Police Detective

Chapter 1251 Looking for a doctor

Bai Song sent someone to take Wei Honghai back, but he was still thinking about what Wei Honghai said.

Wei Honghai was just an ordinary person. After going through hardships, he chose to surrender, but the "resources" left to Bai Song were very interesting.

A very worthless property, a doctor friend, and a few fellow villagers doing odd jobs here.

In the past few days, if it weren't for this doctor friend, Wei Honghai might have died. After he ran out, he got into the doctor's place, and then bandaged and treated him here. The doctor was pretty cool and didn't give him any medical advice at all. come out.

However, Wei Honghai also made it clear that this doctor recognized money. As long as he gave him money, there would be no big problem. If he didn't give him enough money, it would be troublesome. Wei Honghai gave him a full ten thousand US dollars.

Several fellow villagers who do odd jobs are fellow villagers of Wei Honghai. These people go back to their hometown every year. They are all poor people and work here.

In recent years, more and more Chinese people have gone to far away places to work, and some have even gone to European and American countries, but there are still many people who have been deceived. In X, the wages of ordinary people are actually very low. Chinese people who come to work usually work as small bosses in factories.

Although Wei Honghai's factory has been misappropriated a large number of shares, he is still one of the main persons in charge. Several fellow villagers are leaders in the factory and can earn over 10,000 yuan a month.

Apart from that, the residence is a very small place. It is located on the side of Youyi Street. It is not far from the noodle shop. It is not big but it is relatively safe. It is also where Wei Honghai lives these days.

Except for these, he basically sold everything else during this period.

Wei Honghai didn't have to suffer so much. If the guard hadn't been a psychopath, he wouldn't have become like this. So after Wei Honghai ran away, no one was looking for him. He was not a very important figure.

Bai Song also contacted Hou Peng. Unsurprisingly, Hou Peng has been doing well recently and has started a partnership in business, including medical equipment and other equipment. After Hou Peng heard about Wei Honghai, he immediately agreed.

Hou Peng's progress needs anchor points, that is, goals and cornerstones. His previous anchor points were Hou Fangyuan and Bai Song. Now he has one more person to take care of, which is not a bad thing for him.

After settling the matter, Bai Song was ready to contact the doctor.

Bai Song didn't know about Wu Pengyu's death at all. It could be said that no disturbance was revealed. Wei Honghai knew about it because the doctor naturally told him.

What Bai Song didn't know was that this doctor was the one who treated the man who tried the medicine in the junk bar he went to before. Because he has been here for a long time and has come into contact with many different religions and streams, this doctor is very well-informed and knows some elder brothers, otherwise he would not be able to remain stable until now.

"This doctor is worth a visit for us," Bai Song said.

"Get out? How to get out?" Wang Huadong said: "Follow the car that goes out here every day?"

"Well, there are cars going out here every day. We can just follow anyone. But we need to come back by ourselves. It rains every day and the visibility never exceeds 50 meters. It's okay to go out."

"That's true. This doctor is different from Wei Honghai. He is not worthy of complete trust. Let's go meet and talk. After the conversation, we will give him some money to keep his mouth shut, and then we will come back." Wang Huadong agreed.

There is still too little news about Wei Honghai. After all, he is just an ordinary person who comes here to seek money, but the doctor is different. He is here as a news distribution base.

It was now around four o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky was a little dark. Bai Song and Wang Huadong packed their things, followed the cars of people who were getting off work, and left quietly.

Bai Song didn't say anything, but it still felt good to be out. He has been holding back a lot these days. Before, when he was still ailing and had some muscle strains that had not yet recovered, he could still be honest. Now that he is full of blood, he wants to go out again.


Nothing to be afraid of.

As the car left the area, Bai Song got out of the car and handed the driver a Franklin. The driver put it in his pocket without even looking at it. This kind of thing is common here.

Holding umbrellas, Bai Song and Wang Huadong did not go to the doctor, but went directly to the residence where Wei Honghai stayed.

"Speaking of which, it's easier for us to work here on rainy days. No one can see us clearly at all," Bai Song said.

He knew that someone had been watching them near their residence recently, but watching was like being a guard, which required a lot of labor costs. It was impossible for them to be discovered following the car like this.

"Indeed, but this season is not the peak season here. The tourism industry here is all winter."

With that said, the two people passed by the noodle shop, which was twenty or thirty meters away. The sky had begun to get dark, and it was raining. Even if Wang Liang was standing in the noodle shop, he couldn't recognize Bai Song.

"This boss still runs a noodle shop. If we catch this person in a few days, we should be able to find out a lot of things, right?" Bai Song said.

"Absolutely. Isn't he also a murderer? If he wants to make a meritorious deed, he must cooperate with us."

"Keep him first, save it." Bai Song stopped looking here and walked towards Wei Honghailiu's house based on his memory.

Wei Honghai left behind a very small house, surrounded by migrant workers. It was a rare serious circle here, so it was relatively safe. When Bai Song came, no one came back. Bai Song easily found the house. Then he opened the door with the key.

This is a small room with a strong smell of medicine. It seems that Wei Honghai has treated himself here. Other than that, there are some photos. There are no cameras or other valuable items in this house, so they must have been sold.

"These photos are actually pretty good." Bai Song looked at a few photos and was quite impressed: "Wei Honghai is doing something for us this time. In such a state, even if his major contribution is not considered, it can be considered appropriately. , plus surrendering, I estimate that he will be sentenced to life imprisonment, and he will be released in 20 years. I don’t know if he will be able to take pictures by then.”

"Yeah." Wang Huadong was not very interested in this. He picked up a pile of photos and started looking through them.

"There are no meaningful clues. I'll go find the doctor later and take a few photos as tokens. This way the doctor will understand that our relationship with Wei Honghai is indeed fine. It's not appropriate to tell the truth to him." Bai Song packed up a few After taking a nice photo of the scenery, I was ready to leave.

"What is this?" Wang Huadong is indeed a master of on-site investigation, and he actually found a small disc under the table.

Bai Song immediately made a silent gesture, then took it and looked at it carefully to make sure it was not a bomb, and then gently opened it.

"The bug is out of power," Bai Song said.

"Judging from the degree of dust staining, this has just been installed, so it has been out of power for at least a week, right?" Wang Huadong asked.

"Check again." Bai Song was much more cautious this time.

The two searched carefully, and there was indeed no second one. Bai Song analyzed: "It seems that he was able to escape from that place not only through bribery, but maybe the people there wanted him to come back, and then see if they could get him out of here." We dug it out, but after waiting for a long time we still didn’t believe it and finally gave him up.”

"His residence should be very secluded. His daily residence is not here." Wang Huadong was a little puzzled.

"In this case, either one of his fellow villagers betrayed him, or this doctor betrayed him. His fellow villagers accepted his affection, and he said that they were all honest and friendly people. Although they say people can change, I still think it's okay. I think the doctor has a better chance." Bai Song thought for a while: "Don't be too polite when we go to the doctor later. While I'm chatting, you can check if there are any equipment. Don't get blocked in the middle of the conversation. inside the house."

"Yeah", Hua Dong nodded.

Leaving here, the two went straight to the doctor, but when they went there, they found someone there.

A young Chinese woman was receiving treatment at his place, and standing next to her was a man, probably in his thirties. The woman was slumped on the sofa, trembling and limp, with many scratches on her body. Bai Song could tell that they were scratched by herself.

This should be sucking, and more than once.

"It's itchy, I'm itchy, it's itchy," the woman scratched desperately.

"You have also seen this situation," the doctor and the man said, "Her condition must be relieved first. Do you dare to use methadone? Three thousand times."

"Yes," the man nodded, his expression still calm.

"Okay", the doctor started to administer the medicine. At this time, he looked at Bai Song and the two of them, a little puzzled: "What do you two want here?"

"You go ahead. I was introduced by a friend. Come and talk about some business." Bai Song took out a stack of Franklin from his pocket and shook it.

"Okay", the doctor nodded, but he was obviously worried.

Here, it's not that doctors don't do business, but they do it with people they know well. Bai Song and Wang Huadong both look like they are good at fighting, not like ordinary people. Money is not that easy to earn, and cooperation can only be achieved if there is equal strength, so the doctor wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of having a patient to call someone over to help negotiate business, so he put his hand in his pocket.

"Hey", Bai Song grabbed the doctor's hand: "It's so hot, so don't cover it. Don't worry, we are really talking about business. You can wait until the patients here are treated."

As he spoke, Bai Song leaned into the doctor's ear and said, "We are the Chinese police."

The doctor glanced at Bai Song and the other two and nodded.

He did not welcome the Chinese police, but he believed that these two people were because of the smell. As for the Chinese police, it means that at least they will not be hacked and they are quite reputable.

The woman's treatment was relatively fast, and she returned to normal quickly. The doctor said: "If she does it again, try not to come at night. It's more chaotic here at night. I'll have to pay more for it in the second half of the night."

"Okay", the man nodded, glanced at Bai Song and Wang Huadong, then hugged the woman and left.

"Is this kind of thing common?" Bai Song asked the doctor after the two people left.

"Many," the doctor said, "Someone is stupid and has played too much. If his family members come here and want to take him back, they have to strangle him to death at X place. Otherwise, it will be even more troublesome to go back to his hometown."

"There are so many people who are careless." Bai Song nodded, feeling that this woman was just like Xiao Zhan before.

"What on earth do you want to do with me?" The doctor closed the door.

At this time, Wang Huadong had already looked around and determined that there was no big problem, so he nodded to Bai Song.

"Let's be honest first," Bai Song said, "Can you please take out the communicator in your pocket first? We have no ill intentions towards you."

"Okay." The doctor had nothing to be embarrassed about. It was right to be careful when doing business here. He quickly cleaned his pockets and placed them on the table.

Bai Song checked it and then took out the photo taken by Wei Honghai from his pocket: "This is what Wei Honghai left for me. He went back to his hometown and said you were his friend."

"We are indeed friends." The doctor nodded.

The doctor didn't know that Wei Honghai was a fugitive murderer, so he naturally thought that Bai Song and Wei Honghai were friends.

"I want to ask you about Wu Pengyu," Bai Song said.

"This." The doctor looked at Bai Song's pocket and rubbed his hands.

"Cooperate with the police," Bai Song said seriously.

"Well" the doctor was frightened by the seriousness of Bai Song and Wang Huadong.

"When we leave from here, no one will know that we have been here, and I remember your name." Bai Song said, "There's nothing wrong with you. You go home several times a year, right?"

"Yes" the doctor sighed: "I"

Although he said he didn't need to care about Bai Song and Wang Huadong here, he was Chinese after all. When the police said this, most of his thoughts about asking for money were gone. Please cooperate. What can I do? No matter how you look at it, these two policemen are not on good terms!

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