Police Detective

Chapter 212 Revelry

"Yes, indeed." Bai Song nodded. It was awkward to speak like this, and he prepared to stand up again.

"No, I'll leave now. Just keep reading. Don't forget to have a meeting later." Professor Li left Bai Song's dormitory without saying much.

Bai Song was a little moved because he knew that the leaders of some units did not support the people below to learn these things. This idea may seem strange, but learning something will definitely affect your work. Secondly, if you have any achievements, you may want to leave the police station. And the police station is most short of people, and generally you don’t want the police to leave.

Sun Suo never mentioned this matter, but Professor Li actually supported it.

Bai Song took a sip of water and saw half past seven in one breath.

After getting dressed, Bai Song packed up his individual police equipment and went to the conference room.

Today's operation was not accompanied by guns. Bai Song went to the house. The first step was for all participants to hand over their mobile phones.

After handing over the mobile phone, tasks will be assigned on site.

In the past two weeks or so, Jiuheqiao Police Station has been reporting "alcohol abuse" calls continuously.

At first no one paid much attention, thinking it was an isolated case. The police station was so busy, so the police would mediate and return the money and it would be over. However, the situation seems to have become more and more serious recently.

Jiuheqiao area, as mentioned before, is the urban-rural fringe. There are no high-end shopping places, but it does not mean that it is really poor. There are also many large and small restaurants. In addition, there are some small bars and the like. However, due to the limitation of consumption capacity, it is difficult for a bar to open for a long time in this area. Basically, one will close down in two or three months.

Recently, a new bar opened diagonally opposite the TV University branch and Jiuhe No. 9 Middle School.

Due to the large-scale popularity of the "nearby people" function newly opened by some communication software, it has become easier to meet people in the online world than in the real world.

As a result, a group of good-looking women appeared. In the name of making friends, they asked certain men to go out for dinner, and then went into some so-called Western restaurants to spend high amounts of money. Most of the men had to pay because of their face, which made The criminal chain is complete.

Most of the men knew that they had been raped after they came out, but many chose to swallow their anger and only a few called the police. Although "these stinky men" deserve this kind of situation, for the police station, this kind of illegal behavior must be resolutely cracked down on.

Sun Suo has been planning for several days. Today is Thursday. There should not be many dates, so it is more suitable to catch them all at his residence.

After several days of investigation and investigation, it was found that these bartenders lived in three different places. Once the men they were dating took the bait, they would go to this bar.

Nothing else, this is pure fraud.

Sun Suo planned to take care of this case himself, and Jiuheqiao District dispatched a total of 25 police officers and more than a dozen auxiliary police officers. After the person is captured, the case will be handled by one group and the three groups on duty today.

Bai Song was assigned to the bar. To put it simply, he was to catch a pair of current ones.

The police car had already parked a few hundred meters away. Wei Suo, Bai Song and other 12 people were stationed opposite the small bar.

After waiting for almost half an hour, the target was reached.

Bai Song saw two figures entering the bar at a glance. The man is about 23 or 24 years old and looks very shy. He looks a little embarrassed when he looks up at the girls. The woman is indeed quite beautiful, at least from a distance. She has a good figure and fair skin. , the type that most men like.

This time it was also a unified action. Several leaders of the institute communicated with each other. After more than ten minutes, all points were calm. Action!

There is very little traffic in this bar. There is no intention to make money from the people around here, and the surrounding students and residents will not like this kind of bar with no atmosphere. When everyone entered, there were only seven people in the whole bar.

Two pairs of diners, two waiters, and a cook.

The decoration of the bar is very rough. As a police officer in the area, Bai Song had the impression that this place was a beauty salon a month ago. It took more than ten days to decorate the bar. It was really OK. Even the bar table of the barber shop was not changed before. The walls The above just changed a layer of wallpaper, which looks good, but is actually very textureless.

There are some curtains drawn everywhere, and they are considered to be single rooms. On the two dining tables, there were two steaks, a fruit plate and a bottle of red wine. According to what was said at the meeting just now, the price of these items may exceed 3,000 yuan.

The couple who had just come in had seen it, and besides them, there was another couple. Bai Song took a look.

Isn’t this Li Jie?

Mentioning this, readers may have forgotten who Li Jie is.

Li Jie was the man who raised a mistress outside and was later defrauded of his money by his wife. His wife, Wang Xiuying, had already been sentenced for fraud. Originally, Bai Song thought that Li Jie could live with his mistress Zhang Li, but he didn't expect that he was deceived by a bartender into coming here. ?

"Officer? Why are you here too?" When Li Jie saw Bai Song, he took the initiative to say hello to Bai Song. I bet he didn't feel cheated at all? ? ?

Bai Song couldn't bear to break Li Jie's fantasy. He didn't even look in the mirror. Could the girl opposite him, who looked more than ten years younger than him, really fall in love with him?

The room was relatively dark. Bai Song took a closer look and really smiled.

There was a waiter in the room, who turned out to be Gray Feather.

Wei Suo didn't give much explanation, "Take them all away."

Several girls trembled a little when they saw the police, but the remaining chefs and waiters were relatively calm. Even Gray Mao looked at Bai Song a little strangely, and he didn't know what he was thinking at this time.

Li Jie was saved by Bai Song, otherwise he would have spent the three or four thousand today because of his face-saving character. When the police came and took him away, he would lose a lot of money. But Bai Song understands that people like Li Jie will have bad luck with women sooner or later. If he doesn't have a small misfortune now, he will definitely have a big misfortune in the future.

Of course, this Bai Song won't care about it and can't stop it. After taking him back to the prison, he took a transcript from Li Jie, left some evidence of cell phone conversations, and let him go.

What Bai Song is really interested in is the waiter Hui Mao.

This kind of action is not a big deal. Soon, people were brought back to the police station at several points.

Jiuheqiao Police Station, as a newly relocated police station, showed its advantage at this time. Even after arresting more than a dozen people, it was not afraid that there would be no room for temporary summons.

To be honest, to be fair, the women involved in this case are all pretty, and they are not very old. Some of them are college students. Many people don’t even know that this kind of behavior is fraud, but what awaits them is nothing but high walls. The grid is off.

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