Police Detective

Chapter 1246 Breakout on a rainy night (10,000-word chapter)

With the car, there was a glimmer of hope to leave. After all, he wanted to take both of them away if possible.

If he could only take away one person, he would take Sang Gyu away. He didn't care who the girl was, he only knew that Sang Gyu was his comrade-in-arms.

This infiltration is very, very dangerous, and there is a narrow escape from death. However, no matter how dangerous the action is, we must find feasibility and not risk death.

Thinking of this, Bai Song also took away the two Mitsubishi car keys. If someone chased him by car, at least two cars would be useless.

Taking the key with him, Bai Song cleaned up his entry, then slowly climbed out of the window, closed the window gently, and then leaned under the window and rested for a while.

It has been a long time since he entered here, and it has been relatively smooth so far, but Bai Song's heart rate has not been low. His psychological quality is definitely far superior to most people, but under such circumstances, it is still difficult to calm down alone.

After calming down for a few minutes, he gradually adjusted to the best condition, and then looked at the room next to him.

There are three ordinary accommodation areas, and the other two are actually full of people. There is one person sleeping in one room, and five people in the other room. Three of them are playing cards, and two people are sleeping. It seems that these are all sentry guards. personnel.

Bai Song estimated that the three card players were from the room he just entered. They were just playing cards because they were bored, and the table was filled with cash.

You can't take unnecessary risks. Although Bai Song can secretly sneak into a house with only one person, and he is sure to subdue the sleeping person, he doesn't know when these people will change their posts, so it is too risky to act rashly.

After getting the key, Bai Song didn't go to test the car. If the Honda car didn't work, he would try his luck with the Mitsubishi car and find a chance of survival!

Maintaining a hidden state, he returned to the room guarding Sangui again. The two people inside were drinking and eating meat. Maybe they were afraid that the boss would hear them, so the sound was not loud and could only be heard if they got closer.

"Fortunately, this guy has some humanity and knows how to give us a bottle of good wine. We don't have such good wine here. This must have been brought here. It is said that a bottle now costs hundreds of thousands." One person said.

"Yeah, it costs more than 2,000 yuan when converted into RMB? The last time I drank was on Independence Day last year. Oh, no, it was Federal Day." People here are used to paying in RMB.

Bai Song speculated that these two people should also be confidants. They have been here for a long time and are not too scrupulous about doing things. If this was a new guy, he wouldn't dare drink alcohol no matter what.

It’s the same everywhere. Old employees do have rich work experience, but many of them are dissatisfied with their energy, don’t eat the big pie drawn by their leaders, can’t make a living, their fishing skills are greatly improved, and their interpersonal relationships are complicated. This is why companies like to fire people. This is because old employees recruit fresh graduates.

It was rare for the two of them to drink such good wine as Maotai. They praised it while drinking, and now half the bottle was down. Bai Song was not in a hurry. He was very patient and kept waiting here.

After waiting for dozens of minutes, the person who was replacing the guard in the room left. It seemed that he was going to change the guard. The people in the room were almost drunk.

After a while, the wind started to blow. Although the wind was not strong, it felt a little more humid, and I didn't know if it was going to rain.

Rain is not necessarily a good thing for Bai Song. Although it can increase the feasibility of his actions, the enemy will also be much more vigilant, especially the first rain of the rainy season.

Four sentries, this is indeed similar to Bai Song's previous estimate. He was not worried that the sentry who came back went to the house where he entered and found that the car keys were lost. As a sentry, he rarely touched cars, so he would not pay attention to this. After work, he would either go to eat or rest.

There were only six people in the two rooms just now, which meant that at least two sentries went to drink. The two people drinking and eating meat in this room don't look like people on guard duty, otherwise they wouldn't be able to take their turn.

The one at the entrance of the main room should be playing games like Honor of Kings. Take a break every ten or twenty minutes.

All this proves one thing. This base has not had any problems for at least a few years. After all, X is not a triangle area where warlords are fighting. As long as such a base has good local relations, it is unlikely that anyone will attack.

There are sentries, barbed wire fences, and infrared cameras. The probability of breaking in is really low, so most of the people here are relatively laid-back.

This is also the main reason why Bai Song dared to enter. If the people here had the self-discipline of armed police and soldiers, he would have been finished long ago.

After a while, a few people from the table in the distance came out to go to the toilet. This time, the few people who came out were new faces. They were talking and laughing, lining up to go to the toilet, chatting, and they seemed to be close to each other. A lot.

Bai Song felt that something was not good. With this attitude, the people from T place would leave after a while.

If there is no dinner party to hold a large number of people, it will be troublesome if these people are running around. You must know that it is impossible for these people to really drink too much. All they do is to lose their heads. Who dares to really drink too much?

Bai Song has also participated in many wine parties.

When humans drink, the atmosphere is more important than the wine. When you meet a close friend, a thousand cups of wine is too little, and a half-sentence of conversation is too much. Today's drinking party, where everyone has their own agenda, has come to an end. If these people go back, they will probably have one more drink, and then they will have a drink together, and then they should leave! By then, someone must have discovered that the car key was lost, and Bai Song was extremely worried!

At this time, the few people who had just finished their work at the guard post happened to come back. When they saw the people in the yard, they came over to say hello.

There was a person in the yard who should also be in charge. Although he was not the boss, he was probably the second and third eldest brother. When he saw the sentry man leaving his post, he introduced it to a few people in the T area.

Naturally, the people at T site also followed suit and praised the base's security facilities for being very, very good. It looked like they were not made by ordinary people. In this way, the boss here was naturally very helpful and had a smile on his face.

Seeing this, the people in T place asked the four brothers who had worked hard for a long time to have a drink. The person in charge here agreed and took the people back to the house together.

This made Bai Song very happy. Several new people joined the wine table, so they could hold him for at least half an hour! It’s the same everywhere!

These people chattered at the door for too long, and the people in the hut next to Bai Song couldn't stay any longer.

One of the two people in the room wanted to go out to pee, but the other person stopped him and said he would wait until these people left before going out. After all, he was drinking and not allowed to be seen by too many people.

After hearing these words, Bai Song felt like the sound of nature, and it was like God was helping me.

He wanted to enter this house to save someone, but the only way was to wait for someone to come out to use the toilet.

The biggest advantage of having two guards is that they can ensure that there are guards in the house when eating, drinking, and defecating. This also gives Bai Song the possibility to defeat them one by one.

A few people at the far table went back in a friendly manner, but one person in this room couldn't wait to leave the room and wanted to go out to pee.

He didn't seem to care. Even though the toilet was close at hand, he still wanted to pee at the door. The weather is very hot and humid, and the rainy season is coming soon. It’s just a pee, who cares?

He released comfortably, but he didn't know that Bai Song was right next to him at this moment. He suddenly burst out and covered the man's mouth. Bai Song stood behind the target, covering the target's mouth and chin with his left hand. He squeezed the target's mouth and chin with a big hand like an iron hoop, so that the face of the covered person was somewhat deformed. Then Bai Song simultaneously placed his right hand on the right side of the target's head. At the top of the side, push your left hand inward to the right, and push your right hand forward to the left. With a sudden force, there is a slight "click" sound.

This man drank half a kilogram of Maotai. Who knew what was going on? His first reaction was that someone was trying to joke with him, but before he could react, his neck was twisted. A huge force completely destroyed the muscles in his neck. Unable to resist, he was stunned. His eyes were wide open, not knowing what was happening. Then for a moment, he saw his right shoulder sideways, and then his eyes seemed to be disconnected. There was no pain at all. All black.

The voice was quite controllable and the others didn't feel it at all. Bai Song still covered his mouth tightly and slowly put the person down in a dark place.

The person in the room seemed a little confused. He heard a crisp sound. At first, he had no suspicion. He had been drinking and his reaction was much slower. But after thinking for more than ten seconds, he was still ready to go out and take a look.

He wiped his mouth with his sleeve, burped, and then opened the door to go out and take a look.

When he opened the door and saw a person, he was a little stunned. Why did he change the person? But before he could react, a black shadow hit his face so fast that he thought he was hallucinating.

Bai Song was about to knock him down with one punch, but Bai Song couldn't let such a loud noise appear, so he grabbed the person in the room, walked in and closed the door, and then quickly dealt with the person.

At this time, Bai Song saw the two people who were tied up. It was indeed Sang Gyu and a little girl, but both of them were in bad condition at the moment and seemed to be asleep.

Fell asleep? ? ?

Bai Song felt bad, he couldn't be asleep, he was just beating Bai Mian! They all collapsed to the ground.

No wonder these two people dared to drink with a policeman tied up!

Sanggui was still somewhat conscious, and when he saw Bai Song coming, his eyes were full of energy, and his bloodshot eyes were wide open, but he suppressed the slightest sound and did not make any sound.

Bai Song used the tools he carried to quickly free the ropes between the two people. He began to have a headache. No matter how strong he was, it was almost impossible to carry two people on his back.

Sang Gyu actually smiled at this time: "Don't worry about me. She's young, just take her away."

"You still say this?" Bai Song lowered his voice and was about to carry Sang Gyu on his back.

Sanggui didn't use any force, Bai Song used brute strength to carry him up, but Sanggui grabbed the edge of the table and said forcefully: "She, she, is really important, take her away, put me down, really listen to me. "

"Who is she?" Bai Song was furious.

"Don't ask." Sang Gyu still remained rational in this state.

When Bai Song heard this, he knew that Sang Gyu was indeed very rational. Since Sang Gyu was not motivated by emotion, then this girl might be really important. Although Bai Song is disgusted and disgusted with this little girl who only knows how to cause trouble, there is no other way. The police must still complete the mission!

He really wanted to take Sang Gyu away alone, but the little girl was really thin, weighing only seventy or eighty pounds. Bai Song made a decision in an instant, carried Sang Gyu on his back, and walked with the little girl in his arms!

Fortunately, Sang Gyu has a will of steel and can still hold Baek Song on the back of his neck, otherwise it would be really difficult!

As long as it's still in the same state outside for two minutes, it's not a big problem!

Carrying Sang Gyu on his back, Bai Song then summoned all his strength to pick up the little girl.

It was very difficult to stand up at that moment, but actually it was okay when he actually stood upright. The weight of more than 200 kilograms for two people was acceptable to him, but his hands and feet were not that flexible.

After taking a few breaths, Bai Song gently opened the door. It was still very calm outside. The wind was a little stronger than before. Most of the task was completed!

After leaving the house, Bai Song closed the door and slowly walked to the parking area. There were many cars parked in the distance, including a Honda MPV.

The parking area for these cars was a little far away. Bai Song never imagined that an infrared camera could see this location. Bai Song slowly walked to the car and actually sounded the alarm.

At this time, he didn't care about anything. Bai Song put the girl standing, holding her with one hand, and pressed the unlock button on the car key with the other hand. Thank God there was no problem with the car. He used this hand to open the door and unlock the door. The girl threw it directly into the inner seat of the second row.

Bai Song was very, very glad that this was an old model of manual door. It would have been terrible if it had been electric!

After the girl threw it in, she then put Sang Gyu in. At this time, a bullet had already come over! The sentry in the distance!

Bai Song didn't wait at all, not even half a second. He opened the driver's door and jumped in, then started the car.

"Sanggui, close the door!" Bai Song shouted as he stepped on the accelerator and ran out. At this moment, Bai Song was still very rational. The car was an automatic transmission and there was no need to change gears. He operated the steering wheel with one hand and opened the steering wheel with the other hand. The radio equipment on his body so that Wang Huadong could see his location and give himself the last chance of survival.

Worried about the other party tracking him?

The other party can see him, so there is no need to chase him through a radio with unknown frequency!

Sanggui lived up to his trust and closed the door hard. Bai Song stepped on the accelerator and rushed out from the road he was most familiar with. At this time, you have to carry whatever weapons there are on the sentry side. It depends on how good the sentry skills are! spell!

This car is not a top-end model, and its displacement is unknown, but the Honda brand lives up to the reputation of "buy an engine and get a car free". The speed increase is quite good, and it can run away in an instant.

At this time, many people rushed out to chase Bai Song, but at least they were twenty seconds behind Bai Song because none of them had the keys with them, and it was impossible for the few people at T to work hard at this time.

Bai Song's adrenaline is soaring at this moment. It is estimated that any instrument used to measure it at this time will explode, just rush, rush, rush!

Even if there is a hail of bullets ahead, you must not frown!


The car drove through the sentry area at high speed. The crossbar blocking the door seemed to be made of good quality, but it was still knocked open in an instant. The car slowed down slightly and continued to rush forward.

After rushing out for two or three seconds, the car began to lose control and a tire was punctured! What kind of luck!

The road here is not wide, only about five meters, and the road conditions are very, very bad. Bai Song can fully imagine how far a flat tire can run!

He gradually began to calm down, and at this time he understood one thing, that is, he had to abandon the car and replace it with another car he bought! Although that car had no front or rear windshields or seat belts, the tires and engine of this car were fine!

Bai Song was so focused that he didn't even know that Sang Gyu's leg was injured and penetrated.

The thickness of the iron sheet on any conventional car would never reach the bulletproof level. Sangyu's calf was directly penetrated, and he didn't say a word.

It's not that Sanggyu really has nerves like titanium alloy, but the drugs in his body have very good sedative and analgesic effects, which allows Sanggyu to still maintain pain and sleepiness in such a swaying carriage. To balance myself, I tied my calves with cotton cushion covers.

It was too late, but it was faster then. Due to tire problems, Bai Song's speed could not exceed 60. He began to slow down, but even if he slowed down, the distance of 700 to 800 meters would only take tens of seconds. He wanted to turn the car sideways and stop on the road. At this moment, you can see the dazzling light on the other side of the door.

The pursuers over there are slower than expected!

It seems that the two stolen keys are indeed useful, and this place has been stable for too long, and it is indeed a straggler!

Bai Song turned the steering wheel to the right to stop the car, then turned to the left, reversed, and put the car on the side of the road. Then he jumped out of the car, hugged Sangyu and threw it to the side of his car: "Quick, climb up!"

Bai Song hadn't seen Sanggui injured at this time, and Sanggui couldn't tie his legs in such a short time, but he knew what he should do to survive, and he didn't know where the luck came from, so he opened the back of the car forcefully. I climbed in through the door of the seat, and then I didn’t know anything else.

Bai Song had already carried the girl out. At the same time, the pursuers were approaching, and he saw the Odyssey lying on the roadside and began to brake. Bai Song hugged the girl, closed the car door, and locked the car with the key.

He wanted to create a roadblock, not something that could be easily pushed aside, and it had to be blocked for at least half a minute.

The girl was very light and Bai Song was not injured. She was quickly thrown into the back seat by Bai Song and piled on top of Sang Gyu. It was too dark and Bai Song still didn't notice the blood on Sang Gyu's body.

At this time, Bai Song found that he was missing a move!

His front windshield had not been completely removed and was still hanging on it, which was very obstructive, but there was no time to think about this at this time and he had to run. He started the car and backed it out. At this time, someone had already bypassed the Honda car and was about to come over. Bai Song stepped on the accelerator and started rushing, regardless of what was behind him.

At this moment, the whole world belongs to Bai Song.

The uncontrollable feeling of a car with flat tires in the first half minute is still in my mind. At this time, driving this car feels like it is the best-handling car in the world. It feels like he drove a broken second-hand car out of F1.

Because the glass in front of the car was not broken, Bai Song could only drive with his head raised, otherwise he would have no vision. This situation was particularly dangerous when someone was using weapons behind him, but Bai Song didn't feel the slightest bit of danger at this moment.


From the time you entered this base to now, which second was not dangerous?

From entering place X to today, which day was not dangerous?

At this moment, the scenes of these days seemed to have appeared in my mind.

In just ten seconds, Bai Song left the most dangerous area!

His expression softened slightly, but his condition was not good at all.

The glass of this car is not good. As the speed of the car increases, the wind becomes stronger and the glass flaps. There is always a feeling that it is about to fall but cannot fall off. Thanks to the fact that this was the front windshield of the car, the broken pieces were all connected together, so Bai Song would not be choked to death by the broken glass.

But even so, it really didn't work. He had to slow down and try to open the glass wider. As a result, the car almost lost control. He was honest.

Bai Song understood that there were still more than ten kilometers in the safe zone. The performance of the cars behind him was definitely better than this car, and it was hard to tell whether the other party had support and interception in front. The trouble was still huge. Don't think about the useless things at this time. You can survive it. In five minutes, he can drive to an area with people, and his chances of survival will be greatly increased.

However, everything was not as good as he thought.

He kept the car and glanced back. Because of the dim light, he vaguely noticed that Sangyu's face was pale.

what happened?

I looked back again and vaguely saw blood!

Bai Song needs to stop Sangyu's bleeding, needs to drive, and even more needs to break open the front door glass! But he can't stop, and people behind him can catch up at any time!

Sang Gyu must have been shot, and Baek Song didn't know where it was, but people can't bleed like this, and there's a person pressed on Sang Gyu. It keeps going like this.

Bai Song wished he had six hands, and even hoped that the car could evolve automatic driving functions, but these were just good wishes and were impossible.

The anxiety in his heart is beyond words. At this point, but unable to save Sang Gyu, Bai Song seems a little helpless.

The rain in X place was really stupid. When Bai Song was helpless, it suddenly started to rain.

In fact, when Bai Song got in the car, it was already raining, but he was so nervous that he didn't pay attention to the rain at all.

The rainy season is here, and heavy rains come at any time.

The arrival of the rainy season made this car with a broken front windshield and missing rear windshield completely lose the possibility of fighting against the off-road vehicles behind it. The wiper became a useless decoration. The rain gradually began to make Bai Song's vision worse and worse. It was getting worse and worse, and he was getting wet quickly. At this time, the car behind him had obviously moved the Honda away and was gradually catching up.

There should be no less than two cars, and the one at the front might be a Mitsubishi off-road vehicle or something else. Bai Song could only see the car lights at this moment, and it was very unclear.

He was not very familiar with the road conditions here, and the effect of the headlights was getting smaller and smaller in this environment. He did not dare to speed up, so he could only maintain it as much as possible.

At this time, he had no sense of time, and he didn't quite know how long it would take to reach a populated place. But realistically, the opponent would be able to catch up in ten seconds at most, and there was no point in running to a populated place. , it is impossible for anyone to stand up and speak for him.

Not only that, his sixth sense told him that the people intercepted by the other party would definitely come, but he didn't know how many people would come and where they would come from. If they came, there would really be no way to survive. Damn it, if there was no problem with the Honda, his condition would be much better at this time.

Braking, Bai Song pulled out the weapon he had brought and prepared to fight. No matter how many long guns and short guns the opponent has, kill them!

If you must die, die on the way forward.

At this moment, Bai Song suddenly became so heroic that he no longer struggled with one, two or three. Instead, he found a place to stay behind a tree and launched an attack on the car in the distance. Moreover, in this state, his accuracy actually improved!

The car behind them didn't expect that the people in front were also armed, braked suddenly, and were ready to fight. The drivers were afraid of death. You must know that their front windshields were also hit and penetrated, but no one was injured.

The car in front suddenly braked, and the car behind directly rear-ended them, but fortunately they all had guardrails, so it was not a big problem. A total of four cars stopped immediately, and several people hid behind the trees, preparing to attack Bai Song.

No more attacking?

Bai Song was a little puzzled. Logically speaking, the other side should drive towards him!

The opponent has an absolute advantage in weapons and numbers. If they charge directly, a few may die, but Bai Song will definitely be doomed!

In an instant, Bai Song understood that the other party was afraid of death! Especially the driver, who absolutely didn’t want to die for no reason, so he took the safest approach.

Bai Song was originally afraid of affecting the car, but at this time the other party had already dumped their firepower into the woods, so he ran to the car, opened the back seat door, and took a look at Sang Gyu's condition.

The leg was penetrated. It was tied with cloth but not tied properly. It should have injured the artery and the bleeding continued. Judging from the blood volume here, the blood loss was at least 500cc, maybe even 1000cc.

Bai Song directly tied the untied cloth very tightly, compressing the blood vessels to stop bleeding. If this happens for a long time, the calf may become necrotic, but the person can survive!

During the previous Tianhua Port accident, when Bai Song went to rescue Zhao Han's father, Zhao Detachment, a policeman's legs were later amputated, but saving his life was better than anything else!

Then, Bai Song closed the car door and ran to the front of the car. Regardless of his injured hand, he tried all his strength to pull off the front windshield, but he couldn't. The driver's side had to be torn off, but the passenger's side had to be pulled off because he gave up halfway before kicking it. It was too laborious to pull it off, so he had to fold it on the passenger's side first, which improved the view a lot.

At this time, the other party felt that there was no sound in the woods on Bai Song's side, so he wanted to come over to see if he had killed the person. Bai Song knew that the other party was about to make a move, so he took aim and struck a few more times.

This time the other party stopped coming out, but they all rushed towards the car.

Without further ado, run while it rains.

Bai Song started the car again and ran, he had run out of ammunition!

The pursuit of soldiers, the car glass, and Sang Gyu's injury have eliminated the second of the three major worries. Bai Song is not afraid of anything at this time. Next is the time to compete in car racing skills. No matter how heavy the rain is, what will happen?

No matter how wind blows or rain blows, I will remain firm!

No matter how heavy the rain was, Bai Song could not completely close his eyes. He squinted his eyes, and the raindrops hit his eyes directly. Bai Song could only blink at most. He always maintained a very fast speed, and the people behind him were getting further and further away.

Seeing Bai Song drive away, he restarted the car and started chasing. The car in front had damaged glass, so the driver played a trick and didn't want to be the first one, saying that the view was not good, so the second car rushed to the front. .

This gave Bai Song at least half a minute of time difference. He braved the wind and rain and drove the car at a speed of over 80, so he would not be overtaken for at least three or four kilometers.

If this is about breaking through levels, by this moment, 90% of the levels have been passed, leaving only the last level, the enemy's allies.

Bai Song still doesn't know what these people do or what their allies are, but he can only be familiar with one road at the moment. Even if he wants to take a detour, he has to leave the current road.

The rain plopped down on his face, and Bai Song gritted his teeth.

What is the concept of speed 80 per hour?

Level nine wind.

When we were children, we learned about the levels of wind, and there was also a jingle: Level 0, no wind, smoke goes straight up, level 1, look at the direction of the smoke, and level 8 wind can knock down some weak trees, and level 9 wind can blow down inferior houses!

When the speed is 80 per hour, if you stick your head out, you won't be able to open your eyes at all (don't try), not to mention when it rains like this, Bai Song's face is already covered with blood, and he doesn't know how many small sand, The leaves struck, not to mention some branches.

He gritted his teeth, still feeling lucky in his heart. Fortunately, this was the tropics! Fortunately, this rain is not freezing rain!

If it was freezing rain, he would die of hypothermia in a very short time at such a speed. This is definitely not an exaggeration!

Maintaining such enthusiasm, Bai Song did not slow down. He turned when he encountered a curve, crossed a bridge when he encountered it, and made several turns. No matter how bumpy the car was, he never slowed down, except moving forward.

Holding the steering wheel with one hand and slightly blocking his eyes with the other hand, Bai Song kept driving and driving until finally he saw the street light.

In place X, street lights represent civilization, civilization in the true sense, but this is not a road section that Bai Song is familiar with. He took the wrong road.

According to Bai Song's original estimation, he should take another road and go straight to the safe zone, but this road is not the way to that side.

The previous road was a rotten cement road, but this was a hardened asphalt road, which meant that there would be no branches or gravel in the rain. Bai Song increased the speed again and continued to run forward.

He probably understood that luck was absolutely important for him to be able to run up to this point. People there probably guessed which way Bai Song was going to take, and there were people blocking him there, but Bai Song took the wrong route by accident. It was not easy for him to drive with such sight lines and road conditions. To be honest, it was even more difficult to drive in the right direction.

After driving like this for five minutes, Bai Song realized where he was. He had completely gone in the wrong direction, and it would take at least half an hour to go back.

His body had reached its limit. No matter how cold the rain was, the wind was like a sharp knife with low temperature. He lost a lot of body temperature and had various scratches on his body, but he didn't notice it.

He began to slow down, reducing the speed to about 40, removed the branches and leaves on his body one by one, and began to check his body.

The airflow equivalent to the strength of Category 6 winds was like scratching an itch at this time. A lot of water had already entered the car. Fortunately, this broken car leaked, but it did not accumulate. It all flowed out, but it was wet everywhere.

After such a long time of tossing, the girl still didn't wake up, and Sanggyu didn't wake up because of severe blood loss, but he was still breathing. This made Bai Song feel confident. As for Sanggyu's calf, he could only leave it to fate.

He took out his communication device, which was waterproof, and tried to contact Wang Huadong, but he couldn't.

I don’t know why, but I can’t contact Wang Huadong.

Bai Song knew Huadong well. Wang Huadong couldn't be sleeping at this time, and he couldn't ignore Bai Song, so he must be in trouble.

Wang Huadong has already entered the safe zone before. If he encounters trouble, he must come out to rescue Bai Song.

This may be the second reason why Bai Song did not encounter pursuers!


Bai Song's heart felt cold again, thinking about what he had encountered tonight, from peak to valley and then to peak and valley again, countless times.

If Wang Huadong was harmed because of his own problems, then tonight's action would be beyond words, let alone a failure.

At this time, cars were gradually visible on the road. Because of the rain, the visibility of all the cars was not very good and they were not driving fast. Not many cars noticed that Bai Song's car did not have front and rear windshields, but Bai Song knew that this was not a good thing. , because he didn't know how many people here were enemy spies. Since he already knew where this was, he was familiar with the road. He left the main road directly and turned to the side road.

He couldn't stop. Although there was a hospital here, it was not safe enough. The hospital here was definitely not acceptable. He had to start contacting other people. This can increase the risk of exposure for others, but at this point he is really at the end of his rope.

It was Sangwe’s teammates who were contacted.

Sanggui's teammate is Xue Weimin. In fact, he has been preparing for the game today, but he is like a headless fly and has no choice. It is safest for Bai Song to contact him.

Xue Weimin was very excited after receiving the call, but remained rational: "Our call is not safe, so don't tell us your location directly."

"I know." Bai Song's voice was a little hoarse: "Wait for us at location 3. We need a car. Even if you are exposed this time, I don't care what your previous missions were. End the mission early and wait for the newcomers to come."

"Received, I'll do it as soon as possible." Xue Weimin immediately started executing without saying a word.

The location No. 3 that Bai Song mentioned was the coordinate point that everyone had agreed upon together. It was used to speak in this environment. In his current situation, it would not be a big problem to stick to that location, as long as Xue Weimin could prepare the car there on time, and he I am also in a very healthy state, and the journey ahead will be stable.

After driving for a few minutes, everything went smoothly. Bai Song suddenly received a call from Wang Huadong and was instantly overjoyed!

As long as Wang Huadong is fine, then as of now, the task has been completed!

"Where are you?" Wang Huadong seemed to be injured, but he still had enough energy.

"I am almost dying, but I have contacted your teammate Xue Weimin and is heading to location 3." Bai Song said.

"Don't go," Wang Huadong said immediately.

"Okay", after Bai Song heard this, he immediately started to switch routes, preparing to change roads at the intersection ahead.

"Old Xue may have a problem." Wang Huadong said, "I'm just saying it's possible."

"You mean, you are being followed and there is a possibility that you will be exposed. Is this the reason?" Bai Song asked back.

"Yes", Wang Huadong said: "But I don't just think that there must be something wrong with him. I started to avoid him in this activity. Anyway, it's best for you to avoid him. I just went to find you according to your position, and I met him There was a problem with the vehicle, but luckily I was fine.”

"Are you alone?" Bai Song was very worried.

"No, I hired a few people." Wang Huadong said: "The people who arranged for your informant driver are all good people. The driver you left here was not in vain! If it weren't for a few of them, we would have just been You can’t deal with the others at all. Just run towards the safe area. I can see your location and I’ll pick you up.”

"No, you go back with the driver and others, and I'll drive back by myself." Bai Song thought for a while, sighed, and said.

"Okay." Wang Huadong heard Bai Song's words and agreed. He understood what Bai Song meant.

Drivers can be trusted, but the level of trust varies. When Wang Huadong and Bai Song were not together, the driver was trustworthy, but it was hard to tell when the two met. If the driver turned against him, there would be no one to report the news.

At present, it is impossible for the driver to rebel. If he rebels, he will never be able to return to China. But if the driver has evil intentions after the rendezvous, the matter will only become an unsolved case.

It's not that people's hearts can't stand the test, it's just that there are degrees of testing. No matter how bad Bai Song's condition is, he can't put himself in a place of possible despair.

There is a high probability that there will be no problem with Xue Weimin. These are all his comrades, but at this moment, if there is a problem, it will be a big problem. Bai Song still chose to give up.

in case. Bai Song is a very cautious person. He knows which brothers can survive and which ones are just friends. At this juncture, he didn't want any more complications.

Knowing that Wang Huadong was fine, Bai Song felt energetic again. Wasn't it just half an hour's drive away?

Open, I have no problem with it!

When he couldn't get through Wang Huadong's phone call, Bai Song felt a little depressed. Now, he has another shot in the arm!

This was the most difficult time for Bai Song. He suspected that his eyes had been injured and were a little blurry. The rain was still falling. Underneath his extremely poor physical condition, he had a determined heart.

There is his mission target and his brothers and comrades in the back seat. His mission is to bring these two people back!

The muscles in his arms began to twitch due to the cold, but the car drove more and more steadily. He didn't know where the strength came from. The route back was still clear to him. Bai Bai couldn't let go quickly and couldn't get up quickly. It was estimated that it would take half an hour to go back.

At this time, he didn't think about whether he would be discovered again, or whether he would be in danger, let alone anything else. All he thought about was to drive for a while and then move forward. .

About half an hour later, or maybe half a century later, Bai Song didn't know. Some of the electronic components in the car were damaged by water along the way. Several of the car's fault lights came on, but the engine was still running normally. , the old-fashioned mechanical mechanism and internal combustion engine still performed stably, and they did not let go of the chain in the end.

Finally, the "safe zone" was in sight. Bai Song saw the medical staff holding umbrellas at the door, saw Wang Huadong, saw the driver behind Wang Huadong, and even saw the really anxious expression on the driver's face.

I don't know why, but his eyes are very good at this moment, and he feels quite relieved at this moment.

When he arrived at the door, Bai Song operated his left and right hands and feet at the same time, as if it was muscle memory. Clutch, brake, hold the steering wheel, turn off the engine, and handbrake, all in one go.

Mission accomplished.

(I have a cold today and am not feeling well, but I thought about it carefully at home. I have been indebted to the readers for this book until the later stages. It took me a whole day to write this chapter. With this chapter, I would like to thank you for your continued support. I will take a rest in advance, Ann~)

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