver who had brought Hou Peng back. The driver was still in the case handling area of ​​Na Town Police Station, and the director and others were there.

The driver was still a little bloody when he rushed back, and it's impossible for him to go back now. When he came back this time, someone stuffed him with a sum of money, which he had already sent back to his hometown through other channels. Bai Song asked him the amount of money, but the driver remained silent.

When he came back, he knew he was going to be detained, and he still maintained a state of "I'm ready to be detained after taking the money, what am I afraid of?" But now that he's settled down, he's a little timid.

From Bai Song's point of view, this is human nature. There must be brave men under a big reward, but people who get a big reward are often afraid.

Gains and efforts are often equal. If one day someone comes to you and tells you, "You help me transport this bag from southern Xinjiang to Beijing by plane, I will give you 50,000 yuan." Then take the bag and go directly to the police to compare it. It’s appropriate. You basically don’t have to think about what’s inside.

The driver should have received a lot of money. His adrenaline levels have begun to decrease and he has started to get scared. He feels that he has not thought carefully, especially when he will face detention next. He is very scared. It wasn't that he was afraid of the detention itself, but that he was afraid that the people at X would find him and mess with him in the detention center, which made him very insecure.

"Officer, which detention center are you going to send me to?" the driver was a little scared. When he first came back, he thought it would be fine as long as it wasn't the Mengcheng Detention Center. Now he feels that all the detention centers in Southern Xinjiang Province are unsafe. It would be great to go to Beijing and be detained.

"I don't know where he is being detained in a different place. It won't be somewhere very close. It will be kept secret." This is all Bai Song can do.

"Thank you, police officer, when will I go in? How can I not go in? Can I pay?" The driver was a little worried.

"Generally speaking, we have to give you a physical examination and get your transcripts, but they have to be sent in tomorrow morning. As for you not thinking about it, it's a bit difficult. According to Article 19 of the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law", in your case, you want to reduce the punishment. Or there will be no punishment. Only the provisions of paragraph 5 can satisfy the requirement of "meritful performance." Bai Song said: "Maintaining meritorious service is easy to understand. Of course, the crimes we don't know about are not counted over there. I can’t control it, it must be domestic.”

After Bai Song said this, the leaders of the police station and others took another look at him. These leaders must not have believed before that a big leader from above was so familiar with the "Public Security Management Punishment Law." You must know that this law is very special. Even those who specialize in law generally study "Criminal Law", "Civil Law", etc. The "Public Security Administration Punishment Law" is a unique law for public security. It is really rare to memorize it so well.

"Meritorious performance." The driver muttered a few words and did not continue talking.

"Don't talk about that first, I want to ask you some things about X and T." Bai Song consulted.

"Okay, you ask."

The next morning, the hospital.

Hou Peng woke up and burst into tears when he saw Bai Song.

"How is my brother?" The first thing Hou Peng asked when he woke up was this.

"Which brother of yours is Hou Fangyuan?" Bai Song asked.

"Yes, yes, that's my good brother. Comrade police, did he return to China a few months ago? Did he call the police to ask you to save me? I..." Hou Peng was a little excited and cried as soon as he said it, He said this sentence intermittently for a minute before finishing it.

Bai Song watched Hou Peng cry and did not answer. Instead, he waited quietly for a few minutes. When Hou Peng's excitement subsided, Bai Song said: "Hou Fangyuan doesn't know about your trip to T place. He is in X He tried to make money to redeem you, but he failed. Later, he dragged his dying body back to the country and brought us the news. We spent a lot of money to rescue you. "

"Dying body!" Hou Peng held his neck and sat up from the bed abruptly: "Why is he dying? Who harmed him!"

"No one knows the specific process, but through our speculation and later understanding, we found that he was working everywhere in X, and because he was unwilling to work in a drugstore, he worked day and night for three months and didn't earn much. Money, in the end, did not replace you. Due to his long days and nights, extreme psychological pressure, and severe eating problems, he directly led to systemic organ failure, and he will be completely incapacitated after returning to China." Bai Song still asked the driver last night. A little something.

The driver we talked to last night didn't know Hou Fangyuan. These were deduced by Bai Song based on the current situation in some places.

"Where is he!" Hou Peng trembled a little.

"The ashes have been buried in your hometown." Bai Song told Hou Peng not to get excited: "But he has a last wish."

Hou Peng almost went crazy when he heard the first half of the sentence, and almost lost control of himself. But when he heard the second half of the sentence, all the pain and anger were forced back. He firmly pressed his trembling left arm with his right hand. : "What last wish?"

"I hope you won't gamble anymore, and I hope you will be well." Bai Song said.

"Fang Yuan!" When Hou Peng heard this, his teeth were chattering, and his whole person was in an almost crazy state. He laughed hahaha, half-tilting his head, and tears flowed directly into his mouth without caring at all. , finally, he pulled up the sheets and wiped the tears on his face: "Officer, if I, Hou Peng, gamble again in my life, I will cut off my second kidney to commemorate him!"

"Okay, he's a man." Bai Song nodded: "Hou Fangyuan is a hero. He not only saved you, but also gave Mimei some trouble at the end. At present, Mimei doesn't know who did it. You have to take care of this matter. . I will give you plastic surgery and give you a new identity. Can you accept it?"

"Police officer, you..." From Hou Peng's point of view, these things are rekindled!

He was so happy to ask Hou Peng to help Hou Fangyuan carry some things. He owed Hou Fangyuan so much! And plastic surgery and a new identity are things he can't even think about!

His life is alive again!

"I'm from the ministry." Bai Song took out his police officer ID and showed it to Hou Peng. He thought that Hou Peng didn't believe that he could change his identity for Hou Peng.

In fact, Hou Peng was just too excited to speak, not because he didn't trust Bai Song. It was unimaginable how desperate he felt during this period. There was no chance of turning back or starting over in his life. Now that he heard this, he suspected that he was dreaming.

"I" Hou Peng still had a needle inserted in his left hand, but he didn't care about it at all. He rolled off the bed and the needle was pulled out of his hand. He was ill, but he rolled very quickly and fell to the ground almost instantly. After rolling to the ground, Hou Peng worked hard with all four limbs to get up on his knees, shaking all over, and kowtowed to Bai Song.

"Don't, don't, don't, we don't like this." Bai Song was startled and went to pull him directly. However, with Bai Song's strength, he didn't pull him up at the first time. It wasn't until Hou Peng kowtowed three times that Sun Jie also After he came over, he helped him up.

"I" Hou Peng seemed to have a little blood in his mouth. He swallowed it without vomiting: "I know what you have paid to save me. My guarantee as a stinky gambler is not worth a penny, but just look at it. That’s it!”

"Okay", Bai Song nodded: "You have to live here for a few days, your body can't be so excited. You have to eat food one bite at a time. I believe you have a good psychological quality now, and you are extremely eager to get it with your hands." Success, but you also have inherent disadvantages. You can't do physical work, so you can probably only start with small businesses. Let me make it clear first, if you commit crimes again, I will personally arrest you and confront you in front of Hou Fangyuan's tomb. "

Hou Peng did not reply to this sentence, but his eyes proved everything.

After leaving Hou Peng, Bai Song received a call from the director of Nazhen Police Station.

"Bai Chu, the driver yesterday, we were about to send him to another detention center in Tea City, and he suddenly asked to report the problem to us, saying he would only tell you, so we have to avoid it."

"Oh? Where are you now?" Bai Song was a little curious, because this was definitely not a trivial matter.

I chatted with the driver for a long time last night, but I didn't even mention this matter. Today, I have been approved for detention and will be executed, but I suddenly want to say that this is most likely not a trivial matter.

"Our police officers have already driven back after hearing this. They will probably be back in another hour and a half." The director asked, "Do you think you are coming?"

"Okay, I'll be there in another hour and a half." Bai Song agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Song told Sun Jie about this matter. Sun Jie was also interested: "Let's go and have a look. This is much more interesting than what you said before."

Originally, Bai Song's plan for the past few days was to go to the highway checkpoint from Banna to Mengcheng and wait for two days to wait for Two days.

"Although I've already told you about the checkpoint over there, it's safer to go there yourself." Bai Song said with a smile, "There's no rush over there. Let's go see what the driver says first."

The two of them came here this time without any internal support, nor did they ask people here to arrange food and accommodation, so they walked around the area and got to know Mengcheng better. Knowing that it would take another hour and a half to get back there, they decided to go there again. After looking for a place to eat something, I went to Nazhen Police Station.

When we arrived at the police station, the driver hadn't come yet. We chatted with the leader here for a while, then pulled the driver's car back.

After coming back, Bai Song found an empty room and called the driver in.

"If you have anything to tell me, there are no outsiders here, just the three of us." Bai Song closed the door, and Sun Jie was also beside him.

"Leader, I knew before I did this yesterday that the person I sent back was not simple! You must be the superior leaders. After thinking about it, I believe you! I am really afraid of the detention center here. I dare not "Go in, if I perform meritorious service, do I really not need to be detained?" the driver asked.

"That's right." Bai Song nodded: "As long as there is sufficient meritorious service, it is possible to change it to a fine or not to detain you. And you can indeed trust us, we are here in Beijing."

"Okay!" the driver said, "What I'm reporting is a big deal, so you must keep it confidential!"

"You said it." Bai Song nodded.

"I want to report a smuggling gang here. They dare to smuggle anything, including white goods! Their boss is still in China!" the driver said.

"Tell me more specifically." Bai Song was very calm. The driver had been around here before and knew that this kind of thing was normal.

"Their leader, I don't know the specific name, he has a nickname, called 'Invincible'! He is very clever! There are more than ten people in his team, and they are loyal to him! Because they are loyal enough, they are always loyal. Unity, nothing has happened, we have been here for many years,” the driver said.

"What you reported is not a specific clue. I can't investigate it based on this." Bai Song wanted to hear more.

"The reason why his gang is united is mainly because of the leader, the invincible, who knows the art of voodoo! Every time he performs some tasks, he will let his men eat a capsule with voodoo worms in it! I heard that this You can only eat one Gu worm, and then he will give you the antidote after the incident. As long as you take the antidote afterwards, nothing will happen! Eat! If you eat it in advance, the bug will go crazy and die!" The driver said very mysteriously.

"Gu insect?" Bai Song found it interesting. He had been to southern Xinjiang so many times and had only read about this thing in books before, but had never actually seen it.

"Yes! I won't hide it from you. Two years ago, I once crossed the national border secretly and heard someone tell me that one of his younger brothers betrayed him and stole the antidote in advance. As a result, he soon died of a broken liver and intestines. I also know where he was buried, not far from the city. He wanted to run back to the hospital, but he was buried before he could go to the hospital," the driver said.

"Oh? Do you know where the body is buried?" Bai Song nodded. This is an accurate clue for committing a crime. As for the pile in front, they are all hearsay and the police cannot investigate.

How to check it? Check out the fantasy novels?

"Yes, I know, but I don't dare to go. I'm afraid of being seen. I can tell you the place, the exact place. If you ask a police dog to go there, you will definitely find it." The driver said.

"It's okay. You sit in the car and no one can see you." Bai Song said, "It's better if you go and give directions in person. Let us go to places that the car can't go to."

"Officer, I'm not going. I'm afraid of that thing. That bug is too scary!" The driver shook his head quickly. He had heard many stories like this for so many years here. It was really scary. He didn't dare to try it himself. .

"Okay, then point me to the map." Bai Song nodded.

Please give me monthly tickets for September. In September, we will rush to the list at the beginning of the month. Don’t keep your monthly tickets. Guys, I will ask for them on the 1st. Thank you very much!

No. 1 is at least 8,000 words! Update 4k in the early morning!

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