Police Detective

Chapter 224 Interrogation 3

"Huh~" Fei Peng breathed out, as if he was spitting out a puff of non-existent cigarette.

"I'm not afraid of you, but I've been holding it in for a long time." Fei Peng opened his mouth: "Scarface, he went to a tomb."

Bai Song thought about many possibilities, but he really never thought of this possibility. Tomb? What is this, a tomb robbing note?

Third uncle, is that you?

Bai Song was a little panicked, and his mind started to think wildly, well, I won't be banned for writing this, right?

Bah bah bah, what are you thinking about!

Even Lao Zhao, who has been working for more than 30 years, paused when he heard this, but Lao Zhao is still experienced and his expression has not changed at all.

"Actually, it's not a tomb." Fei Peng looked at Zhao Dexiang and felt a little panicked for no reason: "Anyway, there is news that there is a cellar in Dashan City, Dashan Province, where some tomb robbers from hundreds of years ago are buried. Worthless things. Although these things may not have been valuable in the eyes of tomb robbers back then, they have been there for hundreds of years and should be worth a lot of money now."

"So, you all conspired to go together, but Scarface abandoned you all and went by yourself, right?" Zhao Dexiang asked.

"Yes, and only he has the address. We don't have the specific address. I guess if he gets the things and the money this time, he will never show up again." Fei Peng sighed.

"Where did you hear about this cellar?" Zhao Dexiang did not delve into Fei Peng's answer.

"Scarface said it after he had a drink. Fei Ming and I were very interested, and we bought some ropes and other things with him. Scarface said he had no money, but who knew he would just run away like that."

"How long have you known each other and how is your relationship?" Zhao Dexiang asked.

"It's been more than a year, and the relationship is okay. After all, we both work for Team Dong."

"Does Dong Xiaoyun know about this?"

"I probably don't know."

"In that case, why didn't you tell me? Shouldn't you hate Scarface with all your heart?"

"After all, we participated in some preparations together. I don't know if it is a crime. But now think about it, we don't even know where we are or what we are going to do. Uncle, this is not a crime, right?" Fei Peng said Here, the voice is somewhat pleading.

"Okay, I understand." Zhao Dexiang pointed to the transcript in front of Fei Peng: "Sign it."

Fei Peng didn't expect that Zhao Dexiang didn't want to record what he said. His heart was pounding, but he didn't know what to say. He gritted his teeth and signed the words.

After leaving the interrogation room, neither of them said a word until they reached the door of the detention center. After getting in the car, Bai Song entered the cab and drove away with Master Zhao.

"How much truth do you think what Fei Peng said is true?" Zhao Dexiang asked.

"Feeling? Half of it?" Bai Song said uncertainly.

"More than half of all lies in the world are usually true and false. Don't underestimate Fei Peng." Zhao Dexiang said: "In a few days, when he comes out and has recovered, he will probably know what we are doing." I don’t even know anymore.”

"Then what is the lie he said?" Bai Song asked curiously.

"How do I know this?" Zhao Dexiang said nonchalantly: "It's not easy to ask this."

Bai Song was convinced.

"If nothing else, Scarface went to Dashan City, Dashan Province, for some valuable cultural relics. This should be true." Bai Song thought for a moment: "This is a very important clue."

"Well, this Fei Peng and Fei Ming have been in society for so many years and have become sperms. How could they be tricked by Scarface alone? Look at him, he is not afraid to tell us about this matter. This is We can't get the evidence for sure." Zhao Dexiang smiled: "However, he thought he could match the things we have and gain our trust, but he didn't know."

"But I don't know that you just wanted to plant a seed of mutual wariness between him and Fei Ming." Bai Song opened the car and took Zhao Dexiang's words.

"Well, OK, if you can see through this, you should be able to solve this case in the future. Even if you really can't solve it, it will be for objective reasons." Zhao Dexiang slowly lowered the passenger seat halfway and rested half on it. got up.

Fei Peng and Fei Ming are not fools, Bai Song can see that, Dong Xiaoyun is not a fool, and Bai Song certainly knows that. The sanitation work in this market has been occupied for so long by these gangsters with no background and no force. None of these people are stupid.

Why doesn't Dong Xiaoyun just hire five cleaning ladies? Do you still have to spend money to support these people who don't do much work and always cause trouble?

It was past twelve o'clock when we returned to the unit. Bai Song asked Master Zhao to have dinner with him. Master Zhao said he was going to the cafeteria. Bai Song didn't say much, changed into casual clothes and went out by himself.

Bai Song should rest today anyway, so the entry in the morning's writing was meaningless. The main reason was that there were no supporting clues at all, which would only make the case more confusing.

Driving his own car, Bai Song went to Dabei Food Market again.

It’s the same donkey meat roasting place. Last time I ate half of it and left, so this time I’m sure nothing will happen.

It was almost the same time and it was still so hot. Bai Song entered the room and took a bottle of ice-cold Shanhaiguan orange soda from the refrigerator. He drank a third of it in one gulp and then ordered the same configuration as last time.

"Leader?" The boss immediately recognized Bai Song, "Oh, it's really you, leader. I'm stupid and can't remember. I can only be sure after seeing you order the same thing again."

"Ah? Why do you call me leader?" Bai Song was a little confused.

"Police leader! The time you cleaned up those two gangsters two days ago, you became famous around here! That Chengdu snack shop is very popular around here, so everyone will remember your kindness!" The boss is very polite.

"What a big deal." Bai Song waved his hand: "Let's calculate how much it will cost first, and then we'll talk about it after settling the bill."

"Hey, this little money, no need, no need, it's mine." The boss's face was full of atmosphere.

"Last time it was 17 yuan. This time there is an extra bottle of soda. It costs three yuan, right?" Bai Song took out a 20 yuan note and gave it to the boss regardless of the boss's reluctance.

Bai Song doesn't feel comfortable eating this meal.

"Chengdu snacks are very popular around here." This sentence sounds really harsh. It's really a plastic friendship. Last time I was bullied, none of these people stood up to help. While chatting, I had to mention that Bai Song was a policeman. There were several tables of people watching. How could Bai Song not pay the bill? ? ?

However, Bai Song will not be angry. The survival wisdom of a small person is like this. He does not want to cause trouble. He wants to cling to some "powerful people" but dare not come forward. This cannot be said. If he really touches his cake, or hurts someone, he will not be angry. When you have your own foundation, then sometimes little people can burst out with huge energy.

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