Police Detective

Chapter 237 Inorganic Chemistry

"Okay." The uncle couldn't help but glance at Bai Song: "You also majored in chemistry in college?"

"We have these courses, but they are mainly biochemistry and basic forensic courses." Bai Song did not shy away.

The courses at the police academy are quite interesting. Generally speaking, if you major in investigation, in addition to the courses in this major, you also need to take a main course in other majors, and if you major in other majors, you also need to take a major in investigation. Main course, and so on.

"You don't look like a person from Tianhua City?" the uncle asked.

"Yes, from Lu Province."

"No wonder, the foundation is not bad." The uncle took out a few more books: "These are the basic theories of the university. They are the textbooks left by one of my students. In addition, the university also teaches structural chemistry and chemical engineering. Why? So, are you interested in reading?"

"Yes." Bai Song nodded, still very curious about this knowledge.

"Haha, yes, it's rare to find someone who loves to read." The uncle handed the inorganic chemistry book to Bai Song: "Come back to me after reading it."

Bai Song nodded. After the judicial examination is over, there will be other things to read.

"By the way, uncle, I still don't know what your name is?"

"My surname is Tang."

Bai Song nodded. From now on, he can no longer be called uncle, but must be called Lao Tang.

Bah bah bah, Mr. Tang.

I didn't gain much from this trip. I only got this book, Inorganic Chemistry.

Back at work, Bai Song flipped through the book. In fact, this book is not valuable. You can buy it online for a few dozen yuan, but the dense notes on it are really amazing. After reading a few pages, Bai Song was speechless. .

I can understand the book but not the notes. What is your experience?

For the time being, Bai Song put away this book whose value had increased many times due to his notes. Bai Song had nothing to do. After being busy with several other cases these days, he took the time to read the exam book.

There are still 20 days of exams. After my shift tomorrow, I have to go to Shangjing City. Ma Zhiyuan sent his sister to school, and Bai Song had to go and see her no matter what.

These few months have been the most fulfilling months for Bai Song. When time passes faster and faster, and once you look back on the past years and find that you are not wasted, you will have a strong sense of satisfaction.

At the weekend, when Wang Liang heard that Bai Song was going to Shangjing City, he also asked to go. Bai Song had no objection. He was going to drive there anyway, so he could enter the city after applying for a permit.

This was Bai Song's first time driving to Shangjing. He was not very experienced. He set off at around 7 am and was stuck on the South Fifth Ring Road at around 9 am. It was already noon when he met Ma Zhiyuan.

It's too congested.

This is normal. You should know that the No. 6 Highway leading to Shangjing City had a world record of 120 kilometers of traffic jam in 2011, which lasted for 20 days.

This was the first time Bai Song met Ma Zhiyuan's sister, Ma Ningning. Ma Zhiyuan said that he originally wanted to name his sister Ma Ningning, Ningjing Zhiyuan, but her sister didn't like it, so she named her Ma Ningning.

It can be seen that Ma Zhiyuan is very doting on his sister, and he also carries all the big and small bags on his back this time.

Bai Song helped pick up the wind, moved things along the way, and made arrangements for Ma Zhiyuan and his sister. He drove Wang Liang back in the evening.

Originally, the two of them planned to go back to their alma mater, but there was too much traffic, so they took the time to rush back. Before leaving, they added each other on WeChat. Bai Song and Xiao Ma promised that if anything happened to Ma Ningning, they could contact him. That was settled. Something on my mind.

On the way back, Bai Song drove the car and watched Wang Liang chatting happily on WeChat. Taking advantage of the traffic jam, Bai Song glanced at Wang Liang's mobile phone: "How much older are you than this little girl?"

"Five years old, what's wrong?" Wang Liang replied casually, and then was stunned for a second: "???????"

"What did you say?" Bai Song looked at Wang Liang with a question mark on his face.

"Is there something wrong with you? Are you trying to trick me?" Wang Liang was furious: "Who do you think I am?"


"You!" Wang Liang got angry and put his phone aside. Then he saw the chemistry book on Baisong's car. He didn't know if it was to relieve the embarrassment, but he said directly: "I don't know the same as you, so I read a book."

It was already dark, and the lights on Bai Song's car were better than nothing. Wang Liang actually started to read a book.

Bai Song never lowered the raised corners of his mouth. Ma Ningning is quite cute. Although she is a child from a mountainous area, her eyes are extremely smart. Although she still looks a bit rustic now, as long as she polishes her skills in college for one year, she will definitely be a school beauty. No wonder Wang Liang is a country bumpkin. Hmm , there’s nothing wrong with describing it this way, isn’t it just for complaints?

"Okay, I didn't even know if I held the book backwards." Bai Song glanced at Wang Liang and saw Wang Liang quickly switching the books over. During the switching process, he realized that he had not held them in the wrong direction at all.

"Well" this time Wang Liang waited for five or six seconds before sitting down and staring at the long queue in front of him: "At this speed, when can we go home?"

Bai Song didn't care that Wang Liang deliberately changed the topic. He was not a gossip, "Looking at this, I guess it will be around eight or nine in the evening when I get home."

"I never drove from here when I was studying in the university, but now I know." Wang Liang seemed to be very satisfied with Bai Song's attribute of not gossiping: "I'll treat you to dinner when I go back later."

"Okay", Bai Song accepted calmly.

"Ha", Wang Liang was very happy: "Why do you still have this book? And from the look on it, it seems that a girl took a lot of notes? Who?"

Before Bai Song could answer, Wang Liang started gossiping himself: "No, Zhao Xinqiao studied law, didn't he? Who do you belong to? Let me tell you, you can't be half-hearted."

"How are you doing in chemistry?" Bai Song did not answer Wang Liang's question.

"Ha, awesome, I studied inorganic chemistry in college, and our major is engineering." Wang Liang felt good about himself, looked at it carefully, took the first glance, and said: "This is what I went to school for. The textbooks at that time and my test scores.”

"What is this?" Wang Liang opened a few pages before looking at the book cover again: "This is inorganic chemistry??? What this note says is that the PO4 tetrahedron and the VO4N trigonal bipyramid alternate through the sharing of oxygen atoms. The arrangement forms a novel V/P/O inorganic helical chain."

Wang Liang looked confused after reading, "Brother, tell me, is this really inorganic chemistry?"

"Well, didn't you say it later, what kind of chain is inorganic?" Bai Song made up nonsense: "It's not about breaking away from inorganic chemistry, right?"

"Okay." Wang Liang continued to scan a few more times, "Okay, I believe you have nothing to gossip about. The person who wrote this note is probably ten years older than you. It's quite strange. Why would a big boss use this kind of thing? A book to take notes.”

I'm afraid you'll say my manuscript is bad

Let me be very clear, chemistry is a very important foundation.

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