Police Detective

Chapter 1260 Far away to the mountains

As Bai Song said before, this kind of case of paying a murderer to kill someone is not advanced. The fatal flaw lies in the driver's ability to catch it.

Of course, the driver can also escape in this case, but as mentioned before, if you escape, you will be sentenced to seven years. If you are hit and die after escaping, you will be sentenced to 15 years.

The driver originally refused to say anything, but when faced with such a direct threat of being shot, as an ordinary person, he became afraid.

Lin Feng's situation has been grasped by the police, what else can be hidden? Did not say? Didn't you say you could handle it?

This matter is no different from what Bai Song was thinking about. It was Lin Feng who did it. For some unknown reason, Lin Feng found the driver who had gambling debts and offered him a high price of 1 million in cash.

The driver didn't understand at all how much compensation he had to pay for hitting someone who killed him, but even if he did, he didn't want to pay. His family was from a rural area, and apart from the broken car, there was no property that could be enforced. Even if it was So what if I owe 100 million? This 1 million is more delicious!

"How did you get the opponent's position at that time?" Bai Song asked.

"He gave me a contact device and later told me where the man was. He should have come out of the vegetable market. I drove over there, counting the time, and when I saw him, I went straight to him. Hit it," the driver explained.

"Where is the contact device you mentioned?" Bai Song asked.

"After I hit a tree, the front of the car was smashed. This kind of van is not crashworthy, and the cab was also damaged. I just stuffed the thing into the cab, and the police didn't find it." The driver said.

"Is it that simple?" Bai Song knew that the car was still parked at the traffic police station and had not moved.

This car was one of the items involved in the case, and now the deceased's family is suing the driver for money. The car is the driver's property, no matter how worthless it is, even if it's just scrap metal, the traffic police can't sell it to others, let alone repair it. As for the police not finding it, this is actually normal. After all, the police generally do not dismantle the vehicle in this kind of case.

Since the driver said this, he shouldn't be lying because it is easier to verify.

"Can it be so accurate with just one liaison device?" Bai Song asked again.

"I am following the command." The driver thought for a moment and sighed.

"No, it's hard to be so accurate in commanding. When you come from a place to eat, there are several traffic lights. It's difficult to calculate so accurately, especially since your car is not a well-controlled car. If there is a slight mistake, you will not hit it. Bai Song said: "Either someone else was involved, such as someone who blocked the person you wanted to hit on the road, or someone deliberately pushed this person on the road. However, I also looked at the surveillance at the time, and there was no such thing." It’s just a coincidence that people pushed him. So, at least one of you is involved, who is it?”

"There's no one left." The driver looked a little flustered.

"Why are you panicking?" Bai Song said with a comforting look on his face: "Don't worry, your son is just an accomplice at best."

"Accomplice." The driver smashed his head for a second or two, then suddenly raised his head: "My son is not involved in this case!"

"I took a look and found that your wife is a very ordinary woman, and your son is not a smart guy, but your wife probably can't do this kind of thing well, so your son is the only one to come. There are traffic monitors on the road, but not on the roadside. You need someone to stop the person you want to hit on the side of the road, so that you can get the time right, and the person you stop may have to stop for tens of seconds to several minutes, so you need to ask for directions or even have a chat. This is not something your wife can do. If not your son, who else can do it?" Bai Song reasoned.

The driver's son is not a good boy. Just because he is spending money now, he most likely knows that his family has money, but in fact, he shouldn't know.

Generally speaking, if a family gets a sum of money in this situation, it should pay off the debt, hide it, or give a small amount to the son. For such a poor family, this money is really "risked" in exchange for life. They all know that it is not normal to save money to cause trouble for their son.

Therefore, there is a high probability that the son knows about it. Considering the particularity of this case, in order to ensure the accuracy of the time, someone needs to stop Zhang Xiaotian on the roadside, and Lin Feng does not know that many people in Tianhua City, so it must be "entrusted" Do it as a family.

Even though Lin Feng used to stay in Tianhua City, as a photographer back then, he didn't know many "social people", and he didn't come back very often in six or seven years, so naturally he didn't have that many connections.

"My son doesn't know anything!" The driver knew that the police suspected his son and would definitely reveal his secret once he was interrogated. This was considered a tactic.

"I took a look. High school students, minors, and accomplices to intentional homicide cannot be shot, but they can't avoid prison. If you do such a thing, you should be prepared!" Bai Song snorted. There was a sound.

The driver still wanted to quibble, but Bai Song didn't give him any chance. He almost knew everything he needed to know about the case. All that was left was to find the driver's wife and children and find the remaining money.

With two co-defendants, the driver and the driver's son, as witnesses, Lin Feng could not escape.

Just as Bai Song had thought before, this driver was just an ordinary person. As long as he knew Lin Feng and came to interrogate him with Lin Feng's photo, any qualified criminal police officer could ask the question clearly, let alone Bai Song. It's just that Bai Song is more logical in handling the case. He has already guessed that there should be another person in this case, and now it can be considered closed.

The investigation into Lin Feng's assets soon yielded results.

When Bai Song and others interrogated him, they did not take the transcript at all, but only kept the video of the interrogation. The detailed records of the driver and the driver's son can be handed over directly to the case handling agency here. Bai Song and the others don't have time to do these chores.

Lin Feng now owns two properties in Tianhua City and one in Qiong Province. Judging from his salary flow, Zheng Yanwu would give him 50,000 yuan a month a few years ago. Four years ago, it rose to 65,000 yuan, and it has not increased since then.

At that time in 2011, 50,000 a month was definitely not a small amount, and it was a good job for traveling at public expense. Later, Lin Feng's identity changed from a photography teacher to an assistant, and it was more difficult to increase his salary.

Speaking of which, if Lin Feng had been obsessed with photography and his skills continued to improve, not to mention the high salary, he might have become a well-known photographer at home and abroad. Where would he still be short of money?

Although such a salary is high, it is still inconsistent with Lin Feng's daily consumption. Lin Feng purchased a property worth 6.7 million in Tianhua City in 2017, fully paid, and his daily consumption is very high. Correspondingly, he has The act of “depositing” and using cash multiple times.

For example, according to the investigation, the house he bought in Qiong Province was purchased entirely in cash.

His income would never allow him to do this, and Bai Song didn't think Zheng Yanwu would give him all kinds of high tips.

Many people think that being close to rich people will make them rich. In fact, when rich people spend money, they are willing to give it up, but they do not spend it blindly. Rich people are willing to spend a lot of money to hire a few Filipino maids, but they will not casually reward their friends with hundreds of thousands. These are two different things.

Lin Feng is still in China, and one of the most beautiful places in summer is Zang District. Zang District has some of the world’s most outstanding snow-capped mountain scenery. For sacred mountains such as Namjagbarwa Peak and Meili Snow Mountain, you don’t always have the opportunity to see the tops of them, so many photographers come here every summer just to see them. That moment.

In order to shoot a satisfactory work, it may take several years and waiting for the opportunity. This is also the photographer's destiny: to record the most beautiful moment.

"Lin Feng got a lot more black money than I thought." After hearing the investigation results, Bai Song said: "At least at the level of tens of millions. But again, hundreds of thousands cannot be a temptation for him. But, Lin Feng has What’s the point of getting so much money? He’s not worth it!”

"What you said is really the key to the problem," Liu Shuyuan said: "Although I don't know much about this Lin Feng, but judging from the current book situation, he definitely does not have any valuable qualities. You must know these behind The employer is not a fool, so what’s the use of investing so much against you? It’s impossible, it’s not worth it.”

"So the key to the problem is to discuss whether Bai Song is worth anything and whether Lin Feng is worth anything, right?" Wang Liang felt a little speechless.

"To be precise, there is nothing to discuss. Neither of them is that valuable. Bai Song is slightly better." Liu Shuyuan touched his head: "If you put it this way, the matter has reached this point. If for the sake of logic, then this case will eventually In the end, it will still be related to Zheng Yanwu, otherwise it won't make sense. Bai Song, no matter how high you and Commander Ma think of Zheng Yanwu is, there must be something related to him that we don't know about. "

"I agree with what you said," Bai Song said, "So, there is no second choice. We can't let our friends in Zang District go directly to arrest Lin Feng. Let's go there in person. First, I want to have a good chat with Zheng Yanwu. Secondly, let’s catch Lin Feng ourselves. If Lin Feng also has a problem, we have to be on guard against suicide, remember that fake stewardess.”

"Okay," Wang Liang said, "I agree."

"Going there, the altitude is too high, I may not be very adaptable, but I have to go. In addition, let Brother Jie go with me. He has been to Zang District three times in the past few years, and his adaptability to the plateau is better. In addition, for safety reasons, I will find four brothers locally." Bai Song said: "I'm going to leave immediately. I'll wait for good news."

"Okay." Liu Shuyuan directly agreed: "But four people are not enough. You two can go over there and find more people."

"Okay." Bai Song also nodded. There is no harm in listening to others' advice.

When I come to Tianhua City this time, I can't just leave quietly. Shuyuan needs to be here to handle the subsequent matters. It's best to leave this kind of matter to Liu Shuyuan. Wang Liang wanted to follow Bai Song, but for the sake of the overall situation, he didn't go.

To be honest, Wang Liang didn't want to go either.

Liu Shuyuan felt more at ease in Baisong. He took the high-speed train back to Shangjing alone and reported everything directly to Bureau Wei.

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