Police Detective

Chapter 1221 Y’s Identity

The subconscious mind is more honest than normal. In daily life, many people are good at bragging, but subconsciously they only reveal the true side of their hearts.

"I was short of money at that time, and you know that people in our area spend it when they have money, and they can handle it even when they have no money. However, after the divorce, I still had some problems. Anyway, I owed some online loans, so I spent a lot of money. Bai ah and so on, there were tens of thousands here and there. During that time, I and "

Wang Shichun began to explain the problems piecemeal.

The reason why he was found by Y was because he had an affair with this woman before. Of course, he was doing it just for fun, but the woman really had feelings for him.

At first, Y wanted him to contact the dead man and make some insinuations to see where the man had put the stolen things. Y paid Wang Shichun several thousand yuan. Wang Shichun originally thought that what the man stole was documents and other things, but after communicating for a while, he found out that it was not, but a bag. This bag contained some fake documents, fake passports, a mobile phone and some cash. Mobile phones have passwords, but if these things are obtained by the police, the passwords can be cracked, so Y is a little worried.

However, something went wrong with Wang Shichun's contact. At first, the man didn't take it seriously, but now he knew that this thing was valuable. The lion asked for money, asking for 50,000, and Y agreed.

After Y took the things back, Wang Shichun was a little unhappy, 50,000! This man was jealous because he could still get money for stealing things. At this time, Y found him and told him that he could help him.

For Y, silence is the safest thing.

As a result, Y Xu hypnotized Wang Shichun with huge profits and influenced the woman through Wang Shichun. Wang Shichun can be regarded as having both fame and fortune. This is not so much hypnosis. In fact, the most important thing is to use Wang Shichun to psychologically suggest women. This is the really difficult thing.

When it comes to these, Bai Song doesn't understand. According to Y's plan, the woman was later expected to kill Wang Shichun, and the gun left behind was indeed a backhand, so there was a problem. How did Y contact the woman?

If Wang Shichun did not run away, there should be a fourth person in this case who could complete these things. This is definitely not something that can be achieved by relying on Wang Shichun's psychological suggestion.

Who will do this? This is actually one of the keys to this case. If this person doesn't discover it, there will always be hidden dangers in this case. At present, this fourth person must have a relatively deep understanding of Y.

Bai Song thought carefully for a long time, but couldn't find anyone suitable to be the fourth person in this case.

According to the operation routines of X and Y, everyone who has seen them and is familiar with them will die in a closed loop. If a hole was left open in the end and no one was killed, then this hole must be difficult for the police to pay attention to.

Wang Shichun's condition is not very good either. He finally solved some of his previous subconscious state today and was stimulated by Professor Li. Now he is very tired. After asking for an overview and some information about Y, he can only arrange He rested for a while.

This matter requires calling Wang Huadong over, conducting a detailed interrogation of Wang Shichun, and making a portrait to know who Y is. Bai Song called Wang Huadong directly and asked him to come over and help.

Let Wang Shichun rest for a while first. Taking advantage of this break, the Lou detachment also came over to discuss the case.

"There is a person missing here," Professor Li discovered the key to the problem: "This person must be very familiar with the woman and can profoundly change some of her situations, but we don't seem to have a grasp of this person's situation."

"That's right, Y is more rigorous in doing things, and this is their style of doing things." Bai Song thought about it carefully for a while: "But the social relationship around this woman is relatively simple, and I haven't found anyone who can have such a big influence on her. Influence. Her parents-in-law are also unlikely. I have met her parents-in-law, and they are very ordinary farmers who don’t speak logically. "

"Maybe it's her foreman or..." Liu Shuyuan said halfway before he shook his head and rejected his idea.

Bai Song immediately closed his eyes at this time, and began to recall the entire process of the case from front to back in his mind, clearly going through the woman's interpersonal relationships, and then he slowly opened his eyes: "We missed it. One person is this woman’s daughter, a ten-year-old child.”

"Ten years old?" Professor Li heard: "Have you ever had contact with her daughter? What kind of child is she?"

"Very calm, far beyond her age." Bai Song recalled the several times he met this little girl, whether her mother was taken away, or she was ignored by her grandparents, or she followed the police to the village party secretary's house. Eating is very, very calm.

Bai Song explained all these processes, Liu Shuyuan made some additions, and Professor Li listened carefully: "That should be it. In this case, the little girl may have been affected."

"My understanding of hypnosis is that it is effective only when the hypnotized person is willing to accept it. It does not mean that the hypnotized person can tell the truth and listen to the hypnotist's words as soon as the hypnotist works hard. In this way, a ten-year-old child should be better than Is it still difficult for adults to hypnotize? " Bai Song has encountered a scam before, that is, someone claims to be a hypnotist and can help parents turn children who don't like to study into learning. In fact, it is basically impossible. In that scam, the hypnotist takes the children to have fun and lets the children learn in front of their parents, so the parents will think that the hypnosis is successful.

"You misunderstood. Why use hypnosis for children? Children mainly rely on deception. As you said, this little girl has feelings for her father. Her father has always said that he would take her to the amusement park. , but her father is gone, it is easy to lie to her about something in this situation. "Professor Li looked at Bai Song, a little confused, isn't Bai Song very smart?

Bai Song was a little embarrassed. This kind of hypnosis couldn't break through the underlying logic, but Bai Song was still somewhat deified when he encountered things he didn't know, and there were some problems.

He doesn't quite understand these hypnosis situations now, and blames everything on hypnosis.

"According to the current progress of the case, Y's side must have contacted the woman and the deceased's daughter, but this kind of child is the most difficult to deal with. She has already believed that Wang Shichun killed her father. Well, I have a way, let's lie again Go back?" Bai Song discovered his area of ​​expertise.

"Then Bai Chu, do you want to go to Liao Province again?" asked the Lou detachment.

"I won't go if I can get Y's portrait from Wang Shichun." Bai Song carefully analyzed the underlying logic and believed that there should be very little information about this little girl.

"I may not be that familiar with the procedures for criminal investigation and handling of cases," Professor Li said, "but I still recommend that you go to her daughter's place when you have time. You might actually gain something. This man called Y, he He does have his own ideas about doing things, and it is not as easy as you think to deceive children. Y may expose some things that we do not grasp. "

Bai Song was the most persuasive. After hearing this, he nodded and made plans to go to Liao Province with Wang Huadong and Liu Shuyuan.

The four people chatted about the case, and soon Wang Huadong came over. Wang Shichun was awakened and cooperated with Huadong's painting. Bai Song and others listened nearby, and the more they listened, the more they felt there was something wrong.

This Y is the young man who called the police a few days ago that "there are people in the river"! When Bai Song was in Mengcheng, he analyzed that there was something wrong with this person and asked Wang Liang to keep an eye on him. Since there was no evidence to prove that there was anything wrong with him, all he could do was just stare.

And this person has recently run away on a plane!

(Updating from the Internet cafe in other places, there are a few more today, that’s all, go to bed early, happy Mid-Autumn Festival~)

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