Police Detective

Chapter 1243 Sanggui is captured

The man who was knocked down by Bai Song was not the one who came to the store before. Bai Song calculated the time. Even if he and the young man were chatting in the house and were seen by people from the restaurant, it would be unrealistic to send someone here so quickly. He moved It's already very fast.

The only explanation is that after the man who came in with a reward of 100 knives came in, someone tipped him off. It was obvious that someone knew this man, but he was just unwilling to offend Bai Song in person. If you put it this way, everyone in the restaurant may have snitched, and there is no way to suspect it.

Thinking about this, Bai Song never stopped. He didn't pause at all. He checked whether there were other positioning devices on his phone. At the same time, he began to fumble around in his pockets and other places to prevent someone from secretly placing a tracker.

After walking for about five minutes, Bai Song quickly walked out for 600 to 700 meters. He also roughly looked at the content on his phone, then walked directly to a place with more people. He pretended that his phone fell to the ground, and his phone was stared at by several people at once. .

Bai Song seemed to have walked through the neighborhood without noticing, and his cell phone was soon picked up.

There is a lot of information on the mobile phone. The communication here is mainly through the mobile phone. Bai Song also forced to remember some of it.

The person who leaked the information to him was indeed from Su Zhai Pavilion, and this person also secretly took a photo of Bai Song. Judging from the shooting angle, it was far away from him, and it was a table of people holding ***.

X believes in strength and money. People from other places who are rich may be fat sheep, but if the locals are rich, they must be powerful and not easy to mess with. It is a symbol to hold someone upright like this.

Bai Song can roughly remember the people in the restaurant, but he can't remember clearly. Unless he encounters them again, it's not easy to describe their appearance. The person who was defeated should have only been here for two or three minutes. He has not yet entered the state of tracking Bai Song, but the WeChat message clearly states that someone will come to support him if he keeps an eye on him for ten minutes.

Is this Long San so strong? Bai Song was a little surprised.

Generally speaking, these people are looking for money, so it's not a big deal if they are approached. After all, most of the people who come looking for them are just for peace talks, and just negotiate a price, right? The hostages have nothing to fear in their hands. They were looking for people like Bai Song directly and had bad intentions. They probably had other intentions.

Thanks to his excellent anti-reconnaissance capabilities, Bai Song successfully bypassed the area and returned to Sangwei's residence.

"Did you really get the clue?" Sang Gyu listened to Bai Song's retelling with some disbelief, "Long San. He. He doesn't do this kind of thing."

"You mean this person doesn't do kidnapping?" Bai Song asked.

"Well, he's a free man. Ten million yuan? He doesn't like it. It's not much more than a US dollar." Sanggui said: "I have heard that he is related to Mimei before. Just listen to what you say. confirmed."

"Mimei is really not that simple. If we come out to catch him this time, he won't be able to catch them all. Maybe the higher-ups won't be able to catch him at all." Bai Song said, "But it can still scare a lot of people, at least it won't be able to recover in a few years." ”

"That's your business, I won't get involved." Sangyu was not interested in those things: "Let's just talk about today's matter. What's the connection between it?"

"Who is this Xiaozhan?" Bai Song asked instead without answering Sanggui's question.

"To be honest, I don't know either, but this is the first time in the past three years that you can assign me a task to investigate." Sanggui seemed to have said nothing, as if he had said everything.

"This is definitely not a simple kidnapping case. This is a plan to find us. They have a purpose for Xiaozhan. He is definitely not an ordinary person. They want to attract us out." Bai Song said: "This is a conspiracy, it's us. If you know there is a pit, you still have to jump.”

"I will report these things truthfully." Sanggui still trusts Bai Song.

It was not too late to report this kind of thing. Sanggui made the report directly over the phone. Bai Song did not change a word of what he said, but a new order was issued over there: "Try to obtain the current situation of Xiaozhan, knowing whether it is life or death, try to obtain Location." Sanggui could only respond.

After hanging up the phone, Sanggyu said: "It seems that someone will be arranged to rescue, but we need to confirm the situation. Oh, no, it's me."

"Can you send someone here to rescue?" Bai Song was a little surprised, who must this be!

You must know that X place is not an ordinary place. Bai Song is very clear about what kind of behavior it is to send people here to rescue. Even if Bai Song and others deal with Mimei here, they still need local support.

"Who knows, oh, why did this bastard girl end up in this shabby place, and no one at home is following her!" Sang Gyu was a little angry.

"This is all calculated by others, step by step." Bai Song knew that this trap was prepared for people like them. Sang Gyu also reported Bai Song's idea just now, and the instructions given by him were still to try to work.

"Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains," Sanggui said calmly: "Isn't this all the work I came here to do? But fortunately, I know it is Long San, so I still have some channels, so I can try to find it."

"Okay." Bai Song nodded, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Then I'm leaving," Sangui said hello and got ready to leave.

"Wait a minute, take this, and don't go to the bathroom for 24 hours." Bai Song handed Sang Gyu a pill.

"Is this a locator?" Sangyu asked.

"Well, the battery is very small, so it can last for a day, and the signal is only available within 1,000 meters," Bai Song said, "just in case."

"Okay." Sanggui told Bai Song where he was going and left immediately.

Sanggui moved quickly. He left the house and went to do his business. Bai Song had used up most of the disguise materials and could not change clothes again. He could only show his true face to the outside world. However, this was also beneficial. His perception would be improved. Much more sensitive.

In the house, Bai Song contacted Wang Huadong and others. Huadong had already settled in a safe place, which made Bai Song feel relieved. But he knew that this was definitely not a good time to stay, so he went out to find a car dealer and bought the car. a car.

Buying a car here is really easy, but low-priced cars are not cheap either. Things like Rolls-Royce are relatively cheaper, but the price of low-priced cars is actually not much different from that in Beijing.

Renting a car is really unsafe. The car is all equipped with GPS. Dozens of them can be removed from a car, and a lot of information needs to be registered. Buying a car is much easier. The car Bai Song bought has a wrong origin, but it is better. Cheap and no formalities required.

After buying the car, Bai Song drove to a car repair shop, where they could check the GPS and other equipment on the car. After all, it was hard to tell whether a car with such an erratic origin had installed positioning. After checking for a few hours, he found that it did not, so he took care of it. When we got out of the car, it was already dark.

Back at his residence, Baek Song found that Sang Gyu hadn't come back yet.

Bai Song was a little worried that Sanggui hadn't come back for so long, but it was much more convenient to have a car, so he started to wander around.

Before leaving, Sanggui probably mentioned the direction he wanted to go. Baisong drove to the area in less than ten minutes. There are some factory areas here, mainly producing shampoo and other things. The people who opened the door were all southerners.

However, Bai Song walked around the area and found no movement from the locator. This kind of locator has very low power, just an ordinary radio. It is relatively clear within 1,000 meters, but in fact, weak signals can be detected within two or three kilometers.

Don't underestimate two or three kilometers. The area of ​​a circle with this radius is very large. Bai Song couldn't help but increase the search range, but still found no results.

there is a problem. Bai Song already had some calculations in his mind.

After taking a long detour and walking back, there are not many cars here. It is more than 20 kilometers away from Youyi Street. It is impossible for ordinary gamblers to get here. There is no navigation here. Bai Song had memorized the map here during training before, so he wouldn't get lost.

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly the road ahead was cut off. The road conditions here are not good to begin with, and problems with the road conditions happen from time to time, so we can only take a detour. After thinking for a while, Bai Song decided to take a detour.

After circling five or six kilometers, the monitor suddenly received Sangui's signal.

Bai Song was overjoyed and drove for more than a kilometer. The signal became clearer. He glanced at the location and saw that it was only seven or eight hundred meters away from him. He decisively drove the car into the bushes and got out of the car.

He does have weapons, but it is extremely dangerous to go alone, but now is not the time to think about it, he must go.

After getting out of the car, Bai Song felt that he was in good health. He didn't bring a signaling device. The thing was a bit big. He slowly moved forward based on his memory. He could see the road clearly with the moonlight.

This is a base, made of wood and colored steel tiles. Seeing that there are at least thirty or forty people living there, Bai Song takes a deep breath and slowly walks closer.

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