Police Detective

Chapter 130 The shortest existing task force in history

"Director Tian, ​​I am also very confused about what you said. The hydrogen cyanide in Sun's respiratory tract has almost reached a lethal dose. He inhaled it before taking it, and later died from taking too much." Bai Song did not pause at all. , "Also, I have also considered the neighbor issue you mentioned.

Although the neighbor was severely frightened, people's five senses sometimes become stronger in this situation. It stands to reason that the neighbor would also smell the smell, and the smell is very special. Once you smell it, you will never forget it.

To this end, I went to look up some information, and I accidentally saw a very special property of hydrogen cyanide. That is, according to surveys by some professional organizations on many patients who survived hydrogen cyanide poisoning, this special property Almost 40% of people cannot smell the bitter almond smell at all.

The academic community has a scientific explanation for this, because 40% of people lack the gene to smell this smell, so they cannot smell it anyway. I guess Sun and his neighbors are such people, so they are more likely to smell it. Easy to explain.

As for why I couldn't smell it when the police arrived, I think it was because several minutes had passed, the balcony window was open, the door was open, there was a heater in the house, and it was very cold outside, so the wind convection made it impossible to smell it anymore. "

Bai Song accidentally went out of his way again and said so much in one breath, feeling a little embarrassed: "Director Tian, ​​this is my speculation. I don't know if it's right or not. It's just to be able to justify myself..."

"No", Director Tian was very happy: "I really don't know what you are talking about. Later, you can report the information you found to the Ma detachment and add it to the file.

Okay, you have to take a seat and have a meeting. "

After hearing this, Bai Song breathed a sigh of relief and quickly ran to sit next to Wei Suo.

"Most of the people sitting here today are comrades from the criminal police. In addition, there are also the backbone of the case handling team in the institute.

The branch has not devoted much time and energy to this case. Every criminal police officer and comrade in the station worked hard day and night, rain or shine.

The branch attaches great importance to this case and has set up a task force. Now the outcome of this case is basically clear. Every leader and police comrade here has worked very hard. On behalf of the branch party committee, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the comrades who participated in the battle. To express gratitude, the branch will announce the commendation via video meeting tomorrow morning.

In addition, I would like to commend Comrade Bai Song by name. Although without Comrade Bai Song, this case would have come to light sooner or later, but I found that Comrade Bai Song was very diligent in digging out the clues of this case. He made a lot of efforts and studies from many angles and directions. This very good.

Police officers must not only become experts, but also be generalists. No matter how much and how profound they know, it is not enough. They need to keep learning. Comrade Bai Song has done a good job in this regard, and it is worth learning from us veteran comrades.

At the same time, the branch also has relevant policies for the comrades who have made outstanding contributions to the work. This time, the branch's internal 'Police Star' selection for the fourth quarter, Suo Wei and Suo Wang, when you return to the unit, remember to tell Suo Sun about this By the way, trainee police officers are also officially established police comrades in our branch.

Thanks to everyone's efforts, the murder case of Sun has come to an end, and the task force has been disbanded today. Regarding the insurance fraud case of Sun's wife, the criminal facts are clear, the details of the case are simple, and all the work we did in the early stage can be directly Make a copy of the case file and hand it over to the Jiuheqiao Police Station for follow-up work.

As for Sun's case and subsequent issues, they will be assigned to the Ma detachment. "

After Director Tian finished speaking, Bai Song clenched his fists. With such attention from the leader, there will be even more arduous tasks ahead.

The Ma detachment took over Director Tian's words and began to make arrangements for the six members of the task force.

The Jiuheqiao Police Station was not under the control of the Criminal Police Detachment, and the Ma Detachment could not arrange it, so the six criminal police officers were incorporated into the "12·01" task force. This actually surprised Bai Song. Haven't all the people in the case been arrested? Why would you add more people? The criminal police team has so many things to do, and it was hard to free up six backbones. How come they were incorporated into this task force?

Of course, this is not something Bai Song should consider. Detachment Ma simply said a few words. Director Tian had almost finished what he said just now. Detachment Ma did not praise Bai Song, but encouraged everyone, and then the meeting ended.

The case was ended so quickly, and the task force was disbanded in two days as everyone rumored. Wei Suo and Wang Suo still feel that it is a bit untrue.

"Leave the criminal detention to the criminal police first," Wei Suo said: "We will discuss this case tomorrow. Our case handling team is all resting today. We will go back and have another meeting with Sun Suo to discuss the specific rest arrangements. It's already two o'clock now, everyone. We haven’t eaten yet, so we all went back to the office to change into casual clothes, and we went to eat.”

"Yes, you all should take a rest." Wang Suo was also happy: "I have been busy for so long. I am treating you today, so no one can compete with me."

"Next time!" Wei Suoyi glared: "I proposed it first! Why, you're afraid I can't afford it!"

Everyone laughed, sat in Wuling together, and rushed to the Jiuheqiao Police Station.

Bai Song has become famous in the branch this time. Of course, most people in more than a dozen police stations do not know him, and the major agencies and departments will not know who Bai Song is. However, in the criminal police compound, criminal investigation, economic investigation, The technical investigation, detention center and other departments have basically heard about this. After a few words of praise from Director Tian in the meeting have been passed on to four or five ears, they can write fantasy novels!

Back at work, Bai Song changed into casual clothes and went out with everyone. The sky was a little cloudy and the weather forecast said there would be a heavy snow tomorrow, which would be the first heavy snow this winter.

Wei Suo took a box of wine from his trunk, called two taxis, and took Bai Song into a car.

"Wang Xu, Bai Song, you two are fellow villagers, right?" Wei Suo asked from the passenger seat.

"Yes, we are both from Shandong Province." Wang Xu replied, "I knew about Bai Song when he first came to our institute."

"Well, people from Lu Province are said to have a good drinking capacity. Wang Xu, I know you, but you can't do it. It will embarrass your old family. Bai Song, how about it? You're fine. I can learn from your brother Wang at work, but when it comes to drinking, You can't learn from him in this aspect. If you have nothing to do today, you will have a rest tomorrow, right? Let me relax a little today and celebrate for you." Wei Suo said.

"No, no, no, no, Wei Suo, don't say that. This is everyone's contribution. How can you celebrate me? But to be honest, you are right. My ability to drink is indeed not good, and neither am I." Ah." Bai Song took the vaccination first.

When it comes to drinking, Bai Song remembers his father's advice.

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