Police Detective

Chapter 207 Ordinary Story

"Then you are an old leader too." Bai Song said respectfully, not daring to sit down.

Today's occasion is very formal, and most of the police officers wear their own honors. This is the best recognition for every police officer. The police officer in front of Bai Song had no more medals on his left chest, and four or five on his right side, including two first-class merit medals. Bai Song couldn't help but wonder, what kind of gods are these?

"Well, I see that there are a lot of people coming from Jiuhe District this time. You are also responsible for this case. I heard that it is a very good job." The old police officer asked: "What's your name? Which one?" Units?"

"My name is Bai Song, from Jiuheqiao Police Station. I have just started working for one year." Bai Song answered truthfully.

"Oh? One year? So you are only twenty-four or five years old?"

"twenty two."

"Haha, it's great to be young. I'm happy when I see you." The old police officer smiled happily: "I don't even know you at the police station. Now the leader of your branch is still named Yin, right?"

"Well, it's Director Yin." Bai Song said honestly, "Director Yin is here too today."

"Well, he has been there for a long time." The old police officer recalled the prosperous years, "By the way, there is an old classmate of mine in Jiuhe Branch. I forgot where I heard about it during the Chinese New Year. It seems that he I was also on this project, and I thought I would come over today, but I didn’t see him."

Hearing these words, Bai Song's eyes were a little hollow, and he clenched his fist gently. Could it be that familiar name?

"You have only been here for a short time, but you should know him, right? Yu Dechen, the people in your criminal police team are quite academic." The old police officer was a little relaxed when he said it.

"Huh?" Officer Bai Lin looked at Bai Song's expression, and his expression suddenly became a little frozen. He asked with a slight hesitation: "What's wrong?"

"Master Yu, while in charge of the '12·01' project, died of a heart attack due to overwork due to overwork." Bai Song's every word was very soft, but it sounded like thunder in the old police officer's ears.

But even so, the old police officer was still stagnant, and half of his pay was not moved.

"Oh." The old police officer's voice was softer, and there were not so many long sighs. He just raised his head slightly, as if he didn't want anything to flow out of his eyes.

After a while, the old police officer seemed to have calmed down a bit and said to Bai Song: "Last month, I also saw the list of police officers who died in the first and second quarters of 2012. I remember that there were almost 200 people. I didn't read them one by one. , because every year when I look at this list, if I read it from beginning to end, there is always someone I recognize.”

After the old police officer finished speaking, he said nothing. Bai Song didn't know what to say. After a while, the old police officer continued: "When will the memorial service be held?"

"March 11, 9 a.m."

"Well, okay." The police officer stretched out his hand, smiled, and patted Bai Song on the shoulder, "Do a good job." After saying that, the old police officer nodded and left.

It couldn't be simpler. Bai Song watched the old police officer leave. The conference was about to begin.

Every year, an average of 400 police officers and 10 firefighters are sacrificed. This is not a number. For the first time, Bai Song felt that the emotions involved had nothing to do with numbers.

If possible, Bai Song hopes that these are all 0.

Today was an internal meeting. There were no reporters or members of the public. Bai Song stood tall and straightened his chest from beginning to end, because at this moment, he was not just representing himself.

The old police officer's image of wearing a gold shield just now still appeared in Bai Song's mind. It wasn't until Bai Song's name was called that he remembered that he was also here for a meeting, and he also had to go on stage.

The deputy director of the Tianhua Municipal Public Security Bureau personally announced that the "12·01" transnational telecommunications fraud case task force was awarded the honorary title of first-class collective merit.

It was announced that Comrade Yu Dechen was posthumously awarded the title of Level 2 Hero Model of the Ministry of Public Security and he made a speech. The audience stood up and observed a moment of silence.

The Ma detachment, several comrades who left the country, Bai Song, and Sun Jie were awarded the honorary title of second-class personal merit. Bai Song, Sun Jie and others participated in and assisted in solving the murder case in Southern Guizhou Province. They were notified and commended, and a letter of thanks from the Southern Guizhou Provincial Public Security Department was read out.

Wang Huadong, Wang Liang and dozens of others were awarded the honorary title of third-class individual merit.

An anonymous member of society who has made great contributions to this case will be awarded the honorary title of Second Class Personal Merit.

In addition, many people received individual awards.

Bonuses are awarded as per standard.

According to the order, Bai Song stood at the front and followed the Ma detachment and others to the podium.

Under the stage, the first few rows were filled with members of the task force, followed by the leaders of each unit. White shirts sat in two full rows. The main leaders from each branch were sent over. Director Yin and Director Tian were also present.

Behind them were other comrades from the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and the entire auditorium was full.

Following the music, they walked to their respective leaders, saluted, finished the ceremony, and awarded awards.

Bai Song took the box and certificate handed over by the director and still stood upright.

"What's wrong with your arm?" the director suddenly asked.


When you come up to receive the award, you usually go through the procedure, shake hands with the leader, and the leader says: "Thank you for your hard work." Then you can leave. Bai Song didn't expect that the leader in front of him would actually chat with him on the stage.

"The police were called the day before yesterday. I fell." Bai Song answered truthfully.

The director in front of Bai Song took Bai Song's arm, looked inside his sleeve, and nodded: "Comrade, please pay attention to your safety."

"Yeah!" Bai Song took his arm back and saluted the leader.

The director stood up straight and returned the gift to Bai Song.

A small episode, Bai Song felt warm in his heart, and he listened carefully to the entire meeting in his seat.

After the meeting, Bai Song chatted with his master and others and returned to the branch together.

"We have a meeting here at the branch. You drive my car back first." Instructor Li gave Bai Song the car key.

"No, I'll just wait for you." Bai Song shook his head.

"I have a meeting at 1:30 in the afternoon, and it's already 12:30. You go find a place to eat first, and then go back to work in the afternoon. After the meeting, I will go back directly with other people's cars. Don't worry about me."

"Okay." Bai Song nodded.

To be honest, he didn't eat much breakfast, and it was almost time. Bai Song was really hungry. Fortunately, he was still wearing a sleeveless white shirt under his short-sleeved police uniform. He took off his police shirt at noon and looked for It's a good place to have something to eat.

Baisong was still not familiar with the area around the branch, and he didn't know where to find food, so he drove back to the jurisdiction of Jiuheqiao Police Station.

As a police officer in the jurisdiction, Bai Song knew the area well. Without thinking, he ran to the commercial street next to the Dabei Vegetable Market to eat donkey meat on fire.

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