Police Detective

Chapter 219 If there is no justice in this world

Self-defense is a concept that has always been popular.

The original meaning and concept will not be explained here. Many people seem to have some understanding, but in reality every case is different.

Let’s talk about the fight we encountered today. It was in a closed space, and the little girl was holding a knife. How could it be considered legitimate defense?

The police themselves actually have no power at all. All powers are conferred by law. It was precisely because of this that Bai Song had a headache. He personally couldn't give a direct conclusion. Everything depends on the evidence.

When the woman outside saw the new police officer, she thought it was the person she "called" from the city bureau. She was about to show off her power. After saying a few words, she realized that it was the "driver" Bai Song had called. She was furious. As soon as I let it out, I held it back again.

After going back and forth, the wound actually collapsed and started bleeding again.

The girl's mother was also beaten and injured and had to be taken back. Although the little boy is only seven or eight years old, he still has to be taken back. After all, he cannot be left at home by himself.

The person who came to help Bai Song was Liu Feng from the second team, who had a good relationship with Bai Song.

The police officers who have been at the police station for a long time are all miscellaneous people who know a little bit about everything, but because of their different personal hobbies, they know more or less one skill.

The more famous one, Li Han from Sanlin Road Institute, is an expert in literature and history. Bai Song's "roommate" in the second group, master Sun Dawei, is good at identifying cultural relics. Liu Feng, on the other hand, is called "Doctor Liu", not because of his superb medical skills, but because he is actually very good at maintaining health. Of course, he also has superficial medical skills.

"Hey, oh, oh, sister (second tone), okay (second tone), okay (fourth tone)! What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you! Huh, big mouth, that's awesome!" Liu Feng shouted outside. The little girl started to mingle with the women after just a few words.

"Yes, yes, sister (second voice), don't move, let me take a look."

After a while, Liu Feng gave Bai Song the evidence bag that Bai Song asked for, and left with the women outside.

Bai Song secretly admired him, and then said to the three of them: "You also come with me and go to the police station."

"Okay." The thin woman packed her things and got up from the bed with difficulty.

Xiao Wang did not follow Liu Feng, but waited for Bai Song at the door. Bai Song put the kitchen knife into the evidence bag, and they went downstairs together.

"Go and return this elevator card to Fatty. I'll take them to the car first." Bai Song handed the elevator card to Xiao Wang.

Xiao Wang walked away first, and the thin woman went downstairs. She arrived near the stairs first. She looked at a breakfast cart she was selling and found that there was no problem, so she followed Bai Song into the cart.

I drove, picked up Xiao Wang, and went back to the police station together.

The woman with an injury on her head is named Li Na, the emaciated woman is named Zhang Jing, and her daughter is named Chu Wenwen. Bai Song registered the information for both parties and put them in different rooms.

"How is this injury?" Bai Song first checked with Liu Feng.

"It's quite heavy." Liu Feng looked a little solemn: "This knife is really neither light nor heavy. Although the depth is not deep and there is no danger to life, the length is not short. I roughly estimate that it can meet the standard of minor injuries. Yes. But without identification, it’s hard to say.”

"Why did the kitchen knife cause such a wound?" Bai Song looked puzzled.

"It's not like a cut, it's like a scratch, but I said it doesn't count." Liu Feng explained: "But no matter how the injury was, it should meet the standard of minor injury, and a case can be filed."

Bai Song scratched his head, trouble.

Confined place, no other witnesses, no video and image materials. Zhang Jing and Chu Wenwen are both parties involved, and their transcripts lack sufficient evidence. But the stab wound on Li Na's head was real.

Judging from the evidence currently on the table, although Zhang Jing was also injured, Li Na was actually the injured party.

But Bai Song knew with his butt that whose fault it was.

A case that couldn't be smaller, but more difficult to handle than a robbery case. If Bai Song wanted to save his worries, he actually had a way to scare Zhang Jing, use Chu Wenwen's future as an example, and say sincerely that this matter must be mediated. Li Na pays money and medical expenses, and this matter can probably be resolved.

However, Bai Song didn't want to.

If this was the case, he suddenly felt that he was sorry for the medal he had just hung on his chest a few days ago, and for Master Yu who passed away not long ago.

Thinking of Master Yu, Bai Song's heart became firmer.

Mediation is completely impossible. Li Na is now waiting for Bai Song to speak. Her mouth is ready to open. She probably doesn't even think about it if she doesn't have tens of thousands of dollars.

Sure enough, it was not what Bai Song expected. After a brief discussion, Li Na asked for 100,000.

When they arrived at Zhang Jing's place, to Bai Song's surprise, Zhang Jing was willing to take the initiative to compensate, but could not afford so much. She was willing to talk to Li Na and the compensation could be paid to Li Na in installments.

Chu Wenwen naturally disagreed, so Zhang Jing took Bai Song out of the house alone.

"Comrade police, let me ask you, what kind of injuries does Li Na have?" Zhang Jing asked.

"Such a long cut." Bai Song didn't intend to hide it from Zhang Jing, so he gestured, "The injury is not very deep."

"Well, okay, I understand. Just take me to find her and I'll handle this matter."

Bai Song was a little confused, how to solve this matter? But since both parties had the idea of ​​​​mediation, Bai Song still would not stop him and took Zhang Jing to the house where Li Na was.

When Li Na saw Zhang Jing coming in, she moved her chair. She didn't seem to like Zhang Jing very much. She snorted and didn't look at Zhang Jing seriously.

Zhang Jing was relatively weak, so she walked slowly to Li Na's side, squatted down slowly, and looked much thinner than Li Na.

"You know best what my situation is. Just tell me and give me a condition that I can do it for." Zhang Jing actually knelt down slowly in front of Li Na like this.

"Oh, oh, oh, no, please don't do this." When Li Na saw it, she immediately got down from the chair and knelt on the ground, kneeling to Zhang Jing, "Don't do this to me, it's even. .I am also responsible for your medical expenses. You will be responsible for my medical expenses. In addition, I won’t say 100,000 yuan. Give me 50,000 yuan. This matter will be settled like this. For the sake of This is for the sake of my old neighbor."

"Fifty thousand, I can't come up with it. I can write you a note and give you 1,000 a month. It will be 50,000 in four or five years." Zhang Jing gritted her teeth.

"You still owe me a thousand yuan, and you're telling me this? It's just your IOU, why should I trust you?" Li Na laughed: "Forget it, I don't want the money anymore, let's get married, anyway, I The wound on the head is probably a minor injury, so let your daughter go in and stay for two years and it will be even."

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