Police Detective

Chapter 1234 Invasion of the Computer Room

These days, Bai Song recorded a lot of things and uploaded them one by one to Wang Liang, and then found a special translator to analyze the contents of these fragments, and many seemingly confidential things were hidden in this fragment.

It’s not that there is no previous information about X place, but information is too time-sensitive and can only be obtained in this way. Currently, the three teams are obtaining information from different angles, and they will gather together to report it. This trip to X place The arrest operation is stable.

In addition to the group of police officers, there are two brothers in the other group who are also very capable. These two people just keep playing and can basically maintain not losing money. Bai Song and the other two people don't have this ability, so they can only suffer at the bottom.

"There was a knock on the door." After returning to his residence, it was already past 11 o'clock in the evening, and Bai Song heard a knock on the door.

"Who knows after we move this time?" Wang Huadong asked.

"It's just Eric." Bai Song thought about the situation in the past few days. His position was not even disclosed to Wang Liang and the others.

No matter how safe the encrypted transmission is, it is best to leave some fallback. It is a good idea not to report your location, because in this place, reporting is of no use, and you cannot get rescue in time if something happens.

"Mother's Sword", Bai Song was ready to escape, and then said to the outside world.

"Hit you!" The person who spoke was a boy. When Bai Song heard this, he knew there was nothing wrong, so he approached the door.

It is difficult to reinforce the door of Bai Song's room, because it will be visible from the outside after it is reinforced to a certain extent, and he also lacks the necessary materials. Therefore, in order to be bulletproof, Bai Song would not even approach the door if someone knocked on the door. If it weren't for Eric, he would either ignore it or prepare to escape.

Looking outside, there was a boy with very smart eyes. Bai Song opened the door directly and pulled him in: "Why has this time come?"

"There's something going on. Someone over there went out today," Eric said, "probably going to drink."

"Do you know which bar you went to?"

"I don't know, it's useless to know. They all have single rooms, and they all have anti-eavesdropping equipment." The little boy entered the house and looked around for food. When he saw the bread, he took it and ate it.

This little boy is one of our own. To be precise, he was picked up by the police who were on duty here. He was just over two years old when he was first picked up. Although there is no way to control this place, the police still don't want the little boy to starve to death. , adopted him for more than three years and taught him Chinese.

Undercover work is different from other tasks. It is normal after working for more than ten years. Originally, the policeman hoped to find a way to take the child back after his task was over, but unfortunately, his identity was discovered because of other things, and he was later brutally killed. .

The policeman's partner was also in danger at the time and had to run away. Eric was not in any danger. He was only six years old at the time, so he was fostered in a full-day care school by the policeman's partner, who left some money behind.

It is still very difficult for Eric to obtain our nationality. As he grows up and studies, some police officers who go out to perform tasks are willing to stop by to help him. Some who are not convenient for revealing their identities secretly leave a sum of money as a consolation. The senior who died back then, and this young man is not stupid at all. He especially wants to avenge the police back then, but he still doesn’t know who did it.

"If you want to take action, you have to wait two hours. Today is a good opportunity, but if you take action, you will naturally alert the enemy." Eric is fifteen years old, but he is already very sensible.

"It's better to sneak in secretly. They can implant the Trojan horse program that Wang Liang got and install a signal transmitting device. The device and program will self-destruct after three hours of running. As long as they don't carry out major computer room maintenance. I can't find it." Bai Song began to prepare the things he needed to set off.

"Brother Peng", Eric didn't know Bai Song's real name, Bai Song now calls himself "Ma Peng".

"What's wrong?" Bai Song asked.

"If you successfully complete this mission, can you tell me who killed Officer Ai?" Eric asked.

Eric took Officer Ai's surname, which actually made many police officers who came out to handle the case very happy, but no one was willing to tell Eric what happened. He was still too young and not a policeman, so there was no need to bear these responsibilities. .

"Let's wait until everything has settled." Bai Song looked at Xiao Ai.

"Okay!" This was the first time Eric was not rejected. He seemed a little excited: "I'm an adult! You should tell me!"

"Yeah", Bai Song nodded.

Bai Song did not tell Xiao Ai that the reason why he agreed to him was because if everything went well this time, the organization that murdered Officer Ai would also be uprooted, and he would no longer have to worry about anything else.

Here you become an adult at the age of fifteen and can get married at the age of eighteen.

The preparation was very efficient. Bai Song and Wang Huadong were always ready and were ready to go out in less than two minutes.

Although Xiao Ai is indeed a local and is more familiar with some things, he still needs to conduct preliminary investigation if he wants to take action.

The three of them went out, Bai Song took Xiao Ai, and Hua Dong walked alone, splitting into two groups.

The stronghold we want to check this time is very special, it is one of the information from last week.

By analyzing the uploaded videos and some chat content, we roughly know that there are some programmers here and people responsible for data maintenance.

This place is not close to Youyi Street. It is a place where ordinary people live. People like programmers in this area are very valuable. They usually go to various places to perform maintenance work. They should not be in this kind of place.

After five days of analysis through the installed fixed cameras, it was determined that there were about 30 people inside, and there were 12 security personnel, all of whom were guys. Generally, no matter how the rotation was done, there would never be less than four security personnel.

There is a window period tonight, that is, there are only four security personnel left and it lasts for a long time. Bai Song and others are ready to have a look.

The three of them alone were definitely not enough. Bai Song invited two police officers to come with him and brought some hidden equipment. Eric bought a bunch of fireworks.

Fireworks are quite common in this place. Many people want to play after making money. Eric was already ready to light fireworks three to four hundred meters away.

As the fireworks sounded, the specially-made drone landed directly from the roof of the small building.

This roof area has been investigated many times, and the location of some pipelines has been determined. A robot is carried under the drone. This robot carries something similar to a USB flash drive with a SIM card inside, which can not only implant viruses. , and can also transmit information externally.

Times have changed, and this is much easier than when Wang Liang inspected Deng Wenxi's base.

The preliminary work went very smoothly. The drone was lying on the roof and the robot successfully entered the pipe.

The small robot is equipped with infrared equipment and can still determine whether there are people around it from the pipe. This thing makes very little noise, but you still have to be careful.

No one here expected to encounter such an attack similar to a science fiction movie, so naturally no one stopped them, and the robot successfully entered the computer room.

Bai Song's video here could not be transmitted to Wang Liang in real time, so he could only rely on his experience to put this device on a server host.

The process of operating the small robotic arm to insert the USB disk was smoother than expected, but Bai Song couldn't control what happened after the insertion. This was what Wang Liang was responsible for.

According to the original plan, the small robot can return at this time and follow the drone away. Then the "U disk" plugged into the host computer will self-destruct after a few hours of operation. Generally, it will not be discovered. Even if it is discovered, it will be fine. event.

However, it was obvious that everyone underestimated the anti-intrusion system here. About half a minute after the USB flash drive was inserted, before the robot had time to evacuate, the alarm suddenly started to sound in the computer room.

Bai Song and others were shocked, but this was definitely not the time to leave the "U disk", because this thing only had a scheduled self-destruction program, and it would be exposed if discovered in advance. Bai Song directly took a risk and used a robot to destroy the U disk. Pull the plate out and put it into the "body".

The robot had just left the machine and before leaving the room, several people came into the room.

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